
查理和朱古力工廠 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Freediver, The (2004)
麻雀變王妃 Prince and Me, The (2004) 惡意的誘惑 All Forgotten (2003)
一路上有你 Armadillo (2001)
Lost World, The (2001)
一個女人和四個男人 Up at the Villa (2000) 金碗 Golden Bowl, The (2000)
性感野獸 Sexy Beast (2000)
求婚腦震盪 Mickey Blue Eyes (1999)
奪命追擊 Shadow Run (1998)
浮世一生情 Anna Karenina (1997)

小人國曆險記 Gulliver's Travels (1996)
我心激湯 Never Ever (1996)
黑暗的心 Heart of Darkness (1994)
告別有情天 Remains of the Day, The (1993)
愛國者遊戲 Patriot Games (1992)
屍變 Afraid of the Dark (1991)
俄羅斯大廈 Russia House, The (1990)
鐵面神探 Mighty Quinn, The (1989)
初生之犢 Absolute Beginners (1986)
泰山王子 Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984)

印度之行 A Passage to India (1984)表演 Performance (1970)
絕代美人 Isadora (1968)
蜜莉姑娘Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967)
黑獄梟雄 King Rat (1965)

飛行大競賽 Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines, or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 mi (1965)
南海佳人處處香 Tamahine (1963)
僕人 Servant, The (1963)
欲望城 White Mischief (1988)