他還兼任《Current Organic Synthesis》,《Molecules》,《The Open Spectroscopy Journal》,《The Open Natural Products Journal》和《化學試劑》等期刊的編委。
主要從事的研究領域為:(1) 不對稱催化合成,包括設計合成新型手性配體和手性催化劑,開發新的不對稱催化反應; (2) 手性藥物合成; 手性天然和非天然化合物合成;(3) 生物活性的胺基酸和肽類化合物的合成。迄今己發表研究論文290餘篇,其中SCI收錄論文240餘篇,EI收率論文20餘篇,參編著作2部,合譯著作1部。論文已被他人引用2400餘次。承擔和完成的主要科研項目有:國家自然科學基金4項、教育部優秀青年教師資助計畫項目1項。獲得國家發明專利15項。
1 . Liang, Yong; Jiao, Lei; Zhang, Shiwei; Yu, Zhixiang; Xu, Jiaxi. New insights into the torquoselectivity of the Staudinger reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131(4), 1542-1549.
2 . Jiao, Lei; Liang, Yong; Xu, Jiaxi. Origin of the relative stereoselectivity of the?beta-lactam formation in the Staudinger reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128(18), 6060-6069.
3 . He, Fengdan; Meng, Fanhua; Song, Xiuqing; Hu, Wenxiang; Xu, Jiaxi. First and convergent synthesis of hybrid sulfonophosphinopeptides, Org. Lett. 2009, 11(17), 3922-3925.
4 . Li, Bonan; Cai, Shuzong; Du, Da-Ming; Xu, Jiaxi. Synthesis of phosphinopeptides via the Mannich ligation. Org. Lett. 2007, 9(12), 2257-2260.
5. Chen, Ning; Zhu, Min; Zhang, Wei; Du, Da-Ming; Xu, Jiaxi. Synthesis of gem-disubstituted taurines by the regioselective ring-opening of 2,2-disubstituted aziridines with sodium bisulfite and sulfite. Amino Acids 2009, 37(2), 309-313.
6. Wang, Boyuan; Zhang, Wei; Zhang, Leilei; Du, Da-Ming; Liu, Gang; Xu, Jiaxi. Versatile synthesis of free and N-benzyloxycarbonyl-protected 2,2-disubstituted taurines. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2008, (2), 350-355.
7. Hu, Libo; Zhu, Hui; Du, Da-Ming; Xu, Jiaxi. Efficient synthesis of taurine and structurally diverse substituted taurines from aziridines. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 71(12), 4543-4546.
8. Li, Bonan; Wang, Yikai; Du, Da-Ming; Xu, Jiaxi. Notable and obvious ketene substituent-dependent effect of temperature on the stereoselectivity in the Staudinger reaction. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72(3), 990-997.
9. Wang, Yikai; Liang, Yong; Jiao, Lei; Du, Da-Ming; Xu, Jiaxi. Do reaction conditions affect the stereoselectivity in the Staudinger reaction? J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71(18), 6983-6990.
10. Jiao, Lei; Zhang,Qianfeng; Liang, Yong; Zhang, Shiwei; Xu, Jiaxi. A versatile method for the synthesis of 3-alkoxycarbonyl beta-lactam derivatives. J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71(2), 815-818.
11. Wang, Renchao; Liu, Jing; Xu, Jiaxi. Organocatalytic enantioselective sulfur-Michael addition of thioacetic acid to arylmethylidenemalonates. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2015, 357(1), 159-167.
12. Yang, Zhanhui; Xu, Jiaxi.* Insights on β-sultam ring formation in the sulfa-Staudinger reactions. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79(21), 10703-10708.
13. Mo, Shanyan; Li, Xinhao; Xu, Jiaxi. In situ generated iodonium ylides as safe carbene precursors for the chemoselective intramolecular Buchner reaction. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79(19), 9186-9195.
14. Li, Xinyao; Xu, Jiaxi. Annuloselectivity in cycloadditions of ketenes with imines: A DFT study. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78(2), 347-355.