國際學術雜誌《International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 》、《Journal
of International Logistics and Trade 》編委、《IEEE, Trans.Autom. Contr.》外圍編輯;
國內外刊物上發表學術論文240多篇,被SCI、EI等收錄100多篇,出版著作5部,主持或參與完成省級以上科研課題20多項,獲省部級以上獎勵5項。 。
2007年入選世界名人錄“Who's Who” 10th Anniversary (2008-2009) Edition of Who's Who in Science and Engineering。
(1) 廈門市第八次社會科學優秀成果獎(信息服務與管理),省部級科研獎,2010年12月,廈門市政府,等級:2
(2) 廈門市第八次社會科學優秀成果獎(突發事件應急物流中資源配送最佳化問題研究),省部級科研獎,2010年12月,廈門市政府,等級:2
(3) 廈門市第七屆社會科學優秀成果三等獎,省部級科研獎,2007年10月,廈門市政府,等級:3
(4) 第六次中國物流學術年會優秀論文二等獎,省部級科研獎,2007年11月,中國物流與採購聯合會,等級:2
(5) 教育部優秀教學成果二等獎(集體),省部級科研獎,2002年10月,教育部,等級:2
(6) 閉環供應鏈下的配送與庫存理論及套用,省部級科研獎,2009年10月,福建省社會科學優秀成果獎,等級:3
(7) 2011年江蘇省高等學校精品教材,省部級優秀教學成果獎,2011年07月,江蘇省教育廳,等級:1

(1) 家居物聯實時終端設計與實現,測控技術,2012年03月 |
(2) Effective Implementation of WEEE Take-back Directive: What Types of Take-back Network Patterns in China,Systems Engineering Procedia,2011年12月 |
(3) 產業集群中企業技術創新戰略選擇的演化博弈分析,科技進步與對策,2011年11月 |
(4) 顧客體驗之於新產品供應鏈協調的影響,管理科學學報,2011年11月 |
(5) Effects of Strategic Consumer Behavior on Radical New Product Capacity Decision,Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer ,2011年07月 |
(6) A Study on Innovative Evolution Relationship Based on Ecological Niche in Supply Chain Cluster,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 |
(7) Incentive Mechanism of 3PL/4PL Company Based on Logistics Demander and Pure 3PL Company,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 |
(8) Realization of Business Process Automation Based on Web Services and WS-BPEL,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 |
(9) Research on Strategic Service of Third-Party Logistics,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 |
(10) Product quality improvement and free replace warranty sharing contracts,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月 |
(11) Effects of Rival Whistle-blowing on Green Product Innovation,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年05月 |
(12) 異質性顧客下庫存隨機配給的價值,中國管理科學,2011年04月 |
(13) 構建基於三重底線的綠色供應鏈:歐盟與美國的環境規制比較,中國工業經濟,2011年02月 |
(14) A Study on Agile Ordering Optimization Based on Mixed Pricing in Supply Chain Cluster,IEEE 2011 International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering,2011年01月 |
(15) After-sale Reverse Supply Chain of Electronic Products in China,IEEE 2010 International Conference on Management Science and Information Engineering,2010年12月 |
(16) WEEE回收條例有效實施問題研究,管理科學學報,2010年12月 |
(17) Dynamic Pricing Based on the Customer's Preference of Remanufacturing Products,2010 IEEE 17Th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM),2010年11月 |
(18) 中國保險企業的信息技術外包策略選擇及風險分析,技術經濟,2010年11月 |
(19) 供應鏈企業間知識共享的動力研究,科學學與科學技術管理,2010年11月 |
(20) Structure of Supply Chains Embedding in the Cluster of SMEs for Organic Industry,The international conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) ,2010年10月 |
(21) Energy Level and Path-dependent of Product Innovation in Supply Chain Clusters,IEEE 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMIS2010), Hong Kong,2010年10月 |
(22) Energy Levels and Co-Evolution of Product Innovation in Supply Chain Clusters,Communications in Computer and Information Science,2010年10月 |
(23) 回收條例約束下的再製造供應鏈決策,系統工程理論與實踐,2010年08月 |
(24) 基於再造產品的銷售定價策略研究,技術經濟,2010年08月 |
(25) A Study on Contract Coordination of Supply Chain Based on Demand Disruption,2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science,2010年08月 |
(26) 基於再造品生命周期的逆向供應鏈決策研究,軟科學,2010年08月 |
(27) A Study on Service Competence and Competitiveness of Port Logistics,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 |
(28) A Study on the Pricing Strategy Based on the Maximization of Social Value of Remanufacturing Firm,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 |
(29) Energy Levels of Product Innovation Based on Quantum Jump Theory in Supply Chain Clusters, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 |
(30) The Impact of Private Information Leakage on Innovative Product Introduction, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 |
(31) Study on the Evolution Mechanism of Discontinuous Innovation Based on Product Supply Chain,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 |
(32) Uni-Objective Negotiating Mechanism of Supply Chain Management Based on Multi-Agent,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 |
(33) Research of Agile Supply Chain Management System Based on Web Services, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月 |
(34) 戰略顧客下最惠顧客保證對提前購買的價值,管理科學學報,2010年07月 |
(35) 物流業信息技術外包戰略選擇及風險評價研究,管理評論,並於2010年11月19期被新華文摘全文轉載,2010年07月 |
(36) E-Campus in Xiamen University:The Past, Present and The Hopeful Future,2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,2010年07月 |
(37) Energy Level and Path-dependent of Product Innovation in Supply Chian Clusters, International Journal of Intelligent Information Management Systems and Technologies,2010年06月 |
(38) 生態技術不連續創新路徑研究,現代管理科學,2010年05月 |
(39) 基於異質消費群體的生態供應鏈網路均衡模型,生態經濟,2010年03月 |
(40) 基於演化博弈的生態供應鏈採購管理研究,生態經濟,2010年01月 |
(41) The virtual enterprise and performance evaluation using exergoeconomics in a closed-loop supply chain,International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital,2010年01月 |
(42) 基於產品全生命周期的集群供應鏈下經銷商訂貨制度分析,商業經濟與管理,2009年12月 |
(43) Research on the Security of Cold-Chain Logistics and Evaluation ,Modelling, Simulation, and Identification ,2009年12月 |
(44) Study on Channel Governance in Closed-loop Supply Chains,Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium for Corporate Governance,2009年11月 |
(45) 風險社會下網路信息批判能力的研究,圖書館理論與實踐,2009年08月 |
(46) 基於交易成本的4PL協調供應鏈系統實證研究.,開發研究,2009年07月 |
(47) Emergency Logistics and the Distribution Model for Quick Response to Urgent Relief Demand,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(48) Wave-particle Duality and Institutional Arrangement on Division in Supply Chain Cluster,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(49) Study on Supply Chain Disruption Risk,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(50) An Analysis and Optimization of the Value Chain of Dairy Industry after the Sanlu Event inChina ,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(51) Study on the Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Tourism Supply Chain based on Balanced Scorecard,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(52) Research on the Security of Cold-Chain Logistics,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(53) An Analysis on Types and Business Activities of Farmer Middlemen in Strawberry Production-A Case Study,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(54) China's Rural Logistics Distribution,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(55) Capacity Manipulation and Menus of Two Part Tariff Contract in Supply Chain,Proceedings on 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(56) Drivers and Enablers of Environmental Governance Capabilities of SMEs in Supply,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月 |
(57) Study on 4PL as coordinating and constructing agent for SC systems:transaction cost theory approach and wave-particle duality,Journal of International Logistics and Trade,2009年06月 |
(58) 不確定需求下有價差時再造回收模式研究,中國流通經濟,2009年05月 |
(59) 在延遲付款期限下基於損耗性商品的供應鏈庫存模型研究,哈爾濱工業大學學報,2009年05月 |
(60) Study on driven factors, wave-particle duality and dissipation structure characteristics based on supply chain clusters,Journal of Information and Decision Science,2009年04月 |
(61) Ecological Supply Chains Performance Evaluation and Disruption Risk Management Strategies,Human & Ecological Risk Assessment:An International Journal,2009年04月 |
(62) 基於IPv6與格線的虛擬學習系統構建,圖書與情報,2008年12月 |
(63) Ecological Supply Chains Design Mechanism Based on Virtual Enterprises,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月 |
(64) Closed-loop Supply Chains Based on By-Product Exchange,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月 |
(65) The Formation of Ecological Supply Chain Based on By-Product Exchange,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月 |
(66) 信息服務組織知識管理系統效能的量化評估研究,圖書館理論與實踐,2008年10月 |
(67) 進口汽車分銷中的供應鏈渠道治理,管理評論,2008年10月 |
(68) Reverse Supply Chain Systems Performance Evaluation Based on Emergy,Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals,2008年10月 |
(69) Reverse Supply Chain Coordination Based on Fractal and 4PL,Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals,2008年10月 |
(70) The Automated Guided Vehicle Problem in Logistics Operations,Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2008年07月 |
(71) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Complaint Service Management,Journal of Service Science and Management,2008年07月 |
(72) Study on 4PL as Coordinating and Constructing Agent for Supply Chain System–A Transaction Cost Theory Approach ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 |
(73) Ecological Supply Chain Based on By-Product Exchange ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 |
(74) Service Value Delivery System Based on Time-Based Competition ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 |
(75) Bonded Logistics Park and Neighboring Bonded Zone Development Mode and Game Analysis,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 |
(76) China’s Clothing Logistics: Problems and Solutions ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 |
(77) Study on Supply Chain Disruption Risk Management Strategies and Model ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 |
(78) The Governance of Distributor in Different Supply Chains ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月 |
(79) Ecological Supply Chain Performance Evaluation and Disruption Risk Management,The 2008 International Conference on e-Risk Management,2008年07月 |
(80) 現代信息服務組織多元化治理及博弈分析,圖書館理論與實踐,2008年06月 |
(81) 高校知識管理系統效能的評價研究,東南大學學報(哲社版),2008年06月 |
(82) Value Delivery Systems under the Instantaneous Competition,Journal of Service Science and Management,2008年06月 |
(83) Finite-time control for uncertain linear time-delay systems with disdurbance,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2008年04月 |
(84) Performance evaluation of complaint management and virtual enterprise in closed-loop supply chains by using exergoeconomics and extenics,International Journal of Services and Operations Management,2008年01月 |
(85) Complaint management in closed-loop supply chain and performance evaluation by using exergoeconomics,JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE,2007年12月 |
(86) Quadratic integrability of solutions based on a class of delayed systems,Journal of Southeast University,2007年12月 |
(87) Virtual enterprise in closed-loop supply chain and performance evaluation based on exergoeconomics,Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II, Springer,2007年10月 |
(88) 人工智慧歸納學習法在逆向物流發生因素及預測中的套用,商業經濟管理,2007年10月 |
(89) 汽車供應鏈中的分銷渠道治理,山西財經大學學報,2007年09月 |
(90) 信息參考服務的衝突管理與技術實現,圖書情報工作,2007年09月 |
(91) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Evaluation,IEEE Engineering Management Society,2007年09月 |
(92) Virtual Enterprise and Performance Evaluation by Exergoeconomics in Closed-loop supply Chain,Institute of Manafacturing, University of Cambridge, UK,2007年08月 |
(93) Virtual Enterprise and Performance Evaluation by Exergoeconomics in Closed-loop supply Chain,Institute of Manafacturing, University of Cambridge, UK,2007年08月 |
(94) The distribution channels governance of auto-mobile supply chain,2007 International Conference On Management Science and Engineering,2007年08月 |
(95) 現代信息服務中的抱怨管理及其博弈分析,大學圖書館學報,2007年07月 |
(97) Dynamics Controller Design of Time-Delay Systems with Novel Sliding Surface,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2007年07月 |
(98) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Evaluation,ICSSSM07,2007年07月 |
(99) Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Complaint Service Management in Reverse Logistics,ICIDSA2007,2007年07月 |
(100) Inverse Optimal Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems,CCC2007,2007年07月 |
(101) 圖書館信息技術評價系統及其計畫風險管理模型研究,人大複印資料《管理科學》,2007年07月 |
(102) Closed-loop Supply Chain Issues: Complaint management, Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Extenics,the International Conference Proceedings on Operations and Supply Chain Management,2007年06月 |
(103) Design Principles and Evaluation for Closed-loop Supply Chains,the International Conference Proceedings on Operations and Supply Chain Management,2007年06月 |
(104) Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Extenics Based on the Power Supply Chains,Proceedings of ICIEA 2007,2007年05月 |
(105) 信息技術評價系統及其計畫風險管理模型研究,情報學報,2007年04月 |
(106) 我國產業科技創新與國際競爭力的研究,廈門大學學報,2007年03月 |
(107) 突發事件應急物流中資源配送最佳化問題研究,中國流通經濟,2007年03月 |
(108) 信息流量預測模型及其研究,廈門大學學報(自然科學),2007年02月 |
(109) 利用火用經濟學思想評價供應鏈系統績效,東南大學學報(哲社版),2007年01月 |
(110) 第四方物流下的供應鏈選擇,物流技術,2006年12月 |
(111) 基於產品生命周期的價值遞送問題探討,寧夏大學學報(人文社會科學版),2006年12月 |
(112) 以逆向物流實現價值遞送系統的創新模式,寧夏社會科學,2006年12月 |
(113) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers by over-voltage in the power systems,International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control ,2006年12月 |
(114) 大學的組織養生成長及價值管理,圖書與情報,2006年12月 |
(115) 信息技術在企業價值鏈整體環境中的套用,物流技術,2006年11月 |
(116) Market-Motivated Value Systems, Reverse Logistics and the Evaluation Model for the Third Party Reverse Logistics Providers,International Logistics and Trade,2006年11月 |
(117) 圖書館研發管理的新思考,圖書情報工作,2006年10月 |
(118) Robust control for a class of chaotic nonlinear time-delay systems and application to over-voltage models,2006 Chinese Control Conference,IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1310C,2006年08月 |
(119) Robust control for a class of chaotic nonlinear time-delay systems,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2006年07月 |
(120) Supply Chain System Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月 |
(121) The Selection of Supply Chains in 4PL,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月 |
(122) Reverse Logistics and the Evaluation Model for the 3PRLPS,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月 |
(123) 基於AHP解決客戶訂單分離點的定位問題,物流技術,2006年06月 |
(124) 基於Web信息組織的複雜性:價值評價體系,圖書與情報,2006年03月 |
(125) Logistics and Matter-Element Models Based on Firm Innovative Supply Chains,International Journal of Operational Research,2006年02月 |
(126) 電子產品行業中的逆向物流分析,特區經濟,2006年01月 |
(127) 產品生命周期對配送網路設計的影響,物流科技,2005年11月 |
(128) Finite-Time Control Based on Uncertain Linear Singular Systems with Disturbance and Time-Delay,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2005年10月 |
(129) 供應鏈中知識集成及其能力模型分析,物流技術,2005年10月 |
(130) Operation, market-driven value and external integration: their impact on performance of logistics,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2005年08月 |
(131) 以調適性結構行動理論研究高校素質教育模式,情報資料工作,2005年08月 |
(132) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers in the over-voltage,International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology,2005年07月 |
(133) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers in the power system,ICC05,2005年07月 |
(134) The delivery system based market-driven value chain,ICSSSM05,2005年06月 |
(135) Logistics and Matter Element Models on the Firm's Innovative Approach,Journal of International Logistics and Trade,2005年06月 |
(136) Enterprise innovation modeling and synthetic evaluation matter-element models based on performance in supply chain,Proceedings of the 11th Internation Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,2005年05月 |