

東佳國際英語(Tobest International English)是一所經由國家教育部正式批准成立且由市、區教育局支持創辦的高端成人英語培訓機構。我校是目前西北地區規模最大,設施最完善授課最全面的高品質英語培訓中心。 08年7月,在歷史悠久的古城--西安,東佳國際英語正式入駐位於這座城市文化核心--小寨,銀泰城9層。占地面積達2500餘平方米,註冊資金150萬。學校周圍交通便利,內部環境優美,硬體設施完備,師資力量雄厚,服務上乘,是一處理想的英語學習境地。




Our teaching philosophy:

Immersion- to let ourselves immersed in an environment of constant stimulation of English,so as to cultivate the sense and Allows us to use English to think and to communicate.



Our Mission:

To create a pure english-language environment in China.


破冰級 能夠使用簡單的辭彙及語法,進行一些簡單的日常對話。

Icebreaking: Able to use simple vocabulary and grammar, to make a number of simple day-to-day dialogu 初級 能夠運用簡單的語句及語法,圍繞日常生活中某些簡單的話題進行對話。

Elementary: Able to use simple words and grammar, focus on daily life in some simple topic of the dialogue.

中級 能夠運用正確語言結構進行基本的日常交流,具備在國外生活的基本語言能力。 Intermediate: Able to use the correct language structure of the basic day-to-day communications. To gain basic Language ability of living in the foreign countries.

中高級 能夠使用正確的語言結構在生活中做到無障礙溝通表達。內容可涉及生活,政治,經濟,文化等。

Upper-intermediate: Able to Use the correct language structure to do barrier-free communication. The content may relate to life, politic, economic and culture.

高級 掌握豐富的學術類辭彙及表達方式,具備在重要的工作和社交場合進行準確溝通的能力。也具備出國深造前通過雅思,托福等考試的能力。

Advanced:Have enriched the academic vocabulary and expression, to gain the ability to communicate accuratedly within work and social occasions.and also be able to reach the required level of IELTS /TOEFL tests.

商務級 將在典型的商務環境中加強商務用詞的拓展,內容涉及:商務會議、談判、面試、以及客戶服務、生產、市場、金融等等 。

Business:In a typical business environment,the content may relate to business meetings, negotiations, interviews, and customer service, production, marketing, finance and so on.

商務級高級 運用嚴謹的語言結構進行邏輯性更強的交流。具備進行商務談判,簽訂商業,法律方面的契約方面的能力。

Business+ : Strict application of the language structure,to conduct more logical communications. To be capable of conducting negotiations,signing commercial or legal contract.

專家級 語言已達到一般外國人的水平,不僅能夠表達自如,且能夠進行複雜的學術性的探討 Export: The ability of communication has reached the level of a native speaker,not only to express freely, but also to carry out complicated academic study.


