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一座有著悠久歷史的文化古城,擁著“上有天堂,下有蘇杭”的美譽,和那散落在粉牆黛瓦之間的座座園林......每一個來過蘇州的人,都要因之喜愛了這江南的玲瓏別致,喜愛了這古城之內老街小巷裡的安悠靜。2007年5月,幾個熱愛戶外熱愛青年旅舍的年輕人,挑選了一個蘇式的民宅老屋,於院落間種好排排綠竹,鋪上青色石板,還有迴廊之上的柔軟藤椅。漸漸巷子裡熱鬧起來,隔壁阿婆也不時過來看看每天的變化。終於,我們在門口掛上了心愛的招牌“蘇州浮生四季青年旅舍 ”。
浮生四季青年旅舍,位於蘇州古城區人民路樂橋邊的大石頭巷27號。相傳清代乾隆年間《浮生六記》一書的作者沈復(字三白),曾住於此地附近(近代屬吳姓),宅內“四時讀書樂”的磚雕門樓於1963年被列為蘇州市文物保護單位。《浮生六記》記錄了沈復一生的經歷,起落沉浮,然筆墨間卻處處透著一份閒適悠逸和恬淡幽雅,這怎不讓人平生幾分羨慕與嚮往?亦是尋著古人的這份意境,也是取自李白的詩句:“浮生如夢,為歡幾何”,我們將旅舍名為“浮生四季”。隨性於歲月,接近於自然。希望你到蘇州的每一季,都能體會出這份清悠自得的心境。 從旅捨出發,只需步行五分鐘就可到達蘇州的商業中心“觀前街”,由此到蘇州的任何地方都極為方便。同時火車站與汽車站都有直達公車,乘坐1路、101路、102路、103路皆可到達飲馬橋站下。特別提醒的是,往返於上海虹口與浦東兩機場的穿梭巴士就在旅舍的馬路對面,交通極其便利。


Come to Suzhou, and live in a restored Suzhou water town house.We have been very honoured to be recommended by 'Lonely Planet' even though our hostel had been opened for a very short 2 years.
The WaterTown Youth Hostel is conveniently located in the heart of SuZhou in a traditional Suzhou block-house with all the modern conveniences. Our hostel is central to points of interests for ALL ages!
cleanliness, Security, Convenience and Internet Access are the first priorities at WaterTown YH. We currently have 50 dorm/double beds available in a variety of types of rooms - dorms/doubles/singles/families. The rooms are professionally maintained to guarantee utmost cu stomer satisfaction.
Our professionally trained staff are extremely friendly and helpful, in the hope of making your stay a wonderful and pleasing experience; offering the same comfort as your own home.
We are near the center of the city: the airport bus(Shanghai/Hangzhou airport), local transport, traditional gardens, restaurants, banks, and GuanQian Road premiere shopping/entertainment district…
We are conveniently located in the heart of SuZhou in a traditional Suzhou block-house with all the modern conveniences.WaterTown hostel is in the former residence of ShengFu (Sanbai), a Qing dynasty composer. His 'Six Chapters of A Floating Life' depicts the easy-going living in Suzhou. It is known for its 'outstanding architectural merit' with its pine floors, high ceilings,virescence and fish pond. Guests are offered an environment that is peaceful and appealing. Visit WaterTown YH and ensure a hostel experience in SuZhou that you won't forget!
Cleanliness, Security, Convenience and Internet Access are the first priorities at WaterTown YH.We currently have 55 dorm/double beds available.The rooms are professionally maintained to guarantee utmost customer satisfaction.
Our professionally trained staff is extremely friendly and helpful, in the hope of making your stay a wonderful and pleasing experience with the comfort of being right at your own home.
We are near the center of the city: the airport bus, local transport, traditional gardens, restaurants, banks,and GuanQian Road premiere shopping/ entertainment district…


