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出版社: 華中科技大學出版社; 第1版 (2009年5月1日)
叢書名: 高等學校英語專業規劃教材
平裝: 180頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787560953366, 7560953360
條形碼: 9787560953366
尺寸: 25.6 x 18 x 1.2 cm
重量: 340 g


英美文學簡明教程(上 英國文學)》根據教育部新修訂的英語教學大綱的要求編寫,旨在培養學生閱讀、理解、欣賞英語文學原著的能力,掌握文學批評的基本知識和方法;通過閱讀和分析英美文學作品,促進學生語言基本功和人文素質的提高,增強學生對英美文學及文化的了解。《英美文學簡明教程》分上、下兩冊。上冊為英國文學。作者在編寫本教材的過程中,參考了大量國內外同類教材,吸收了國內外英國文學研究的最新成果。按照英國文學發展的歷史順序,編選了各個歷史時期有代表性的作家的代表作品;選材上也注意詩歌、小說、戲劇和散文等各種體裁的適當搭配。


Chapter 1 The Old and Medieval Period
1.1 An Introduction
1.2 Geoffrey Chaucer
Excerpts from the General Prologue of The Canterbury Tales
1.3 Folk Ballads
“The Three Ravens”
“Get Up and Bar the Door”
Chapter 2 The Renaissance Period
2.1 An Introduction
2.2 Edmund Spenser
“Sonnet 75”
2.3 Christopher Marlowe
“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”
2.4 William Shakespeare
“Sonnet 18”
“Sonnet 73”
An Excerpt from The Merchant of Venice
2.5 Francis Bacon
“Of Studies” from Essays
2.6 John Donne
valediction Forbidding Mourning”
“Death Be Not Proud”
2.7 George Herbert
2.8 Ben Jonson
“Song——To Celia”
2.9 Robert Herrick
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”
2. l0 John Milton
An Excerpt from Paradise Lost
Chapter 3 The neoclassical Period
3.1 An Introduction
3.2 John Dryden
An Excerpt from An Essay of Dramatic poesy
3.3 John Bunyan
“The Vanity Fair”: An Excerpt from The Pilgrim' s Progress
3.4 Jonathan Swift
An Excerpt from Gulliver' s Travels
3.5 Alexander Pope
“Ode on Solitude”
3.6 Daniel Defoe
An Excerpt from Robinson Crusoe
3.7 Henry Fielding
An Excerpt from Tom Jones
3.8 Samuel Johnson
To the Right Honorable the Earl of chesterfield
3.9 Thomas Gray
An Excerpt from ”Elegy Written in a Country churchyard
3. l0 Robert Bums
“A Red, Red Rose”
3.11 William Blake
“The Chimney Sweeper” (from Songs of Innocence)
Chapter 4 The Romantic Period
4.1 An Introduction
4.2 William Wordsworth
“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
“Composed upon Westminster Bridge”
“She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”
4.3 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
“Kubla Khan”
4.4 George Gordon Byron
“Song for the Luddites”
“She Walks in Beauty”
4.5 Percy Bysshe Shelley
“A Song: 'Men of England”'
4.6 John Keats
“To Autumn”
4.7 Jane Austen
An Excerpt from/b/de and Prejudice
Chapter 5 The Victorian Period
5.1 An Introduction
5.2 Charles Dickens
An Excerpt from Great Expectations
5.3 Alfred Tennyson
“Break, Break, Break”
“Crossing the Bar”
“The Eagle”
5.4 Robert Browning
“Meeting at Night”
“Home-Thoughts, from Abroad”
5.5 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
“How Do I Love Thee?”
5.6 Charlotte Bronte
An Excerpt from Jane Eyre
5.7 Thomas Hardy
“The Man He Killed”
An Excerpt from Tess of the d' UrberviUes
Chapter 6 The Modern Period
6.1 An Introduction
6.2 George Bernard Shaw
An Excerpt from Pygmalion
6.3 William Butler Yeats
“The Lake Isle of Innisfree”
“Down by the SaUey Gardens”
6.4 T. S. Eliot
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
6.5 James Joyce
“Araby” from Dubliners
6.6 D. H. Lawrence
An Excerpt from Sons and Lovers
6.7 Dylan Thomas
“Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”
6.8 William Golding
An Excerpt from Lord of the Flies
6.9 Ted Hughes
“Hawk Roosting”
6.10 Seamns Heaney


