
part 1 polarimetric scattering and sar image information
polarimetric scattering indexes and information entropy of the sar imagery for surface monitoring
statistics of four stokes parameters in multi-look polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (sar) imagery
terrain topography inversion using single-pass polarimetric sar image data
automatic detection of change direction of multi-temporal ers-2 sar images using twothreshold em and mrf algorithms
automatic detection of terrain surface changes after wenchuan earthquake, may 2008, fromALOSsar images using 2em-mrf method
analysis of the effects of faraday rotation on space-borne polarimetric sar observation at p band
deorientation theory of polarimetric scattering targets and application to terrain surface classification
multiparameters inversion of a layer of vegetationcanopyover rough surface from the system response function based on the mueller matrix solution of pulse echoes
imaging simulation of polarimetric sar for a comprehensive terrain scene using the mapping and projection algorithm
automatic reconstruction of buildings objects from multiaspect meter-resolution sar images
three-dimensional stereo reconstruction of buildings using polarimetric sar images acquired in opposite directions
calibration and validation of a set of multi-aspect airborne polarimetric pi-sar data