

胡永健,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學(University of Amsterdam)博士。曾在英國南漢普頓大學(University of Southampton)、畢威大學(University of Warwick)以及國際勞工組織 (International Labour Organization -- ILO)工作。現為天津財經大學經濟系教授,在經濟系從事教學與研究工作。





胡永健 ,畢業於天津財經大學,本科專業為經濟統計。研究生期間,主攻國民經濟核算體系(SNA).2000年開始在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學(University of Amsterdam)經濟與經濟計量學院經濟系攻讀博士學位。博士研究課題為‘勞動力市場靈活性政策對工資收入分配的影響’。2005年6月,獲得經濟學博士學位。博士畢業後,在英國南漢普頓大學(University of Southampton)社會統計系和畢威大學(University of Warwick)從事勞動經濟學的教學與研究。英國工作期間的科研成果由英國皇家統計月刊、心理醫學雜誌發表。 2006年至2009年在國際勞工組織(ILO)從事世界各國工資政策特別是最低工資政策方面的研究與諮詢工作,曾參加國際勞動組織第一份關於全球工資發展狀況報告的撰寫。2010年開始在天津財經大學經濟系從事教學與研究工作。承擔的科研工作為國際勞工組織和聯合國人口基金會(UNFPA)共同資助的關於中國青年農民工問題及戶口制度改革研究項目。






(1) Hu,Y.(2009) The analysis of G-20 stimulus packages and its impacts on employment, ILO report for green economy

(1) Hu,HH Y and S.Lee (2009). Changes in wage inequality and its relationship with economic development in China: a test for Kuznets hypothesis; Working Paper, International Labour Organization.

(2) Belser,P., Hu,Y.,Kabunga,N.,Lee,S.,Tomei,M. and D.Vaughan-Whitehead (2008). Global Wage Report: Minimum wages and collective bargaining, toward policy coherence; International Labour Organization.

(3) Berrington, A., Hu, Y., Smith, P. and P.Sturgis (2008). A graphical chain model for reciprocal relationships between women’s gender role attitudes and labour force participation; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 171, 89-108.

(4) Hu, Yongjian (2007). The dynamics of wages in Sri Lanka: opportunities and challenges; Working Paper, Conditions of Work and Employment, ILO.

(5) Hu, Y., Stewart-Brown, S., Twigg, L., and S.Weich (2007). Can the 12-item General Health Questionnaire be used to measure positive mental health? ; Psychological Medicine, Vol.37, Issue 07, 1005-1013.

(6) Vaughan-Whitehead, D. and (2007). Wages around the world: development and challenges; Report for the Governing Body Meeting of the ILO, GB.298/ESP/2.

(7) Berrington, A., Hu, Y., Smith, P. and P.Sturgis (2006). A graphical chain model for reciprocal relationships between gender role attitudes and labour force participation; Applications and Policy Working Paper, Statistical Sciences Institute of the University of Southampton.

(8) Berrington, A., Hu, Y., Ramirez-Ducoing, K. and P. Smith (2005). Multilevel modelling of repeated ordinal measures: an application to attitudes toward divorce; Applications and Policy Working Paper, 05/10, Statistical Sciences Institute of the University of Southampton.

(9) Hu, Yongjian (2005). Essays on labour market: empirical studies on wage differentials across categories of working hours, employment contracts, gender and cohorts; Tinbergen Institute Research Series No.357.

(10) Hu, Yongjian (2004). Fixed-term jobs in the Netherlands: who gets them and how are they paid? ; Working paper, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Market, University of Amsterdam.

(11) Hu, Yongjian (2003). Choices for part-time jobs and the impacts on hourly wages: a comparative study of the Netherlands and the UK; Working Paper, IRISS-C/I, Centre for Population, Poverty and Public Policy Studies.



