

胡永健(Hu Yong-jian),1962年出生,湖北武漢人。博士、教授,華南理工大學電子與信息學院教授、博士生導師 1990年畢業於西安交通大學信息與控制工程系,獲信息與控制工程專業碩士學位;2002年畢業於華南理工大學電子與通信工程系,獲通信與信息系統專業博士學位;2002年至2004年在中山大學數學系套用數學站計算數學專業做博士後研究。1998年起先後在華南理工大學自動化學院和電信學院任教,2004年被聘為副教授,2008年晉升為教授,2010年被批准為博士生導師。2000年至2004年間先後4次在香港城市大學電腦科學系分別以研究助理、副研究員、研究員身份做合作研究;2005年5月至2006年8月在韓國成均館大學(Sungkyunkwan University)信息與通信工程學院任研究教授;2006年9月至2008年8月在韓國科學技術院(KAIST)計算機科學系任研究教授。2011年4月至2013年4月,受歐盟FP7自然科學基金資助,以瑪麗居里研究員(Marie Curie Fellow)身份在英國華威大學計算機科學系從事多媒體安全方面的研究。近10年來主持並參與完成了10多項國際、國家、省部級科研項目和企事業單位委託項目,從2000年至今,已在國內外重要學術期刊及會議上發表研究論文60多篇,其中40餘篇被SCI和EI收錄。是廣東省圖象圖形學會理事,美國國際電氣與電子工程師學會高級會員,中國電子學會高級會員,中國計算機學會高級會員。曾任國際期刊《數字犯罪和取證》的副主編。擔任過多個國際學術會議程式委員會委員。





1998年起先後在華南理工大學自動化學院和電信學院任教,2004年被聘為副教授,2008年晉升為教授,2010年被批准為博士生導師。2000年至2004年間先後4次在香港城市大學電腦科學系分別以研究助理、副研究員、研究員身份做合作研究;2005年5月至2006年8月在韓國成均館大學(Sungkyunkwan University)信息與通信工程學院任研究教授;2006年9月至2008年8月在韓國科學技術院(KAIST)計算機科學系任研究教授。2011年4月至2013年4月,受歐盟FP7自然科學基金資助,以瑪麗居里研究員(Marie Curie Fellow)身份在英國華威大學(The University of Warwick)計算機科學系從事多媒體安全方面的研究。


廣東省圖象圖形學會理事,美國國際電氣與電子工程師學會(IEEE)高級會員,中國電子學會高級會員,中國計算機學會高級會員。曾任國際期刊《數字犯罪和取證》(International Journalof Digital Crime and Forensics)的副主編。擔任過多個國際學術會議程式委員會委員。







[1] Yongjian Hu(胡永健), Heung-Kyu Lee, and Jianwei Li, “DE-based reversible data hiding with improved overflow location map,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 250-260, Feb. 2009. 2014年10月前他引次數:182.(SCI收錄)
[2] Yongjian Hu(胡永健), Heung-Kyu Lee, Kaiying Chen, and Jianwei Li, “Difference expansion based reversible data hiding using two embedding directions,” IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 1500-1512, Dec. 2008. 2014年10月前他引次數:37.(SCI收錄)
[3] Yongjian Hu(胡永健) and Byeungwoo Jeon, “Reversible visible watermarking and lossless recovery of original images,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 1423-1429, Nov. 2006. 2014年10月前他引次數:81.(SCI收錄)
[4] Yongjian Hu(胡永健), Sam Kwong and Jiwu Huang, “An algorithm for removable visible watermarking,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 129-133, Jan. 2006. 2014年10月前他引次數:76.(SCI收錄)
[5] Yongjian Hu(胡永健), Chang-Tsun Li, Yufei Wang, Bei-bei Liu, “An improved fingerprinting algorithm for detection of video frame duplication forgery,” International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 20-32,July-September 2012.
[6] Yongjian Hu(胡永健), C.-T. Li, C. Zhou and X. Lin, “Source camera identification issues: forensic features selection and robustness,” International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1-15, October 2011.
[7] Yongjian Hu(胡永健),王衎,Zhe-Ming Lu, “An improved VLC-based lossless data hiding scheme for JPEG images,”Elsevier, The Journal of Systems and Software, pp. 2166-2173, Mar. 2013. (SCI收錄)
[8] Yongjian Hu(胡永健), C.-T. Li, and Z. Lai, "Fast source camera identification using matching signs between query and reference fingerprints," Multimedia Tools and Applications, May 2104 (SCIE收錄)


[1] Yongjian Hu(胡永健), Yufei Wang, Chang-Tsun Li, and Bei-bei Liu, "An Improved Fingerprinting Algorithm for Detection of Video Frame Duplication Forgery", in Emerging Digital Forensics Applications for Crime Detection, Prevention,and Security, ed. by Chang-Tsun Li, IGI Global, Hershey, PA. USA, May 2013.


[1] Yongjian Hu, Chang-Tsun Li, Xufeng Lin, and Bei-bei Liu,"Audio forensic authentication based on MOCC between ENF and reference signals," in Proc. IEEE Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 6-10 July 2013, Beijing China.
[2] X. Wei, C.-T. Li and Yongjian Hu, “Face recognition with occlusion using dynamic Image-to-class warping (DICW),” in Proc. IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Shanghai, China, 22-26 April, 2013.
[3] Yongjian Hu, Chang-Tsun Li, Zhisheng Lv and Bei-Bei Liu, " Audio forgery detection based on max offsets for cross correlation between ENF and reference signal," in Proc. 11th International Workshop on Digital-Forensics and
Watermarking, Shanghai, China, 31 Oct. -3 Nov., 2012.
[4] X. Wei, C.-T. Li and Yongjian Hu, “Robust face recognition under varying illumination and occlusion considering structured sparsity,” in Proc. International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA’12), Perth, Australia, 3-5 December 2012.
[5] Yu Guan, Chang-Tsun Li, and Yongjian Hu, “An adaptive system for gait recognition in multi-View environments,” in Proc. 14th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security, September 6-7, 2012.
[6] Yu Guan, Chang-Tsun Li, and Yongjian Hu, “Random subspace method for gait recognition,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Melbourne, Australia, July 9-13, 2012.
[7] Kan Wang, Yongjian Hu, and Zhe-Ming Lu, "Reversible Data Hiding for Block Truncation Coding Compressed Images Based on Prediction-Error Expansion," in Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Piraeus-Athens, Greece, July 18-20, 2012.
[8] Yongjian Hu, Chang-Tsun Li, Xufeng Lin, and Bei-bei Liu, “An improved algorithm for camera model identification using inter-channel demosaicking traces,” in Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Piraeus-Athens, Greece, July 18-20, 2012.
[9] Y. Guan, C.-T. Li and Yongjian Hu, "Robust Clothing-Invariant Gait Recognition,” in Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Piraeus-Athens, Greece, July 18-20, 2012.
[10] Yongjian Hu, C.-T. Li and Z. Lai, “Fast camera fingerprint search algorithm for source camera identification,” in Proc. IEEE 5th International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing, Rome, Italy, May 2-4, 2012.
[11] Yu Guan, Chang-Tsun Li, and Yongjian Hu, “Gait recognition under carrying condition: a static dynamic fusion method,” in Proc. SPIE conference on Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications, April 16-19, 2012, Brussels, Belgium.
[12] Xiayang Shi, Bei-bei Liu and Yongjian Hu, “Steganalysis using features based on Markov mesh models,” in Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, Guangzhou, China, November 18-20, 2011.
[13] Y.-C Chen, C.-T. Li and Yongjian Hu, “Further studies on forensic features for camera source identification,” in Proc. IET the 4rd International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-11), London, UK, 3 - 4 November, 2011.
[14] Yongjian Hu, C.-T. Li and C. Zhou, “Issues on selecting image features for robust source camera identification,” in Proc. 6th International Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis, London, UK, 7- 8 July 2011.
[15] B.-B Liu, Heung-Kyu Lee, Yongjian Hu, and Chang-Hee Choi, “On classification of source cameras: a graph based approach,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security - WIFS'10, Seattle, US, December 12-15, 2010.
[16] Yongjian Hu, Chang-Tsun Li, and Changhui Zhou, "Selecting forensic features for robust source camera identification," in Proc. International Computer Symposium, Taiwan, December 14-16, 2010.
[17] Yongjian Hu, Chang-Tsun Li, and C. Jian, “Building fingerprints with Information from Three Color Bands for Source Camera Identification,” in Proc. ACM Multimedia International Conference, Firenze, Italy, Oct. 25-29, 2010.
[18] B.-B Liu, Yongjian Hu, and Heung-Kyu Lee, “Source camera identification from significant noise residual regions,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kong, Sept. 26-29, 2010.
[19] Yongjian Hu, C. Jian and Chang-Tsun Li, “Using improved imaging sensor pattern noise for source camera identification,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, pp. 1481-1486, Singapore, July 19-23, 2010.
[20] Yongjian Hu, Binghua Yu, and Chao Jian, “Source camera identification using large components of sensor pattern noise,” in Proc. International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, pp. 575-579, Dec. 10-12, 2009, South Korea.
[21] Yongjian Hu, Heung-Kyu Lee, Huafei Zeng, “Curve watermarking technique for fingerprinting digital maps,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp. 223-226, Aug. 2008.
[22] Yongjian Hu, Heung-Kyu Lee, and Jianwei Li, “Reversible data hiding giving priority to the use of edges and textures,” in Proc. IET Visual Information Engineering Conference. July 2008.
[23] Yongjian Hu, Heung-Kyu Lee, Jianwei Li, Kaiying Chen, “Reversible data hiding using prediction error values embedding,” in 7th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 5041, pp. 244-253, 2008.
[24] Yongjian Hu, Byeungwoo Jeon, Z. Lin, and H. Yang, “Analysis and comparison of typical reversible watermarking methods,” in 5th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 4283, pp. 333-347, 2006.
[25] Yongjian Hu and Byeungwoo Jeon, “Reversible visible watermarking technique for images,” in Proc. IEEE International conference on Image Processing, pp. 2577-2580, Oct. 2006.
[26] Yongjian Hu, Sam Kwong and Jiwu Huang, “Using invisible watermarks to protect visibly watermarked images,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 584-587, May 2004, Vancouver, Canada.
[27] Yongjian Hu, Jiwu Huang, Sam Kwong and Y.K. Chan, “Image fusion based visible watermarking using dual-tree complex wavelet transform,” in 2nd International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 2939, pp. 86-100, 2004.
[28] Yongjian Hu, Sam Kwong, “An image fusion based visible watermarking algorithm,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 25-28, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2003.
[29] Yongjian Hu, Sam Kwong, “The design and application of DWT-domain optimum decoders,” in 1st International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 2613, pp. 22-30, 2002.


[1] 師夏陽,馬賽蘭,胡永健(通信作者),周林娜. 一種基於像素塊的紋理優先自適應隱寫算法,電子學報,2014年1月投稿,已錄用,排版中.
[2] 胡永健,關華,趙靜,劉琲貝. 圖像源辨識反攻擊算法的簡化與分析,華南理工大學學報(工學版),2014,vol 42(7): 0-6.
[3] 呂志勝,胡永健,李晗,劉琲貝. 一種雙重判斷機制的音頻篡改盲檢測算法,華南理工大學學報(工學版),2014年第8期(排版中).
[4] 胡達,胡永健,劉琲貝. 基於局部區域模式噪聲的數字圖像源辨識算法,合肥工業大學學報, 2012, 35(10).
[5] 林旭峰,胡永健,劉琲貝. 利用顏色通道間關係的相機來源分類方法,山東大學學報, 2012年第3期.
[6] 胡永健,張尚凡,劉琲貝,譚莉玲. 具有雙重判斷機制的圖像篡改檢測算法,華南理工大學學報,2012年第4期.
[7] 劉丹,胡永健,劉琲貝. 聯合SIFT特徵點和CS-LBP特徵描述子的複製貼上篡改檢測,合肥工業大學學報, 2012, 35(3).
[8] 余紹鵬,胡永健,譚莉玲. 基於模式分類的圖像區域作偽檢測, 計算機工程與設計, 2012年第2期.
[9] 胡永健,賴志茂,劉琲貝. 基於模式噪聲分量符號信息的快速源相機辨識, 華南理工大學學報. 2011, 39(12): 1-5
[10] 周長輝,胡永健,譚莉玲. 典型源相機分類算法性能研究,計算機套用,2011, 31 (4):1133-1137.
[11] 周長輝, 胡永健, 余紹鵬. 魯棒的源掃瞄器辨識算法設計, 山東大學學報, 2011, 41(2):62-65.
[12] 師夏陽, 王宇飛, 胡永健. 基於輪廓波變換的隱寫分析算法,山東大學學報, 2011, 41(2): 75-79.
[13] 胡永健,簡超, 利用彩色圖像信息的源相機辨識策略. 計算機套用, 2010, 30(10): 2694-2697.
[14] 胡永健,俞兵華,簡超. 利用模式噪聲主分量信息的源相機辨識技術. 計算機套用, 2010, 30(1): 31-35.
[15] 胡永健,劉琲貝,賀前華. 數字多媒體取證技術綜述. 計算機套用. 2010, 30(3): 657-661.
[16] 林雲莉, 趙俊紅, 朱學峰, 胡永健. 基於圖像分解的圖像修復技術. 計算機工程, 2010, 36(10): 187-189.
[17] 林雲莉, 趙俊紅, 朱學峰, 胡永健. 改進的TV模型圖像修復算法. 計算機工程與設計, 2010, 31 (4): 776-779.
[18] 林雲莉, 趙俊紅, 朱學峰, 胡永健. 改進的紋理合成圖像修復算法. 計算機套用與軟體, 2010, 27(10): 11-13.
[19] 周璐,胡永健,曾華飛. 用於矢量數字地圖的可逆數據隱藏算法. 計算機套用, 2009, 29 (4): 990-993.
[20] 李建偉,胡永健. 利用預測誤差直方圖平移的可逆數據隱藏技術. 中國圖象圖形學報, 2009, 14(6): 1088-1095.
[21] 曾華飛, 胡永健,周璐. 用於保護地圖著作權的曲線水印算法. 計算機套用. 2008, 28(10): 2488-2491.
[22] 李建偉,胡永健. 邊緣和紋理優先的可逆數據隱藏算法. 計算機套用. 2008, 28(6): 76-81.
[23] 陳開英,胡永健. 利用差值擴展進行可逆數據隱藏的新算法. 計算機套用. 2008, 28(3): 455-459.
[24] 林志泉,胡永健,楊暉. 一種基於特徵的約束匹配算法. 中國圖象圖形學報. 2007, 12(11): 2104-2108.
[25] 楊暉,胡永健,林志泉. 基於Linux和S3C2410嵌入式圖像傳輸系統設計. 微計算機信息, 2007, 8: 20-24.
[26] 林志泉,胡永健,楊暉. 基於可逆整數變換的無損水印新算法. 微計算機信息. 2007, 12: 199-201.
[27] 胡永健,余英林. 基於小波域的可見水印處理. 電子學報, 2003, 31(4): 59-62.
[28] 胡永健,余英林. DWT域最佳水印檢測體系及其套用. 華南理工大學學報,2002,30(8):44-48.


