美國美聯大學Inter-American University (簡稱IAU),是一所國際聯盟性大學,其核心校區位於美國波多黎各,是有近百年歷史的國際性高等學府。美聯大學開辦了多個校區,由工商管理學院、科學和藝術學院、工程學院、國際語言學院等十一個學院組成,開設工商管理、國際貿易、國際金融、計算機信息工程等幾十個文理學科專業的學士、碩士和博士學位課程。
Inter American University (IAU) is a well-known international university which has a history of nearly one hundred years. Its main campus is situated in Puerto Rico, USA. IAU has about 25,000 students at present. It consists of four campus and seven colleges, including School of Business Administration, Department of Science and Art, Department of Engineering, School of International Languages, etc., with 53 specialties for undergraduates, Master candidates and Doctoral candidates. IAU is most famous for its achievement in the field of economics. Take School of Business Administration as an example, it earns a wide range of reputation for its innovation and educational achievement and is recognized as the leader in the fields of business communication and practice. In 1996, it was selected as one of the leading colleges among European and Spain universities by Association of Business Executives of Great Britain. Its MBA and Ph.D degrees are acknowledged by both Overseas Education Supervision and Administration Center (www.jsj.edu.cn) and Chinese Service Center for scholarly Exchange(www.cscse.edu.cn).