AOA 的理念:
AOA 的戰略發展:
About AOA Design Group Founded in 2000, AOA brings creative thinking and big picture perspective to design problems of all scales. We believe that when buildings are designed together with the larger environment, the resulting whole will be greater than the sum of its parts. Our practice is devoted to creating buildings and places of enduring memory and economic resilience that enrich the communities they serve. With offices in Los Angeles, Chicago and Beijing, AOA’s expertise encompasses everything from large-scale urban redevelopment to signature campus buildings; urban waterfronts to transportation hubs; and primary schools to complex mixed-use development. We are a group of passionate urbanisms, equally committed to regenerating our cities and pushing the boundaries of design.
是以兩個代號代表一項工作,其中以箭線表示工作內容,以節點表示該項工作的開始與結束,由這樣若干個首尾相銜接的工作組合而成的網路圖。美國 AOA 建築規劃設...
公司簡介 辦公自動 香港組合 韓國組合 -
是以兩個代號代表一項工作,其中以箭線表示工作內容,以節點表示該項工作的開始與結束,由這樣若干個首尾相銜接的工作組合而成的網路圖。美國 AOA 建築規劃設...
公司簡介 辦公自動 香港組合 韓國組合 -
服務和方案,立志打造華人設計頂尖品牌。合作夥伴地產商萬達集團、萬科集團... 指標 奧托昆普集團 Tornio廠 安米集團 Carinox廠 太鋼集團...公司簡介AOD集成設計有限公司,簡稱AOD,由知名設計師劉傑、范軼聯合...
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