線上地圖在過去的一年取得了長足的發展,Google Maps 進入了該領域,通過把衛星圖像併入地圖,使其成為該領域新星,挑戰了長期以來多彩的地圖服務商Mapquest。Google Maps API使得開發人員可以創建新的應用程式和混合套用,通過該方法將google Map品牌推到主流觀眾面前。Microsoft, Yahoo和其他的公司也快速跟進。
Online mapping has come a long way in the last year. Google Maps entered the field and added satellite imagery to spring itself into the spotlight – challenging the colorful cartoon-like map images of longtime mapping frontrunner Mapquest. The Google Maps API enabled developers to create new applications and mashups, thereby pushing the Google Maps brand to mainstream audiences. Microsoft, Yahoo and others quickly followed.

儘管Google非常流行,他還不是使用量最大的地圖服務。他和 Yahoo Maps (以及新的Yahoo Maps ,請參看此處評論 we reviewed here)不分伯仲. Comscore說 說 Google Maps在3月份 有1.91千萬獨立用戶,而 Yahoo 有2千萬. 二者如果和Mapquest比起來就有點小巫見大巫了。Mapquest在3月份有巨大的4千6百4十萬用戶,超過二者的總和。
As popular as Google is, it is not the most well trafficked map service. It is virtually tied with Yahoo Maps (and the new Yahoo Maps beta product which we reviewed here). Comscore says that Google Maps had 19.1 million Unique Visitors in March, whereas Yahoo had 20 million. Both were dwarfed by Mapquest, with a whopping 46.4 million unique visitors in March, more than Yahoo and Google combined.
除了Google Maps,Yahoo Maps和Mapquest, 其他的兩個Ask Maps和 Microsoft Windows Live Local, 也都有他們獨特的特點。
In addition to Google Maps, Yahoo Maps and Mapquest, two others, Ask Maps and Microsoft Windows Live Local, also have compelling offerings.
We looked at all five of the current map services and examined their features and performance. Below is a feature by feature comparison.
那家是最好的呢?Yahoo Maps, 有許多原因,請看下文。
The best? Yahoo Maps, for many reasons. More below.
除了Mapquest以外,所有主要的地圖站點都提供2種或更多不同的察查看方式,包括衛星圖片查看。所有其他的地圖站點都有將地圖信息疊加到衛星圖像的混合查看方式。Google,Ask和Yahoo還提供一個單純的衛星圖像。WINDOWS LIVE Local推出一種非常有意思的“Bird's eye”視角查看方式的功能,該功能為地圖圖像添加了3維效果,儘管該功能花哨多於實用。
All the major map sites offer two or more different viewing options, including a satellite view, except Mapquest. All the other sites have hybrid views overlaying map information onto a satellite image. Google, Ask and Yahoo also offer a pure satellite image. Windows Live Local boasts one of the more interesting views called bird’s eye view, which adds a 3D dimension to the map image — a sexy feature, though its value lies more in dazzle factor than usability:
Zoom Champion
The zoom feature is a recognizable characteristic in most mapping services. Ask, Google and Windows Live Local all tied for the title of “Zoom Champion.” To determine the champ we performed a zoom test which focused on a single landmark and zoomed in as much as the application would allow. We then compared the five zoom levels to see which application allowed us to zoom in the most. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, check out our results below.
User Interface & Features
Yahoo Maps提供了最好的駕駛路線產品。它的Flash界面中提供了“多點查詢”和“實時交通擁堵信息”。想把路線信息傳送到手機上嗎?點擊按鈕,輸入手機號就可了。Yahoo的界面回響非常快和方便。考慮到所有這些因素,對於個人使用來說它是最好的。
Yahoo Maps has the best product for obtaining basic driving directions. Its Flash interface offers both multi-point directions and live traffic information. Want the directions sent to your cell phone? Click a button, enter the number and you have them. Yahoo also has a very responsive interface. Taking into account all of these factors, it’s the best for personal use.
Ask Maps允許多點查詢,Mapquest可以將路線信息傳送到手機,當時沒有公司同時提供這兩種服務,並且Yahoo還同時提供了實時交通擁堵信息。
Ask Maps allows multipoint directions, and Mapquest will send directions to your phone, but no other service offers both. And Yahoo alone offers live traffic information.
Ask Maps在載入的時候似乎比Yahoo和google的慢。Ask.com確實提供了一個被稱為Auto-Drive的交通路線動畫。
Ask Maps appeared to load a little slower than Yahoo and Google. Ask.com does offer a notable directions feature called Auto-Drive which animates the entire route. Unfortunately, Ask.com was the only service that provided inaccurate directions in our driving directions test.
With Window Live Local the route from point-to-point is not marked with a line like its competitors. This made it difficult to see the actual route. Contrastingly, the service introduces a pushpin feature enabling viewer-determined points on a map. This feature also is a social twist as pushpin points of interest can be saved and shared with others via another feature called a scratch pad.
Offering an API has become an invaluable marketing resource. The resulting mashup applications offer free marketing and buzz around a web 2.0 product. Mashups aside, mapping solutions in commercial use can have the same affect.
Google sports the most popular map API and is used in a number of applications such as Ning, CommunityWalk and others.
Google’s API isn’t the best, but it is by far the most used service for mashups.
Expect that to change somewhat over time. Yahoo offers the widest selection of map development APIs (both Flash and Ajax). And recently, Zillow , with its fuzzy number Zestimates, incorporated the relatively new bird’s eye view offered by Windows Live Local via the Virtual Earth API.
Mapquest also has recently featured an open API and even prodded developers to take action by creating a developers challenge contest. Amazon’s A9 Map Beta is a notable Mapquest implementation since it associates street level images with streets on a map to produce a unique mapping experience.
Yahoo is the only service with mapping on web-enabled mobile devices without a download. Google Local Mobile Beta is a free downloadable mapping application, but it does not work on every mobile device or carrier. Mapquest Mobile is a subscription model which starts at $3.99 per month, but access to this service is also contingent on your mobile carrier and device.
Mapquest is the most popular mapping service but lags on features and usability. Google is the most notable and has a ubiquitous API. Windows Live Local dazzles with its creative views and features but falls short of the others in direction functionality. Mapquest offers a number of features but still is missing satellite imagery, which makes it trail the competitors in core functionality. Ask Maps is a worthy competitor but had the highest error rate of the group.
Overall, Yahoo Maps was by far the best application tested. Its fast Flash interface, multipoint directions, live traffic information, and easy send-to-mobile feature make it the hands down winner. It also features the most robust API options.
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