



羅均華,男,漢族,1971年10月出生於甘肅省張掖市,中共黨員(河西學院優秀共產黨員,教學科研示範崗),2008年7月於蘭州大學粒子物理與原子核物理專業研究生畢業,獲理學博士學位,碩士研究生導師。河西學院物理與機電工程學院教授,學科帶頭人,學術帶頭人。主持國家自然科學基金項目一項,主持教育部科學技術研究重點項目一項,主持甘肅省委人才領導辦公室資助項目一項,主持河西學院校長基金項目一項,先後在Physical Review C、 Radiochimica Acta等國際期刊發表SCI論文40餘篇。現任物理與機電工程學院副院長,河西學院學報編委,張掖市環境評估專家。






(1)Junhua Luo, Rong Liu, Li Jiang, Zhenlai Liu, Cross sections for fast-neutron interaction with erbium isotopes, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, (2011), V289, 455-459, SCI.
(2)Junhua Luo, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Measurements of activation cross-sections for 175Lu(n,a)Tm, Lu(n,a)Tm andLu(n,p)Yb reactions induced by neutrons around 14 MeV, Annals of Nuclear Energy,(2011), 38 (8)1693-1697,SCI
(3)Junhua Luo, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Cross-sections for formation of Hf and Hf through reactions on natural hafnium at neutron energy 14.8±0.2 MeV,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, (2011), V288 (1), 143-148, SCI.
(4)Junhua Luo,Chenghu Li,Zhenlai Liu,Xinxing Wang,Rong Liu,Li Jiang,Measurement of neutron-induced activation cross sections of Lanthanum at 14.8 MeV,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, (2010), V283 (2), 421-426, SCI.
(5)Junhua Luo, Rong Liu, Li Jiang, Guihua Sun, Zhenlai Liu, Fengqun Zhou,Cross section measurements of (n, 2n), (n, p) and (n, a) reactions on gadolinium isotopes in the neutron energy range of 13.5 to 14.8 MeV, Radiochim Acta, (2010),V98:127-133. SCI.
(6)Junhua Luo, Xinxing Wang, Zhenlai Liu, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Cross-sections for formation of Pt through Pt(n,x)Pt reaction over neutron energy range 13 to 15 MeV, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, (2010),V79(10): 1018-1021. SCI.
(7)Junhua Luo, Rong Liu, Li Jiang, Zhenlai Liu, Cross section measurements for Pr isotope at neutron energies from 13.5 to 14.8 MeV, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, (2010),V79(12): 1169-1173. SCI.
(8)Junhua Luo, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Activation cross section for reactions induced by 14 MeV neutrons on natural tantalum,Physical Review C,(2009),V79: 057603, SCI
(9)Junhua Luo, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Activation cross sections and isomeric cross-section ratios for Os(n,2n)Os, Os(n,p)Re and Sr(n,2n)Sr reactions from 13.5 to 14.8 MeV, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, (2009), V279 (2), 443-454, SCI
(10)Junhua Luo, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Rong Liu, Li Jiang,Activation cross section for reactions induced by 14 MeV neutrons on natural silver,Annals of Nuclear Energy,(2009),V36(6):718-722,SCI
(11)Junhua Luo, Zhirong Zhang,Weisong Tian, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Rong Liu, Li Jiang,Activation cross sections for Os(n,p)Re, Os(n,p)Re and Os(n, n¢)Os reactions from 13.5 to 14.8 MeV,Nucl. instru. and Meth. B, (2009),V267(7): 1051-1055,SCI
(12)Junhua Luo, Zhenlai Liu, Xinxing Wang, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Activation cross sections for Dy(n,p)Tb, Dy(n,a)Gd andDy(n,p)Tb reactions induced by neutrons 14.7 MeV, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, (2009),V67(10): 1892-1896, SCI
(13)Junhua Luo, Fei Tuo, Fengqun Zhou, Xiangzhong Kong, Semi-empirical systematics for the cross-sections of the reactions (n,a), (n,p) and (n,2n) at 14.5 MeV neutrons on the basis of experimental data measured by Lanzhou University, Nucl Instru. and Meth B, (2008),V266(22):4862-4868,SCI
(14)Junhua Luo, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Rong Liu, Li Jiang,Measurements of activation cross-sections for the Ru(n,d*)Tc reaction for neutrons with energies between 13.3 and 15.0 MeV,Applied Radiation and Isotopes, (2008),V66(12): 1920-1924, SCI
(15)Junhua Luo, Gang Liu, Fei Tuo, Xiangzhong Kong, Rong Liu, Li Jiang, Benchao Lou. Activation cross section for reactions induced by 14 MeV neutrons on natural ruthenium, Physical Review, C 76, 057601 (2007). SCI
(16)Junhua Luo, Xiaosan Xu, Xuexiang Cao, Xiangzhong Kong, Activation cross sections and isomeric cross-section ratios for the (n, 2n) reactions on Lu, Pt and Se from 13.5 to 14.6 MeV, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 265(2):453-460 (2007). SCI


2011-2013年主持“教育部科學技術研究重點項目”:14 MeV中子引起的稀土同位素核反應截面研究(項目編號:211184)。
2009年主持的“14 MeV中子引起的核反應截面及系統學研究”獲得甘肅省高校科技進步獎三等獎。



