
As a young conscripted soldier, Rufus Harms was jailed for the brutal killing of a schoolgirl. Yet, after twenty-five hard years of incarceration, a stray letter from the US army reveals new facts about the night of the murder - and the evil secret shared by some of Washington's most powerful men. Fearful for his life, Harms seizes his one chance to escape. But within hours the only people who knew about the appeal have been hunted down and eliminated. As the unknown assassins close in on Harms, ex-cop turned criminal attorney John Fiske is drawn into the web. His younger brother is already a victim, the woman he loves is under threat. For the truth and the chance of a future, he will never give up the fight. But for both men time is already running out. Their enemy is buried deep within the system and completely ruthless when protecting the truth ...
David Baldacci is the seven-time New York Times best-selling author of Absolute Power, TOTAL CONTROL, THE WINNER, THE SIMPLE TRUTH, SAVING FAITH, WISH YOU WELL and LAST MAN STANDING. His latest novel, SPLIT SECOND, will be published by Macmillan in Decamber 2003. He lives in Virginia with his wife and two children.
“誰是最高法院法律職員殺人嗎?麥可·費斯克第一次下降,和警察做他們該做的每個謎:承辦空運同事來尋找線索。職員莎拉·埃文斯有一個,她總是給她自己。她知道讀一些費斯克在他駭人聽聞的抗訴法官能讀前偷走了它。她知道,,這也從一個魯孚申訴危害。讀者知道,魯弗斯是一個無期徒刑在軍隊對他被謀殺的委屈柵欄信念開始行動。故事情節的問題是要把魯弗斯動人。Baldacci工程師,以書面逃生和追求通過軍隊的軍官和魯孚的人都知道要案件死了。與此同時,莎拉鉤子與死亡的兄弟約翰費斯克,一個人將自己insinuates ex-cop進行調查。像莎拉和約翰拼湊麥可的興趣的吸引力,魯弗斯顯而易見,每個人都要見面,整理,空幾個片段的彈藥。Baldacci腳本這種必然性成三個不同的場景揭示掩蓋了這之前占高質感計數。犯罪被掩蓋變味了啤酒相比,最高法院的裝置,但作為一個風景驅動,一個Baldacci驚險的目的地的路線比起來不是那么重要了。Baldacci的乘客,中繼器和新的一樣,將男人坐在一起。“
- - -泰勒
"Will Baldacci's most recent title be another Winner, like his recent New York Times best seller? Here, a man convicted of a murder he's convinced he committed suddenly realizes that he's been framed and launches an appeal that leads to more murder."
--Library Journal
"Who is killing Supreme Court law clerks? Michael Fiske is the first to drop, and police do what they do with every mystery: canvass work colleagues for clues. Clerk Sara Evans has one that she keeps to herself.SHE KNOWSFiske read something scandalous in an appeal that he filched before the justices could read it. She knows, too, that the appeal was from a Rufus Harms. The reader knows that Rufus is aliferin an armystockadewhosegrievanceabout his murder conviction starts the action. The plot problem is to get Rufus moving. Baldacci engineers that by writing in an escape and pursuit by army officers who want Rufus and anyone who knows about his case dead. Meanwhile, Sara hooks up with the dead Fiske's brother John, an ex-cop who insinuates himself into the investigation. As Sara and John piece together Michael's interest in Rufus' appeal, it becomes obvious that everyone has to meet, sort things out, and empty a few clips of ammo. Baldacci scripts this necessity into three different scenes before revealing the cover-up that accounts for the high body count. The crime being covered up is stale beer compared to the Supreme Court setting, but as with a scenic drive, the destination of a Baldacci cliff-hanger is less important than the route taken. Baldacci's passengers, repeaters and new ones alike, will be clamoring to ride along. "
--Gilbert Taylor