
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Defining second language acquisition (SLA)
1.2 Second language and foreign language
1.3 Second language acquisition and language teachers
1.4 The scope of SLA research
1.5 Outline of the book
Chapter 2 Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis
2.2 Contrastive Analysis
2.2.1 The procedure of CA
2.2.2 The strong and weak form of CA
2.2.3 A critique of CA
2.3 Errors Analysis
2.3.1 The procedure of EA
2.3.2 AcritiqueofEA
Chapter 3 Interlanguage Studies
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Variability in interlanguage
3.2.1 Form and function
3.2.2 Free variability
3.2.3 Systematic variability
3.3 Developmental patterns
3.3.1 Acquisition order.morphemestudies
3.3.2 Acquisition sequence
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 The Monitor Model
4.1 The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
4.2 The Monitor Hypothesis
4.3 The Natural Order Hypothesis
4.4 The Input Hypothesis
4.5 The Affective Filter Hypothesis
Chapter 5 Sociolinguistic Perspectives on SLA
5.1 Stylistic continuum theory
5.2 Accommodation theory
5.3 John Schumann'sacculturationModel
5.4 Nativization Model
5.5 Social identity and investment theory
Chapter 6 Input and Interaction in SLA
6.1 Foreigner talk
6.2scaffoldingand zone of proximal development
6.3 Interaction hypothesis
Chapter 7 Psycholinguistic Perspectives on SLA
Chapter 8 Linguistics and SLA: Universal Grammar Approach
Chapter 9 Differences Between Individual Learners in SLA
Chapter 10 Formal Instruction and Second Language Acquisition
Chapter 11 Conclusion