

秦雲軼1992年生於中國•蘇州,現年16歲,自幼學鋼琴並顯現出出眾的音樂才華。9歲進入上海音樂學院附屬音樂國小,現為上海音樂學院附屬音樂中學高二學生,師從美籍華裔鋼琴家湯蓓華教授。在校期間取得了特殊優異成績,贏取了多個國際及國內鋼琴比賽冠軍,其中有:2007年11月奪得西班牙瓦倫西亞第十屆“JOSE ROCA(哈塞•盧卡)”國際鋼琴比賽冠軍,2006年5月榮獲由歐盟文化部於義大利舉辦的第十六屆巴勒塔國際青少年音樂家比賽鋼琴C組第一名及“亞洲音樂家獎”,2004年曾獲第一屆中國全國少年兒童藝術節鋼琴比賽第一名。
秦雲軼參加了上海音樂學院四屆鋼琴大師班及法國西博克國際藝術節。她獲得巴杜拉•斯科達(Badura – Skoda)、德米特里•巴什基洛夫(Dmitri Bashkirov)、鮑里斯•貝爾曼(Boris Berman)、皮埃爾•瑞切(Pierre Reach)、安東•克迪(Anton Kuerti) 、卡薩里斯(Cyprien Katsaris)、羅文薩(Jerome Lowenthal)、傅聰、謝爾曼(Russell Sherman)、岡薩雷斯•吉列姆斯(Guillermo Gonzalez)等各國鋼琴大師的高度稱讚。


Yunyi Qin, pianist
First prize winner of the 50th Jaen International Piano Competitions in Spain, Qin has received a rare award of euro 25,000 and has won enormous praise for her masterful performance. Soon after the competition, the world’s leading classical label Naxos signed an agreement with her, and invited her on a global tour. This is the very first time that a Chinese pianist has been a prize winner in the competition, and she is the youngest among prize winners in the history of this competition.
On August 20 and 21, she joined Cyprien Karsaris, Lang Lang and other seven world’s leading pianists in the “China Piano Night” in the National Performing Art Center in Beijing, making it a showcase event to celebrate the ongoing Olympics. In September, she appeared in “Bravo China” in the National Center for the Performing Arts.
Born in 1992 in Suzhou, Qin studied the piano and revealed her unusual talent while still a child. In November 2007 she was the first prize winner of the Concurso International de Paino “Jose Roca” in Spain. In 2006 she was the first prize winner in group C of the 16th Young Musician International Competition “Cittadi Barletta” in Italy.
While studying in the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, she has attended the Shanghai International Piano Festival in four consecutive years, in which she studied with Paul Badura-Skoda, Dmitri Bashkirov, Boris Berman, Pierre Reach, Anton Kuerti, Cyprein Katsaris, Jerome Lowenthal, Fou Ts’ong and Russell Sherman, and Guillermo Gonzalez.
She has performed in Spain and France, where she was warmly received for her precocious pianism.



