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秦娜,碩導博士學科:機械製造及自動化碩士學科:機械製造及自動化工作單位:西南交通大學機械學院本科:1999.9-2003.7 吉林大學 機械工程學院 碩士:2003.9-2005.9 大連理工大學 機械工程學院 師從郭東明院士博士:2005.9-2011.6 大連理工大學 機械工程學院 師從郭東明院士博士:2008.6-2011.5 美國堪薩斯州立大學 工業工程學院 師從Z.J.Pei教授任教:2011.10-至今 西南交通大學機械學院


(1) 難加工材料的非傳統加工。

(2) 多軸數控工具機機及其加工技術。


1. Guo, D.M, Qin, N., Kang, R.K., Jin, Z.J.. Novel measurement technique on 3D surface topography of polishing pad, Advanced Materials Research, 2008, 53-54: 265-272.

2. Qin, N., Pei, Z.J., Treadwell, C., Guo, D.M.. Physics-based predictive cutting force model in ultrasonic-vibration-assisted grinding for titanium drilling, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2009, 131 (4):041011-1-041011-9.

3. Qin, N., Pei, Z.J., Fisher, G.R., Liu, J.. Simultaneous double-side grinding of silicon wafers: a review and analysis of experimental investigations, Machining Science and Technology, 2009, 13 (3):285-316.

4. Qin, N., Guo, D.M., Kang, R.K., Huo, F.W.. Effect of Conditioning Parameters on Surface Non-uniformity of Polishing Pad in Chemical Mechanical Planarization, Key Engineering Materials, 2009, 389-390: 498-503.

5. Qin, N., Pei, Z.J., Guo, D.M.. Ultrasonic-vibration-assisted grinding of titanium: cutting force modeling with design of experiments, Proceedings of the ASME International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference, 2009, 2: 619-624.

6. Qin, N., Pei, Z.J., and Guo, D.M.. Nanotopography in silicon wafer manufacturing: a literature review, Proceedings of ASME International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference, 2009, 1:721-728.

7. Qin, N., Pei, Z.J., Guo, D.M. Cong, W.L.. Effects of tool design on edge chipping in ultrasonic-vibration-assisted grinding, Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, 2010, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA.

8. Qin, N., Pei, Z.J.. Four empirical models for pelleting of cellulosic biomass, Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference MSEC2010, October 12-15, 2010, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA.

9. Qin, N., Cong, W.L., Pei, Z.J., Cong, W.L., Treadwell, C., and Guo, D.M.. 2010, “Ultrasonic-vibration-assisted grinding of brittle materials: a mechanistic model for cutting force,” Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, June 13-17, 2011, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

10. Qin, N., Pei, Z.J., Guo, D.M., Cong, W.L.. UVAG of brittle materials: DoE with a cutting force model, Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, June 5-9, 2010, Cancún, Mexico.

11. Qin, N., Pei, Z. J.. Fundamental Research on Silicon Wafer Fine Grinding: 2010 Progress Report, 2011 NSF CMMI Grantees Conference, Jan 4-7, in Atlanta, GA.

12. Zhang, M., Song, X.X., Deines, T., Zhang, P.F., Zhang, Q., Cong, W.L., Qin, N., Pei, Z.J.. Ultrasonic-vibration-assisted Pelleting of Switchgrass: Effects of Binder Material, Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, June 5-9, 2010, Cancún, Mexico.

13. P.F., Zhang, Deines, T., W.L. Cong Cong, W.L., Qin, N., Pei, Z.J., Nottingham, D.. Ultrasonic vibration-assisted pelleting of switchgrass: effects of moisture content on pellet density, spring-back, and durability, Proceedings of the 2010 Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing International Conference, July 12-14, 2010, Hayward, CA.

14. Cong, W.L., P.F., Zhang, Qin, N., Deines, T., Zhang, M., Pei, Z.J.. Ultrasonic-vibration-assisted pelleting of switchgrass: effects of ultrasonic vibration, The 14th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC2011),Tianjin, October 13-15, 2011.


