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著有:《醫學與工業社會:曼徹斯特及其地區1752—1946年的醫院發展史》(1985年)、《從歷史角度看醫學革新》(1992年,編者、撰稿者)、《二十世紀醫學指南》(2000年,與Roger Cooter合編並撰稿)、《認識方式——一種新的科學、技術和醫學史》(2000年)、《外科醫生、製造商與患者——大西洋彼岸全髖關節置換史》(2007年,與Julie Anderson、Francis Neary合著)。


(2009) The modern biological and earth sciences; vol 6 of the Cambridge History of Science ,. CUP(Cambridge History of Science).
David Edgerton and John V Pickstone (2009) Science, Technolgy and Medicine in Britain, 1750-2000. CUP Modern Science in National and International Context(Vol 8 of Cambridge History of Science).
Chris Philo and John Pickstone (2009) Unpromising Configurations: towards local historical gepgraphies of psychiatry. Health and Place ?(?): ?.


Emma L Jones and John V Pickstone (2008) The Quest for Public Health in Manchester The industrial city, the NHS and the recent history. Carnegie Publishing(CHSTM series): 158.
Helen K Valier and John V Pickstone (2008) Community, Professions and Business A history of the Cenral Manchester teaching hospitals and the National Health Service. Carnegie Publishing(CHSTM series): 117.
John V Pickstone (2008) The History of History of Medicine. Institute of Historical Research, ON LINE: Histories of History n/a: n/a.


Anderson J, Neary F and Pickstone JV (2007) Surgeons, Manufacturers and Patients: a Transatlantic History of Total Hip Replacement. Palgrave(chstm series): 217.
Pickstone JV (2007) Working Knowledges before and after circa 1800 Practices and Disciplines in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. ISIS 98(September): 489-516.
Adrian M K Thomas and John V Pickstone (2007) Imaging Revealing the World Within. BMJ 334,(Suppl 1): 12.
(2007) Special volume on the History of Medicine in Manchester: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of the University of Manchester, vol 87 (2007), With survey article as introduction. University of Manchester(Bull John Rylands): 178.
(2007) Special Volume on the History of Science and Technology in the Manchester Region: Manchester Regional History Review With survey article as introduction. MMU(Manchester Regional History Review, 18): 178.
(2007) Madness, Medicine and Social History Essays in Honour of Roy Porter. Palgrave(chstm series): 295.
John V Pickstone (2007) Medicine in Manchester: Manchester in Medicine, 1750-2005. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of the University of Manchester 87(1): 13-32.
John V Pickstone (2007) Science and Technology in Manchester: an introduction to the history. Manchester Regional History Review 18: 1-18.
Pickstone JV (2007) Contested Cumulations: Configurations of Cancer Treatments through the Twentieth Century. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 81(1): 164-196.


J. S. Metcalfe and John Pickstone (2006) Replacing Hips and Lenses: Surgery, Industry and Innovation in Post War Britain. Palgrave New Technologies in Health Care. Challenges, Change and Innovat: 14.
John V. Picskstone (2006) Innovation, Diverse Knowledges and the Presumed Singularity of Science. Berghahn Books Cultures of Technology and the Quest for Innovation: 19.
Pickstone (2006) ‘Bones in Lancashire: towards long-term contextual analysis of medical technology’ . Palgrave Devices and Designs. Medical Technologies in Historical Perspec: 19.


Pickstone JV (2005) Science in nineteenth century Britain: plural configurations and singular politics. The British Academy (and Oxford UP) The organisation of knowledge in Victorian Britain: 31.
Pickstone JV (2005) On knowing, acting and the location of technoscience..
Pickstone JV (2005) Medical history as a way of life. Social History of Medicine 18(2): 307-23.


Pickstone JV (2004) Technologie..


Pickstone JV (2003) Objects of modern medicine..


Pickstone JV (2000) Ways of Knowing A New History of Science, Technology and Medicine..
Pickstone JV (2000) Medicine in the Twentieth Century (Routledge, 2002)..
Pickstone JV (2000) Production, community and consumption: the political economy of twentieth century medicine..


