
男,1971年8月出生,博士,上海交通大學微生物學教授,博士導師,基金委“重要微生物合成與分解代謝的分子機理”創新研究群體和微生物代謝國家重點實驗室研究骨幹。1992年獲得山東大學微生物系學士學位。1995年獲得華中農業大學微生物專業碩士學位。1998年獲得華中農業大學分子生物學專業理學博士學位。1999年至2002年4月在美國華盛頓大學化學系從事博士後研究。之後回國到上海交通大學生命科學技術學院工作。2006年至2007年初在德國Tuebingen大學微生物研究所從事生物合成調節方面的合作研究。主要從事抗腫瘤安絲黴素、抗水稻紋枯病井岡黴素等微生物藥物的生物合成機理研究、合成生物學結構改造和功能基因組學研究,在PNAS、JACS、NPR、Chemistry & Biology、AEM、Chembiochem等雜誌發表50篇研究論文,其中第一作者及通訊作者20篇。研究成果被Nature Biotechnology、Nature China、Faculty of 1000 Biology等專文評價,被評為06年“中國高等學校十大科技進展”、07年“教育部自然科學二等獎”和08年“國家自然科學二等獎”。07年應邀在第14屆國際放線菌大會、08年在第13屆國際生物技術大會做分組報告。承擔和參加了國家自然科學基金4項及國家863計畫項目2項。07年入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”,08年入選上海市教委“曙光人才計畫”,09年獲得“明治乳業生命科學獎”和“第十一屆中國青年科技獎”。
22: Zheng L, Zhou X, Zhang H, Ji X, Li L, Huang L, Bai L*, Zhang H*. Structural and functional analysis of validoxylamine A 7'-phosphate synthase ValL involved in validamycin A biosynthesis. PLoS One. 2012, 7(2):e32033.
21: Wang B, Kang Q, Lu Y, Bai L, Wang C. Unveiling the biosynthetic puzzle of destruxins in Metarhizium species. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012, 109(4):1287-92.
20: Li Y, Zhao P, Kang Q, Ma J, Bai L*, Deng Z. Dual carbamoylations on the polyketide and glycosyl moiety by asm21 result in extended ansamitocin biosynthesis. Chem Biol. 2011, 18(12):1571-80.
19: Kang Q, Shen Y, Bai L*. Biosynthesis of 3,5-AHBA-derived natural products. Nat Prod Rep. 2012, 29(2):243-63.
18: Jiang C, Wang H, Kang Q, Liu J, Bai L*. Cloning and characterization of the polyether salinomycin biosynthesis gene cluster of Streptomyces albus XM211. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012, 78(4):994-1003.
17: Zhou X, Wu H, Li Z, Zhou X, Bai L*, Deng Z. Over-expression of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase increases validamycin A but decreases validoxylamine A production in Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. jinggangensis 5008. Metab Eng. 2011, 13(6):768-76.
16: Kang Q, Bai L*, Deng Z. Toward steadfast growth of antibiotic research in China: From natural products to engineered biosynthesis. Biotechnol Adv. 2011.
15: Qiu J, Zhuo Y, Zhu D, Zhou X, Zhang L, Bai L*, Deng Z. Overexpression of the ABC transporter AvtAB increases avermectin production in Streptomyces avermitilis. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2011, 92(2):337-45.
14: Wu Y, Kang Q, Shang G, Spiteller P, Carroll B, Yu TW, Su W, Bai L*, Floss HG. N-methylation of the amide bond by methyltransferase asm10 in ansamitocin biosynthesis. Chembiochem. 2011, 12(11):1759-66.
13: Wu Y, Kang Q, Shen Y, Su W, Bai L*. Cloning and functional analysis of the naphthomycin biosynthetic gene cluster in Streptomyces sp. CS. Mol Biosyst. 2011, 7(8):2459-69.
12: Wu Q, Liang J, Lin S, Zhou X, Bai L*, Deng Z, Wang Z*. Characterization of the biosynthesis gene cluster for the pyrrole polyether antibiotic calcimycin (A23187) in Streptomyces chartreusis NRRL 3882. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011, 55(3):974-82.
11: He Y, Sun Y, Liu T, Zhou X, Bai L*, Deng Z. Cloning of separate meilingmycin biosynthesis gene clusters by use of acyltransferase-ketoreductase didomain PCR amplification. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2010, 76(10):3283-92.
10: Xu H, Zhang Y, Yang J, Mahmud T*, Bai L*, Deng Z. Alternative epimerization in C(7)N-aminocyclitol biosynthesis is catalyzed by ValD, a large protein of the vicinal oxygen chelate superfamily. Chem Biol. 2009, 16(5):567-76.
9: Zhang Y, Bai L*, Deng Z. Functional characterization of the first two actinomycete 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase genes. Microbiology. 2009, 155(Pt 7):2450-9.
8: Zhou Y, Meng Q, You D, Li J, Chen S, Ding D, Zhou X, Zhou H*, Bai L*, Deng Z. Selective removal of aberrant extender units by a type II thioesterase for efficient FR-008/candicidin biosynthesis in Streptomyces sp. strain FR-008. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2008, 74(23):7235-42.
7: Xu H, Yang J, Bai L*, Deng Z, Mahmud T*. Genetically engineered production of 1,1'-bis-valienamine and validienamycin in Streptomyces hygroscopicus and their conversion to valienamine. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2009, 81(5):895-902.
6: Zhao P, Bai L*, Ma J, Zeng Y, Li L, Zhang Y, Lu C, Dai H, Wu Z, Li Y, Wu X, Chen G, Hao X, Shen Y*, Deng Z, Floss HG. Amide N-glycosylation by Asm25, an N-glycosyltransferase of ansamitocins. Chem Biol. 2008, 15(8):863-74.
5: Zhang X, Fen M, Shi X, Bai L*, Zhou P*. Overexpression of yeast S-adenosylmethionine synthetase metK in Streptomyces actuosus leads to increased production of nosiheptide. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2008, 78(6):991-5.
4: Minagawa K, Zhang Y, Ito T, Bai L*, Deng Z, Mahmud T. ValC, a new type of C7-Cyclitol kinase involved in the biosynthesis of the antifungal agent validamycin A. Chembiochem. 2007, 8(6):632-41.
3: Deng Z, Bai L*. Antibiotic biosynthetic pathways and pathway engineering--a growing research field in China. Nat Prod Rep. 2006, 23(5):811-27.
2: Bai L, Li L, Xu H, Minagawa K, Yu Y, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Floss HG, Mahmud T, Deng Z*. Functional analysis of the validamycin biosynthetic gene cluster and engineered production of validoxylamine A. Chem Biol. 2006, 13(4):387-97.
1: Yu TW, Bai L, Clade D, Hoffmann D, Toelzer S, Trinh KQ, Xu J, Moss SJ, Leistner E, Floss HG*. The biosynthetic gene cluster of the maytansinoid antitumor agent ansamitocin from Actinosynnema pretiosum. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002, 99(12):7968-73.。