

2003年廈門大學化學專業本科畢業,同年本直博攻讀廈門大學物理化學專業博士,2009年取得博士學位。2009年3月-2010年9月在法國巴黎高等師範學校(Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris)化學系從事博士後研究,2010年10月-2013年4月在瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工學院(ETH Zürich)任職Research Associate。2013年5月加入蘇州大學能源學院,任職副教授。目前已在JACS, Nanotechnology, ChemPhysChem.等國際重要期刊上發表論文20餘篇。 研究領域:納米結構與材料、納米電化學、鋰-空氣電池


1.國家自然科學基金青年科學基金(No.21303114),鋰-空氣電池陰極尖晶石納米線/管陣列雙功能催化劑的製備及其電化學性能研究, 2014.01- 2016.12, 25萬元,主持人;




1. J. -H. Tian; J. Hu; S. -S. Li; F. Zhang; J. Liu; J. Shi; X. Li; Z. -Q. Tian and Y. Chen. Improved seedless hydrothermal synthesis of dense and ultralong ZnO nanowires. Nanotechnology 2011, 22, 245601.
2. J. -H. Tian; J. Hu; F. Zhang; X. Li; J. Shi; J. Liu; Z. -Q. Tian and Y. Chen. Fabrication of high density metallic nanowires and nanotubes for cell culture studies. Microelectronic Engineering 2011, 88, 1702-1706.
3. J. -H. Tian; Y. Yang; X. –S. Zhou; A. Serra-Muns; B. Sch?llhorn; E. Maisonhaute; Z. –B. Chen; F. –Z. Yang; Y. Chen; C. Amatore; B. –W. Mao; Z. -Q Tian. Electrochemically Assisted Fabrication of Metal Atomic Wires and Molecular Junctions Using Mechanically-Controllable-Break-Junction and STM-Break Junction Methods. ChemPhysChem 2010, 11, 2745-2755.
4. J.-H. Tian; Y. Yang, B. Liu; B. Sch?llhorn; D. -Y. Wu; E. Maisonhaute; A. Serra Muns; Y. Chen; C. Amatore; NJ Tao; Z. -Q. Tian. Fabrication and characterization of adjustable nanogaps between gold electrodes on chip for electrical measurement of single molecules. Nanotechnology 2010, 21, 274012.
5. J. -H. Tian; B. Liu; S. Jin; K. Dai; Z. -B. Chen; X. L. Li; H. X. Ke; S. -T. Wu; Y. Yang; B. Ren; B. -W. Mao; N. J. Tao; Z. -Q. Tian. A combined SERS and MCBJ study on molecular junctions on silicon chips. Procecdings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, 2007, 1302-1305.
6. J. -H. Tian; B. Liu; X. Li; Z. -L. Yang; B. Ren; S. -T. Wu; N. Tao; Z. -Q. Tian. Study of Molecular Junctions with a Combined Surface-Enhanced Raman and Mechanically Controllable Break Junction Method. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128, 14748-14749.


