

王連榮,女,教授, 武漢大學藥學院教授,楚天學者特聘教授,博士生導師。




1999-2003 山東大學製藥工程

2003-2008 上海交通大學微生物

2006-2008 美國麻省理工學院生物工程

2008-2011 美國麻省理工學院生物工程




全國優秀博士論文 2010
上海市優秀博士論文 2009
談家楨九源獎學金一等獎 2008
國家優秀獎學金 2007
明治乳業生命科學獎 2007


致力於研究一種DNA骨架上的新型修飾——磷硫醯化修飾, 又稱為DNA上的硫修飾。作為生命的物質基礎,DNA由碳、氫、氧、氮和磷五種元素組成的四種核苷酸構成,但是我們發現細菌能夠利用dnd基因簇對DNA磷酸骨架上非橋聯氧原子進行硫取代,形成序列特異性、空間構象專一性的DNA磷硫醯化硫修飾,而且這種生理修飾在自然界的細菌中廣泛存在。與任何DNA或RNA修飾不同,這是第一例報導的發生於核酸骨架上的生理修飾,又稱為DNA上的第六元素。


1. 鏈黴菌線性質粒中抗砷基因簇

中國發明專利:號200510030980.0, 2005 (已授權)

發明人: 鄧子新,王連榮,陳實,由德林周秀芬,肖湘,黃曦


1.Wang L, Chen S, Xu T, Taghizadeh K, Wishnok JS, Zhou X, Deng Z, Dedon PC. Phosphorothioation of DNA in bacteria by dnd genes.Nature Chemical Biology. 2007 Nov;3(11):709-10.

2.Wang L, Chen S, Vergin KL, Giovannoni Sj. Chan SW, Demott MS, Taghizadeh K, Cordero OX, Cutler M, Timberlake S, Alm EJ, Polz MF, Pinhassi J, Deng Z, Dedon PC. DNA phosphorothioation iswidespreadand quantized in bacterial genomes.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011 Feb 15; 108(7):2963-8.

3.Wang L, Chen S, Xiao X, Huang X, You D, Zhou X, Deng Z. arsRBOCT arsenic resistance system encoded by linear plasmid pHZ227 in Streptomyces sp. Strain FR-008.Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2006 May;72(5):3738-42.

4. You D,Wang L, Yao F, Zhou X, Deng Z. A novel DNA modification by sulfur:DndA is aNIFs-like cysteine desulfurase capable of assembling DndC as an iron-sulfur cluster protein in Streptomyces lividans.Biochemistry. 2007 May.46(20):6126-33.

5. Chen S,Wang L, Deng Z. Twenty years hunting for sulfur in DNA.Protein Cell. 2010 Jan,191:14-21.

6. Chan W, Chen B,Wang L, Taghizadeh K, Demott MS, Dedon PC. Quantification of the 2-deoxyribonolactone and nucleoside 5’-aldehyde products of 2-deoxyribose oxidation in DNA and cells by isotope-dilution gas chromatography mass spectrometry: differential effects of gamma-radiation and Fe2+-EDTA.J Am Chem Soc.2010 May, 132(17):6145-53.

7. Xu T, Liang J, Chen S,Wang L, He X, You D, Wang Z, Li A, Xu Z, Zhou X, Deng Z. DNA phosphorothioation in Streptomyces lividans:mutational analysis of the dnd locus.BMC Microbiology, 2009 Feb, 9:41.

8. Chen S, Mao X, Shen Y, Zhou Y, Li J,Wang L, Tao X, Yang L, Wang Y, Zhou X, Deng Z, Wei D. Tailoring the P450 monooxygenase gene for FR-008/candicidin biosynthesis.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2009 Mar,75(6):1778-81.



