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[2]Yuhong Wang, Yaoguo Dang. A Grey Model Method for Identifying System Failure Cause from Masked Data [J],the Journal of Grey System (UK),2011, 23(1):91-100. (SCI).

[3]Yuhong Wang, Yaoguo Dang, Sifeng Liu. Reliability Growth Prediction based on an Improved Grey Prediction Model [J],International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2010, 3(3): 266-273. (SCI: 618OK & EI:20110113542910).

[4]Yuhong Wang, Yaoguo Dang, Yueqing Li, Sifeng Liu. A new method to improve prediction precision of GM (1, 1) model [J],the Journal of Grey System (UK), 2009, 21(3): 301-308 (SCI: 494AU).

[5]Yuhong Wang, Yaoguo Dang, Xujin Pu. Improved Unequal Interval Grey Model and Its Applications [J],Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2011,22(3): 445-451 (SCI & EI).

[6]Yuhong Wang, Yaoguo Dang, Sifeng Liu. An Approach of Combining Optimization to Improve Prediction Precision of GM(1,1) Model [J],Journal of Grey System (TW), 2010, 13(3): 113-118.

[7]王育紅,黨耀國,基於D-S證據理論的灰色定權聚類綜合後評價方法[J],系統工程理論與實踐,2009, 29(5): 123-128 (EI: 20092712164310).

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[9]Yuhong Wang, Edward A. Pohl, Yaoguo Dang. Reliability prediction using an unequal interval grey model [C],2010 Proceedings of Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, San Jose, California, USA, 2010, 1-5 (EI: 20102212963710)

[10]Yuhong Wang, Yaoguo Dang. Model and Application of Grey Comprehensive Clustering Ex-Post Evaluation [C],2007 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Quebec City, October, 2007, 3860-3864 (EI: 081311169858; ISTP: BHP06)

[11] Yuhong Wang, Yaoguo Dang. Study on Grey Fixed Weight Clustering Decision-Making Based on Interval Numbers [C],2007 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services, Nanjing City, November, 2007, 341-345 (EI: 083611499947; ISTP: BHG69)

[12]王育紅,陶勇,黨耀國,外商直接投資對江蘇省產業結構變動的影響[J],商業研究, 2005(20), 141-150

[13]Yuhong Wang, Jianrong Tang, Wenbin Cao. Grey prediction model-based food security early warning prediction [C]2011 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services, Nanjing City, November, 2011,281-285 (EI)(國際會議優秀論文獎)


[1]黨耀國,米傳民, 王育紅. 投資項目評價[M]. 北京:科學出版社,2010.(教材)

[2]Yaoguo Dang, Sifeng Liu, Yuhong Wang. Optimization of Regional Industrial Structures and Applications [M]. USA: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010.(專著)


[1] 基於低碳經濟的江蘇省新能源產業發展途徑與政策研究,江南大學人文社會科學青年基金,2010




[5] “十二五”無錫市財政科技投入結構最佳化研究,江蘇高校哲學社會科學研究課題(2011JSD750002),2011

[6]“十二五” 江蘇省產業結構調整與高等教育發展方式轉變的實證研究,“十二五”全國教育科學規劃課題(EFA110351),2011

[7] 基於灰色建模技術的區域食品安全風險評估與預警研究:江蘇省的案例,教育部人文社會科學基金項目,2012


[1] 2007年度江蘇省“社科套用研究精品工程”優秀成果二等獎(排名第三)


