
Current research interests are about isolating and screening of antibiotic-generating strain, secondary metabolite biosynthesis in microorganisms, gene cloning and expression, enzyme reaction mechanisms, metabolic pathway engineering, and natural product drug discovery and development.
2、米爾貝黴素原料藥的研製與套用,“十一五”國家支撐重點子項目,2007~2010 主持人
3、刪除影響米爾貝黴素生物工藝雜質的高產菌株的選育,黑龍江省教育廳基金,2007~2009 主持人
4、冰城鏈黴菌生物合成米爾貝黴素基因克隆與功能分析,國家博士後基金一等,2007~2008 主持人
7、γ-氨基丁酸受體篩選模型建立及作用,黑龍江省博士後啟動基金,2005~2008 主持人
8、高濃度抗生素廢水生物處理新技術與套用研究,國家博士後基金二等,2003~2005 主持人
9、高濃度製藥廢水生物處理新技術與套用研究,浙江省博士後基金, 2003~2005 主持人
10、高濃度製藥廢水厭氧生物處理技術研究,校博士啟動基金,2005~2008 主持人
黑龍江省科技進步一等獎 1項
黑龍江省科技進步二等獎 1項
1. Xiang-Jing Wang, Suo-Lian Guo, Wan-Qian Guo, Wen-Sheng Xiang, Role of nsdA in Negative Regulation of Antibiotic Production and Morphological Differentiation in Streptomyces bingchengensis, J.Antibiotics, 2009, 62(6):329-13 ( SCI , IF=1.6 第一作者)
2. Xiang-Jing Wang, Xiao-Chong Wang, Improvement of milbemycin-producing Streptomyces bingchenggensis by rational screening of ultraviolet- and chemically induced mutants, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2009, 25:1051-1056( SCI , IF=0.8 第一作者)
3. Xiang-Jing Wang, Ji-Dong Wang, Wen-Sheng Xiang, Three new milbemycin derivatives from Streptomyces bingchenggensis, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2009, 11 (7), 597–603 (SCI, IF=0.6 第一作者 )
4. Wen-Sheng Xiang, Ji-Dong Wang, Xiang-Jing Wang, A novel macrolide compound from the Streptomyces bingchenggensis, Fermentation, Isolation, Structure Elucidation and Biological Properties, J.Antibiotics, 2009, 62(4):229-31 ( SCI, IF=1.6, 責任作者)
5. Wen-Sheng Xiang, Ji-Dong Wang, Xiang-Jing Wang, Ji Zhang, Bingchamides A and B, two novel cyclic pentapeptides from the Streptomyces bingchenggensis: fermentation, isolation, structure elucidation and biological properties, 2009,62( SCI, IF=1.6 ,責任作者)
6. Wen-Sheng Xiang, Ji-Dong Wang, Xiang-Jing Wang, New Seco-milbemycins from Streptomyces bingchenggensis: Fermentation, Isolation and Structure Elucidation, J.Antibiotics, 2008, 61 (1): 27-32 ( SCI , IF=1.6, 責任作者 )
7.Wen-Sheng Xiang, Ji-Dong Wang, Xiang-Jing Wang, Two new components from Gnetum pendulum, J. of Asian Natural Products Research,2008, 10: 1-5 ( SCI , IF=0.6, 責任作者 )
8. Wen-Sheng Xiang, Ji-Dong Wang, Xiang-Jing Wang, Two new milbemycins from Streptomyces bingchenggensis Fermentation, Isolation, Structure Elucidation and Biological properties, J.Antibiotics, 2007, 60 (6):351-356 ( SCI , IF=1.6, 責任作者 )
9.Wen-Sheng Xiang, Ji-Dong Wang, Xiang-Jing Wang, Further New Milbemycin Antibiotics from Streptomyces bingchenggensis, J.Antibiotics, 2007, 60 (10): 608-613 ( SCI , IF=1.6, 責任作者 )
10. Xiangjing Wang, Nanqi Ren, Wensheng Xiang, Influence of Gaseous End-products Inhibition and Nutrient Limitations on the Growth and Hydrogen Production by Hydrogen-producing Fermentative Bacterial B49, International Journal of hydrogen Energy, 2007(32):748-754 (SCI ,IF=3.2 )
11. Wang Xiangjing, Ren Nanqi, The start-up of biohydrogen-producing process by bioaugmentation in the EGSB reactor, High Technology Letters, 2006, 12(3): 328~331 ( EI )
12. Wang Xiangjing, Ren Nanqi, Xiang Wensheng, Effects of Iron on Hydrogen-producing Capacity, Hydrogenase and NADH-fd Reductase Activities of a Fermentative Hydrogen-producing Bacterial Strain B49, High Technology Letters, 2004,10 (4):69~74 (EI )
13. Wang Xiangjing, Ren Nanqi, Xiang Wensheng, Magnesium Improves Hydrogen Production by a Novel Fermentative Hydrogen-producing Bacterial Strain B49, Journal of Institute of Harbin Technology, 2005,12 (2):164~168 ( EI )
14. Wensheng Xiang, Xiangjing Wang, Expression of a wheat cytochrome P450 monooxygenase cDNA in yeast catalyzes the metabolism of sulfonylurea herbicide. Pest . Biochem. Physio, 2006, 85(1):1-6 ( SCI , IF=1.4 )
15. Xiang Wensheng, Wang Xiangjing, Purification of recombinant wheat cytochrome P450 monooxygenase expressed in yeast and its properties, Protein Expression and Purification, 2006(1):54-59 ( SCI , IF=1.2 )
16. Xiang Wensheng, Wang Xiangjing, Expression of a wheat cytochrome P450 monooxygenase in yeast and its inhibition by glyphosate. PestManag. Sci., 2005 Apr;61(4):402-406 ( SCI , IF=1.5 )
17. Nan-Qi Ren, Wan-Qian Guo, Xiang-Jing Wang, Wen-Sheng Xiang. Effects of different pretreatment methods on fermentation types and dominant bacteria for hydrogen production. Int J Hydrogen Energy 2008, 33(16): 4318~4324. (SCI, Ei, IF=2.725 )
18. Wan-Qian Guo, Nan-Qi Ren, Xiang-Jing Wang, Wen-Sheng Xiang. Optimization of culture conditions for hydrogen production by Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology, 2009 Feb;100(3):1192-6 (SCI, Ei, IF=3.103 )
19. Wan-Qian Guo, Nan-Qi Ren, Xiang-Jing Wang, Wen-Sheng Xiang. Biohydrogen production from ethanol-type fermentation of molasses in an expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor. Int J Hydrogen Energy 2008, 33(19): 4981~4988. ( SCI, Ei, IF=2.725 )
20. Wan-Qian Guo, Nan-Qi Ren, Xiang-Jing Wang, Wen-Sheng Xiang. Simultaneous biohydrogen production and starch wastewater treatment in an acidogenic expanded granular sludge bed reactor by mixed culture for long-term operation. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2008.09.039. ( SCI, Ei, IF=2.725 )
21. 王相晶, 任南琪. 發酵條件對發酵產氫細菌B49產氫的影響, 太陽能學報,2005,26 (1):99~103( EI 收錄)
22. 郭婉茜,任南琪,王相晶. 接種污泥預處理對生物制氫反應器啟動的影響.化工學報. 2008, 59(5): 1283~1287. ( Ei收錄,accession number:082311304125)
23. Ming Wang, Xiao-Hu Yang, Ji-Dong Wang, Xiang-Jing Wang, Zheng-Jie Chen, Wen-Sheng Xiang, New β-Class Milbemycin Compound from Streptomyces Avermitilis NEAU1069: Fermentation, Isolation and Structure Elucidation J.Antibiotics,2009,62 ( SCI , IF=1.6,)
24. 呂世翔, 郭陽輝, 王亞平, 王相晶, 向文勝, ( R)-4-氰基-3-羥基丁酸乙酯的合成新方法, 有機化學( SCI ,已接收定稿)
25. Hai Bo Sun, Guo Jun Zheng , Ya Ping Wang, Xiang Jing Wang, Wen Sheng Xiang, Novel synthesis of 2-butyl-5-chloro-3H-imidazole-4-carbaldehyde: A key intermediate of Losartan, Chinese Chemical Letters 20 (2009) 269–270 ( SCI, IF=0. 7 收錄)
26. 郭婉茜 ,任南琪 ,曲媛媛 ,王相晶 ,向文勝, 兩種類型生物制氫反應器的運行及產氫特性,哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2009, 4(4):72-76 ( EI 收錄)
27. Optimized operational parameters of a pilot scale membrane bioreactor for high-strength organic wastewater treatment. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 第三作者,2005, 56(4): 216~223( SCI 收錄)
28. Hydrogen energy recovery from high strength organic wastewater with ethanol type fermentation using acidogenic EGSB reactor. Journal of Institute of Harbin Technology, 第三作者, 2005,12 (6):603~607( EI 收錄)
29. Wang Xiangjing, Ren Nanqi. Comparative analysis of hydrogen-producing bacteria and its immobilized Cells for Characteristics of hydrogen production, Journal of Institute of Harbin Technology, 2003,10 (4):403~407( EI 收錄)
30. Ren Nanqi, Wang Xiangjing. Hydrogen Production with High Evolution Rate and High Yield by Immobilized Cells of Hydrogen-Producing Bacterial Strain B49 in a column reactor, High Technology Letters,2002,8(4): 21~25( EI 收錄)
31. 向文勝,王相晶. 乙氧氟草醚的毛細管氣相色譜分析, 分析化學,2003, (3) :79( SCI 收錄
32. 牛奶廢水厭氧水解酸化試驗研究, 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2004,36(3):331~333,337 第四作者( EI 收錄)
33. Molecular Biological Characterization of a Strain of Biohydrogen-produing Anaerobe in Clostridium Genus, Journal of Institute of Harbin Technology, 2005,12 (2):159~163 第七作者( EI 收錄)
34. 林明,任南琪,王愛傑,王相晶,混合菌種在發酵法生物產氫中的協同作用,環境科學,2003,24(2):54~59( EI 收錄)
(1) “十一五”規劃教材《儀器分析》,主編,哈爾濱工業大學出版社
(2) 廢物資源化與生物能源 參編 化學工業出版社 2004,3
(3) 厭氧生物技術原理與套用 參編 化學工業出版社 2004,3