男,漢族,1966年9月生,河南新安人。1983年9月~1987 年7月,在華東化工學院能源化工系燃料化工專業學習,獲學士學位。1990年9月~1991 年7月,在清華大學化學工程系傳質與分離專業學習並被選拔為出國留學預備生。1991年10月~1995年7月, 國家公派俄羅斯聖彼得堡工藝大學化工系化工原理專業學習,獲工學博士學位。1995年9月來北京工業大學工作,1998年9月獲北京工業大學優秀青年骨幹教師稱號,1999年7月晉升為副教授,1999年被聘為碩士生導師,2005年12月晉升為教授。現任北京工業大學膜分離中心副主任。2006年獲北京市教委中青年骨幹教師稱號。2007年被聘為博士生導師。
主要從事化學工程(膜分離)方面的教學與研究工作。承擔本科生《化工原理》、《精細化工分離技術》、《環境工程測量技術》、《膜分離技術及其套用》、《化工實驗》等課程的教學工作和研究生《膜分離技術基礎》、《傳遞過程原理》等課程的教學工作。主持國家自然基金項目、國家“973”項目子課題、北京市自然基金項目、北京市教委項目、教育部留學回國人員基金項目、校博士啟動基金項目及校青年基金各1項。作為主要成員參與俄羅斯國家自然基金項目、北京市自然基金項目、國家自然科學基金項目和北京市科委項目多項。近10年來以第一作者或通訊作者在國內外核心期刊(會議)上發表論文30多篇,主要涉及化工和膜分離領域,其中被“SCI、EI”收錄10多篇。主編或參編專著《膜分離技術基礎》、《膜材料及其製備》、《富氧膜及其工業套用》總計三部; 主編有《化工原理》教材二部及教輔材料《化工原理800例》一部。 2002年獲北京工業大學優秀教育教學成果三等獎和北京工業大學優秀教材三等獎各一項。兼任《膜科學與技術》編委和北京膜學會委員、中國海水淡化與再利用學會委員及中國膜工業協會委員。
對膜的過濾行為進行定量研究,取得了一系列有價值的成果;通過在傳統物理共混制膜過程中引入化學反應生成氣泡實現了對膜孔徑的均勻人為控制,提高了膜的抗污染性能。共發表學術論文70多篇,其中以第一作者或通訊作者發表學術論文60多篇,包括20篇被 “SCI ”收錄論文和7篇被“EI ”收錄論文。主編參編專著總計三部,主編教材及教輔用書二部,其中《膜分離技術基礎》一書已被20多本專業書籍引用,並被國內外期刊論文引用超過600次, 2008年被評為北京市精品教材。2008年和2003年分別獲北京工業大學優秀教育教學成果獎一等獎和三等獎各一項,2010年獲北京工業大學教學優秀獎.
2.王湛,《化工原理800例》,國防工業出版社, 2005年第一版,2007年第二版。
3.汪錳,王湛,李政雄,《膜材料及其製備》,化學工業出版社, 2004年。
4.張陽,王湛,紀樹蘭,《富氧膜及其工業套用》,化學工業出版社, 2005年。
1.Wang Zhan, Martsule N.A. Flisyuk O.M. Evaluation of the relative permeability of precipitate in the separation of suspension on membrane.J. Appli Chem.(Russia), 65 (1992): 2155-2158 (Ван Чжань Марцулевич Н.А.,Флисюк О.М..Об оценке относительной проницаемости осадка при разделении суспензии намембранах.ЖПХ, 1992, 65(9): 2155 -2158).
2.Zhan Wang,Dezhong Liu, Wenjuan Wu, etc. Study of dead-end microfiltratio flux variety law.Desalination, 201(2006): 175-184.
3.Zhan Wang, Jinshu Chu, Xinmiao Zhang. The study of cake model during stirreddead-endmicrofiltration.Desalination, 217(2007): 127-138.
4.Zhan Wang, Yanjie Cui, Wenjuan Wu, Shulan Ji, Jinmiao Yao. The convective model of flux prediction in hollow-fiber module for steady-state cross-flow microfiltration system.Desalination, 238 (2009)192-20.
5.Zhan Wang, Jin-shu Chu, Wen-juan Wu, Jin-miao Yao. Study of unsteady state flux prediction in crossflowmicrofiltration.Desalination, 238 (2009) 290-301.
6.Xuejie Xi, Yanjie Cui,Zhan Wang, Jianhua Qian, Jing Wang, Liying Yang, Shanshan Zhao. Study of dead-end microfiltration features in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) by optimized neural networks.Desalination, 272 (2011) 27–35.
7.Wang Zhan, Wu Wenjuan, Zhang Xinmiao, Liu Dezhong. Research progress of flux prediction models of microfiltration membrane.Journal of Chemical Industry andEngineering(China). 2005, 56(6):972-980.
8. Zhang Xinmiao,Wang Zhan, Liu Mei. Recent development on flux prediction model on dead-end microfiltration.Journal of Beijing University of Technology(China). 2005, 31(2):179-185.
1.Zhan Wang, Jinmiao Yao, Chong Zhou, Jinshu Chu. The Influence of various operating conditions on the permeation flux during dead-end microfiltration. Desalination, 212(2007):209-218.
2.Zhan Wang, Jinmiao Yao Jinshu Chu Yanjie Cui Yanli Liang. The influence of various operating conditions on specific cake resistance in the cross-flow microfiltration of yeast suspensions. Desalination and Water Treatment, 1(2009) 237-247
3. Zhan Wang, Jinshu Chu, Yin Song, Yanjie Cui, Hu Zhang, Xinqi Zhao, Zhaohui Li, Jinmiao Yao. Influence of operating conditions on the efficiency of domestic wastewater treatment in membrane bioreactors. Desalination, 245(2009):73-81.
4. Yao Jinmiao, Wang Zhan, Sun Guangmin, Cheng Deming, Chu Jinshu, Zhang Hu, LI Zhaohui. A study on predicting specific resistance for yeast suspensions in dead-end microfiltration. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China). 2008,9(6):1430-1435.
5.Sun Guangmin, Zhang Canhui, Wang Zhan, Wang Chun, Yu Guangyu, Liu Xiaopeng, Cui Yanjie. Flux prediction of micro-filtration devices based on genetic neural network. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China). 2009,60(9):2237-2242.
6. Ye Shao, Yao jinmiao, Wang Zhan, Liu Xingchun, Liu Dezhong, Zhang Hu, Li Zhaohui. Application of Linear multi-regression model for specific resistance study in the dead-end microfiltration. Journal of Beijing University of Technology (China). 2007, 33(11): 1193-1197.
7. Wang Zhan, Yao Jinmiao, Ye Xiao, Chu Jinshu, Cui Yanjie. Study on influence of operating conditions on ultraflltration polysaccharide of agaricus blazei murril. Journal of Beijing University of Technology (China). 2008,34(10):1105-1110.
1. Shuwei Wang, Zhan Wang, Yang Zhang, etc. Experimental study on the control of pore sizes of porous membrane by chemical Methods. Desalination, 177(2005): 7-13
2. Chong Zhou, Zhan Wang, Yanli Liang, ect. Study on the control of pore sizes of membranes using chemical methods. Part II. Optimization factors for preparation of membranes. Desalination, 225 (2008): 123-138
3. Yanli Liang, Zhan Wang, Ye Liu, Study on the control of pore sizes of membranes using chemical methods Part Ⅲ. The performance of carbonates and bicarbonates in the membrane-making process by the chemical reaction. Desalination, 267 (2011) 42–48.
4. Zhou Chong, Wang Zhan, Yao Jinmiao, Liu Ye. Optimization of preparing PVDF/ CA blend microfiltration membrane by linear multi-regressio. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China). 2007, 58(7): 1840-1845
5. Jing Zhang, Wenjuan Li, Zhan Wang, Xiao Ye, Longyue Shi, Wentao Yang , and Sha Chen. Study on preparation and performance of modified polyvinyl chloride-co- vinyl acetate microfiltration membranes. Separation Science and Technology, 47: 1464–1471, 2012.
6. Li Wenjuan, Ye Xiao, Wang Zhan, Zhang Jing. The preparation and performance characteristics of polyvinyl chloride-co-vinyl acetate modified membranes. Energy Procardia. 5 (2011) 1158–1162.
7. Zhang Jing, Zhan Wang, Xiao Ye, Wenjuan Li. The preparation and performance characteristics of polyvinyl chloride-co-vinyl acetate (VC-co-VAc-OH) modified membranes on the non-woven fabrics. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 562- 564(2012)3-6.
8. Zhou Chong, Wang Zhan, Zhang Yang, Yao Jinmiao. Preparation of PVDF/ CA blend microfiltration membrane. Membrane science and Technology (China). 2007,27(5):31-35.
9. Zhang Yang, Wang Zhan, Ji Shulan, Yao Shizhong, Peng Yuelan, Qin Zhengping, Zhang Han. Preparation of PDMS-PS oxygen-enrichmene membrane and observation of structure of the support membrane. Membrane Science and Technology (China). 2007,27(3)
10. Zhang Yang, Wang Zhan, Ji Shulan, Yao Shizhong, Qin Zhenping. Research on the connection between prepare conditions of the polysulphone base membrane and capability of the PDMS-polysulphone composite membrane. Chemical Research and Application(China). 2006, 18(6):653-658
11.Wang Shumei, Wang Zhan, Zhang Xinmiao, Liu Shuxiu, Wu Wenjuan, Liu Dezhong. Study of the preparation of PVDF/ PMMA/ CA blend membrane and its properties. Membrane Science and Technology (China). 2005,25(3):63-67
12.Wang Zhan, Wang Shumei, Zhang Xinmiao, Qian Ying. Experimental study on the pressure behavior in flat laminar membranous channels. Membrane Science and Technology (China). 2003,23(2):62-64
13.Wang Zhan, Lv yawen, Wang Shumei, Yin Ni, Liu Shuxiu, Qian Ying. Study on the preparation and characteristics of PVDF/ CA blend ultrafiltration membrane[J]. Membrane Science and Technology(China). 2002,22(6):4-8
14.Wang Meng, Wang Zhan, Wang Shumei, Wang Shusen. Study on silicon、molecular sieve membranes used for enriching oxygen.Membrane Science and Technology (China). 2002,22(3):39-42.
1.Zhan Wang, Shanshan Zhao, Feng Liu, Liying Yang, Yin Song, Xiuyan Wang, Xuejie Xi. Influence of operating conditions on cleaning efficiency in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) activated sludge process — water rinsing introduced membrane filtration process.Desalination, 2010, 259:235–242
2.Xiuyan Wang, Sha Chen, Wenyue Dong, Zhan Wang, Liying Yang, Xuejie Xi, Qian Zhang, and Longyue Shi. Contribution of main pollutants in oilfield polymer-flooding wastewater to the total membrane fouling resistance. Separation Science and Technology, 47: 1617–1627, 2012.
3.Liying Yang, Zhan Wang, Yongjun Sun, Zhang Hu, Shanshan Zhao, Xiuyan Wang, Wenjuan Li,Xuejie Xi, Jing Zhang, Zheng Pe. Influence of various operating conditions on cleaning efficiency in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) activated sludge process. Part II: Backwash and water rinsing introduced membrane filtration process. Desalination 272 (2011) 76–84.
4.Zhan Wang, Yin Song, Mei Liu, Jinmiao Yao, Yuanyuan Wang, Zhang Hu, Li Zhaohui. Experimental study of filterability behavior of model extracellular polymeric substances solutions in dead-end membrane filtration. Desalination, 2009, 249:1380–1384.
5.Xiuyan Wang, Zhan Wang, Yuenan Zhou, Xuejie Xi, Wenjuan Li, Liying Yang, Xuyan Wang. Study of the contribution of the main pollutants in the oilfield polymer-flooding wastewater to the critical flux. Desalination, 2011(273)375-385.
6.Mei Liu, Zhan Wang, Longyue Shi, Yin Song, Wenyue Dong, Yuenan Zhou, Jing Zhang, Liying Yang, Qian Zhang. The influence of operating conditions on the fi ltration behavior of actual extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) using dead-end membrane filtration cell. Desalination and Water Treatment, 44 (2012) 52–59.
7.Yuenan Zhou, Zhan Wang, Qian Zhang, Xuejie Xi, Jing Zhang, Wentao Yang. Equilibrium and thermodynamic studies on adsorption of BSA using PVDF microfiltration membrane. Desalination. (2012) .