
Notational Conventions
Chapter 1. Basic Definitions
Chapter 2. The lnvariantbilinearForm and the Generalized Casimir Operator
Chapter 3. Integrable Representations of Kac-Moody Algebras and the Weyl Group
Chapter 4. A Classification of GeneralizedcaftanMatrices
Chapter 5. Real and Imaginary Roots
Chapter 6. Affine Algebras: the Normalized Invariant Form, the Root System, and the Weyl Group
Chapter 7. Affine Algebras as Central Extensions of Loop Algebras
Chapter 8. Twisted Affine Algebras and Finite Order Automorphisms
Chapter 9. Highest-Weight Modules over Kac-Moody Algebras
Chapter 10. Integrable Highest-Weight Modules: the Character Formula
Chapter 11. Integrable Highest-Weight Modules: the Weight System and the Unitarizability
Chapter 12. Integrable Highest-Weight Modules over Affine Algebras. Application to η-Function Identities.SugawaraOperators and Branching Functions
Chapter 13. Affine Algebras, Theta Functions, and Modular Forms
Chapter 14. The Principal and Homogeneous Vertex Operator Constructions of the Basic Representation. Boson-fermionCorrespondence. Application to Soliton Equations
Index of Notations and Definitions
Conference Proceedings and Collections of Papers