
dation stein Hasen

海明威獎(The PEN/ Hemingway Award)是由海明威基金會(Ernest Hemingway Foundation)所提供的獎項,該基金會是Mary Hemingway女士為紀念其夫─海明威,而創辦的一個組織,希望藉此獎項的設立鼓勵小說創作。
本獎項自1975年開始,至今已有30年歷史,參賽資格需為未發表過的小說創作;基金會每年評選出一部傑出作品,於波士頓之甘乃迪圖書館(John F. Kennedy Library)頒獎,獲獎的作者可得到美金7,500元的高額獎金。
海明威獎得獎書單(第一橫列為標題,其餘為資料;第一直行為年度,第二直行為得主,第三直行為作品) 年度 得主 作品
2009 Michael Dahlie A Gentleman's Guide To Graceful Living
2008 Joshua Ferris Then We Came to the End
2007 Ben Fountain Brief Encounters With Che Guevara
2006 Yiyun Li A Thousan Years of Good Prayers
2005 Chris Abani Graceland
2004 Jennifer Haigh Mrs. Kimble
2003 Gabriel Brownstein The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Apt. 3W
2002 Justin Cronin Mary and O’Neil
2001 Akhil Sharma An obedient Father
2000 Jhumpa Lahiri Interpreter of Maladies: Stories
1999 Rosina Lippi homestead
1998 Charlotte bacon A Private State
1997 Ha Jin Ocean of Words
1996 Chang-Rae Lee Native Speaker
1995 Susan Power The Grass Dancer
1994 Dagoberto Gilb The Magic of Blood
1993 Edward P. Jones Lost in the City
1992 Louis Begley Wartime Lies
1991 Bernard Cooper Maps to Anywhere
1990 Mark Richard The Ice at the Bottom of the World
1989 Jane Hamilton The Book of Ruth
1988 Lawrence Thornton Imagining Argentina
1987 Mary Ward Brown Tongues of Flame
1986 Alan V. Hewar Lady’s Time
1985 Josephine Humphreys Dreams of sleep
1984 Joan Chase During the Reign of the Queen of Sheba
1983 Bobbie Ann Mason Shiloh and Other Stories
1982 Marilynne Robinson Housekeeping
1981 Joan Silber Household Words
1980 Alan Saperstein Mom Kill Kids and Self
1979 Reuben Bercovitch Hasen
1978 Darcy O’Brien A Way of Life, Like Any Other
1977 Renata Adler speedboat
1976 Loyd Little Parthian Shot


