1984.9―1988.7 武漢大學生物系 微生物專業 學士學位
1988.9―1991.7 華南熱帶作物學院 加工系 熱帶作物產品發酵方向 碩士學位
1995.9―1998.7 南京農業大學(清華大學)微生物學專業 博士學位
1998.11-1999.7 香港理工大學套用生物與化學系 Research Associate
2000.7-2000.10 香港理工大學套用生物與化學系 Research Associate
2004.11-2005.11 獲得英國皇家學會KC-WONG中國學者獎學金在英國Heriot Watt 大學 (Host by Grant Bergeys)和Newcatstle 大學(Host by Prof Michael Goodfellow)訪問學習 UK Royal Society China Fellow
2009.6 獲得英國政府資助訪問普利茅斯海洋實驗室
2013.7-2013.9 歐盟第七框架項目訪問英國阿伯丁大學化學系海洋天然產物研究中心
1991.7―1999.9 華南熱帶作物學院加工系(華南熱帶農業大學工學院)助教、講師、高聘副教授,工學院院長助理。
1999.9―2000.4 中國熱帶農業科學院、華南熱帶農業大學科研處 處長 副教授(高聘教授)
2000.4―2002.4 華南熱帶農業大學 環境與植物保護學院 副教授(高聘教授).
2002.5―2006.9 中國熱帶農業科學院、華南熱帶農業大學 熱帶作物生物技術國家重點實驗室 PI, 教授.
2006.9-2010.12 中國熱帶農業科學院 熱帶生物技術研究所 PI 教授
2010.12―現在 武漢大學藥學院 教授
任中國微生物學會理事,中國微生物學會海洋分會理事,中國生化學會海洋分會理事。為Marine Drugs, 《胺基酸與生物資源》等期刊編委, “IJSEM”, “Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek” 等以及國內《微生物學報》,《微生物學通報》等期刊長期審稿人。
1.基因組學指導的海洋微生物天然產物發現與大量合成(部分合作):以對微生物全基因組的認識,挖掘菌株次級代謝產物合成的多樣性,提高目標產物的合成量。研究內容包括:① 微生物(分離自特殊環境、新分類類群、產新化合物)的全基因組測序及次級代謝相關基因功能注釋;② 藥用微生物活性化合物合成相關基因的分離鑑定;③放線菌分類系統與次級代謝產物合成基因的相關性;④目標化合物合成相關基因的調控及產量的提高;⑤沉默基因的激活與新次級代謝產物類型的發現。目的是探索某種微生物合成天然產物的能力有多大?
3.微生物系統學指導的藥用海洋微生物資源(菌種、基因)的分離鑑定:以對微生物分類系統的認識,發現藥用微生物資源在不同分類系統中的分布規律。主要研究內容:① 藥用微生物(放線菌)資源的分離鑑定;② 藥用微生物(放線菌)代謝產物的生物活性檢測篩選(部分合作)。③ 放線菌的生物地理學。目的是探索什麼樣的微生物具有藥物合成潛力,通常它們生長在什麼地方(環境)?
2012.1-2014.12 863子課題“紅樹林海洋微生物藥用功能基因研究”(2012AA092201-5),
2012.1- 2016.12 歐盟第七框架項目(FP7),“Increasing Value and Flow in the Marine Biodiscovery Pipeline” in short PharmaSea (Project ID 312184)
2012.1-2015.12 國家自然科學基金31170467 “紅樹林小單胞菌培養與非培養水平多樣性與地理分布”
2011.7-2014.6 863子課題2011AA09070106“逆轉多藥耐藥抗乳腺癌化合物HDZ-137成藥性評價”
2011.1-2013.12 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金(武漢大學引進人才啟動經費),306-273450 “基因組測序指導的海洋微生物藥物先導化合物發現”
2011.1-2013.12 科技部中泰合作項目:以培養和非培養技術研究熱帶海洋與陸地放線菌資源( 19-505J)
1. Chai H, Yin R, Liu Y, Meng H, Zhou X, Zhou G, Bi X, Yang X, Zhu T, Zhu W, Deng Z, Hong K*. Sesterterpene ophiobolin biosynthesis involving multiple gene clusters inAspergillus ustus. Sci Rep. 2016 Jun 7; 6:27181. doi: 10.1038/srep27181.
2. Zhang L, Ruan C, Peng F, Deng Z, Hong K*.Streptomyces arcticus sp. nov., isolated from the Arctic. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol.2016 Jan 19. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.000907. [Epub ahead of print]
3. Xie QY, Ren J, Li L, Li Y, Deng ZX, Hong K*.Micromonospora mangrovi sp. nov., isolated from mangrove soil. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek.2016 Apr;109(4):483-91. doi: 10.1007/s10482-015-0641-x. Epub 2016 Mar 4
4. Mostafa E. Rateb, Yin Zhai, Emmanuelle Ehrner, Christopher M. Rath, Xiaoling Wang, Jioji Tabudravu, Rainer Ebel, Mervin Bibb, Kwaku Kyeremeh, Pieter C. Dorrestein, Kui Hong,* Marcel Jaspars*, Hai Deng*.Legonaridin, a new member of linaridin RiPP from a GhanaianStreptomyces isolate. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/c5ob01269d
5. Xu D, Ma M, Liu Y, Zhou T, Wang K, Deng Z, Hong K*. PreQ0 base, an unusualmetabolite with anti-cancer activity fromStreptomyces qinglanensis 172205. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2015;15(3):285-90.
6. Xu DB, Ma M, Deng ZX, Hong K*. Genotype-driven isolation of enterocin with novel bioactivities from mangrove-derivedStreptomyces qinglanensis 172205. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2015 Jul; 99(14):5825-32. doi: 10.1007/s00253-015-6574-5. Epub 2015 Apr 17
7. Yin Zhai, Bin Cheng, Juan Hu, Kwaku Kyeremeh, Xiaoling Wang, Marcel Jaspars, Hai Deng, Zi-Xin Deng, Kui Hong*, Draft genome sequence of Streptomyces sp. strain CT34, isolated from a Ghanaian soil sample, Genome announcements, 2015 Feb 5;3(1). pii: e01508-14. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01508-14
8. Lv C, Qin W, Zhu T, Wei S, Hong K*, Zhu W, Chen R, Huang C. Ophiobolin O isolated from Aspergillus ustus induces G1 arrest of MCF-7 cells through interaction with AKT/GSK3β/cyclin D1 signaling. Mar Drugs. 2015 Jan 16;13(1):431-43. doi: 10.3390/md13010431.
9. Xu DB, Ye WW, Han Y, Deng ZX, Hong K*. Natural Products from Ma, ngrove Actinomycetes. 2014, 12, 2590-2613; doi:10.3390/md12052590
10. Sun W, Lv C, Zhu T, Yang X, Wei S, Sun J, Hong K*, Zhu W*, Huang C*. Ophiobolin-O Reverses Adriamycin Resistance via Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis Sensitization in Adriamycin-Resistant Human Breast Carcinoma (MCF-7/ADR) Cells. Marine Drugs. 2013; 11:4570-4584.
11. Yuan GJ, Hong K*, Lin HP, She ZG, Li J. New Azalomycin F Analogs from MangroveStreptomyces sp. 211726 with Activity against Microbes and Cancer Cells. Marine Drugs. 2013, 11, 817-829
12. Li T , Du YY , Cui Q , Zhang JT, Zhu W, Hong K*, Li WL*. Cloning, Characterization and Heterologous Expression of the Indolocarbazole Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Marine-Derived Streptomyces sanyensis FMA, Marine Drugs. 2013,11, 466-488,
13. Lei Li, You-Ju Mao, Qing-Yi Xie, Zixin Deng, Kui Hong*.Micromonospora avicenniae sp. nov., isolated from a root of Avicennia marina. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. DOI 10.1007/s10482-013-9888-2
14. Fu P, Yang CL, Wang Y, Liu PP, Ma YM, Xu L, Su MB, Hong K,* Zhu WM *. Streptocarbazoles A and B, two novel indolocarbazoles from the marine-derived actinomycete strainStreptomyces sp. FMA. Organic Letters. 14 (9): 2422–2425,2012
15. Learn-Han Lee , Yoke-Kqueen Cheah, Shiran Mohd Sidik, Nurul-Syakima Ab Mutalib, Yi-Li Tang, Hai-Peng Lin, Kui Hong. Molecular characterization of Antarctic actinobacteria and screening for antimicrobial metabolite production. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. (2012) 28:2125–2137. DOI 10.1007/s11274-012-1018-1
16. Peng, Mengjun, Xie, Qingyi, Hu, Huo, Hong, Kui, Todd, Jonathan D., Johnston, Andrew W. B., *Li, Youguo. Phylogenetic diversity of the dddP gene for dimethylsulfoniopropionate-dependent dimethyl sulfide synthesis in mangrove soils. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 58(4), pp 523-530, 2012/4
17. Junfeng Wang, Zhenyu Lu, Peipei Liu,YiWang, Jing Li, Kui Hong*, Weiming Zhu*. Cytotoxic Polyphenols from the Fungus Penicillium expansum 091 006 Endogenous with the Mangrove. Plant Excoecaria agallocha, Planta Med 2012; 78: 1861 – 1866
18. Hui Wang, Zhenyu Lu, Hai-Jun Qu, Peipei Liu, Chengdu Miao, Tonghan Zhu,Jing Li, Kui Hong* and Weiming Zhu*. Antimicrobial Aflatoxins from the Marine-Derived Fungus Aspergillus flavus 092008. Arch Pharm Res Vol 35, No 8, 1387-1392, 2012
19. Xie QY, Lin HP, Li L, Brown R, Goodfellow M, Deng ZX, Hong K*.Verrucosispora wenchangensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove soil. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (2012) 102:1–7. DOI 10.1007/s10482-012-9707-1
20. Yang TT, Lu ZY, Meng L, Wei SJ, Hong K*, Zhu WM *, Huang CG *. The novel agent ophiobolin O induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of MCF-7 cells through activation of MAPK signaling pathways. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2012) 22:579–585
21. Hu H, Lin HP, Xie QY, Li L, Xie XQ, Hong K*.Streptomyces qinglanensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2012,62: 596–600. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.032201-0
22. Xie QY, Qu Z, Lin HP, Li L, Hong K*.Micromonospora haikouensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove soil。Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2012. 101: 649–655. Doi: 10.1007/s10482-011-9682-y
23. Xiao-Xiong Xu, Hai-Long Wang, Hai-Peng Lin, Cheng Wang, Zhi Qu, Qing-Yi Xie, Ji-Sheng Ruan, and Kui Hong*.Microbispora hainanensis sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of Excoecaria agallocha in a mangrove Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2012. 62, 2430–2434. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.037267-0
24. Peng Fu, Peipei Liu, Xia Li, Yi Wang, Shuxia Wang, Kui Hong, Weiming Zhu*, Cyclic Bipyridine Glycosides from the Marine-Derived Actinomycete Actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus WH1-2216-6, Org. Lett. 2011, 13(22): 5948–5951. IF 5.25
25. Zhihong Xu, Yapeng Zhang, Haichao Fu, Huimin Zhong, Kui Hong,* Weiming Zhu*. Antifungal Quinazolinones from Marine-derived Bacillus cereus and Their Preparation, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21(13): 4005–4007. IF 2.661
26. Peng Fu, Shuxia Wang, Kui Hong, Xia Li, Peipei Liu, Yi Wang, Weiming Zhu*, Cytotoxic Bipyridines from the Marine-Derived Actinomycete Actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus WH1-2216-6, J. Nat. Prod. 2011, 74(8): 1751–1756. IF 2.872
27. Xiao-Ping Peng, Yi Wang, Pei-Pei Liu, Kui Hong, Hao Chen, Xia Yin, Wei Ming Zhu*. Aromatic Compounds from the Halotolerant Fungal Strain of Wallemia sebi PXP-89 in a Hypersaline Medium. Arch Pharm Res 2011, 34(6): 907-912. IF 1.588
28. Song, Yong-Xiang, Qiao, Li-Tao, Wang, Jia-Jian, Zeng, Hua-Ming, She, Zhi-Gang, Miao, Cheng-Du, Hong, Kui, Gu, Yu-Cheng, *Liu, Lan, Lin, Yong-Cheng. Two New Meroterpenes from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus sp 085241B
HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA, 94(10), pp 1875-1880, 2011/10.
29. Li, Xiao-Bin, Tang, Jin-Shan, Gao, Hao, Ding, Rong, Li, Jia, Hong, Kui, *Yao, Xin-Sheng。A new staurosporine analog from Actinomycetes Streptomyces sp (172614)Journal of Asian natural products research, 13(8), pp 765-769, 2011(SCIE).
30. Hu H, Lin HP, Xie QY, Li L, Xie XQ, Sun M Hong K *.Streptomyces shenzhenensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove soil. AntonievanLeeuwenhoek, 2011, 100(4):631-7
31. Xie QY, Hong K*, Goodfelllow M. Genus-specific primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene for PCR detection of members of the genus Verrucosispora. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (2011) 100:117-128; DOI 10.1007/s10482-011-9571-4.
32. Xu XX, Qu Z, Wang HL, Lin HP, Wang C, Xie QY, Ruan JS, and Hong K*. Asanoa hainanensis sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of Acrostichum speciosum in a mangrove. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2011 61, 2384–2388. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.025825-0
33. Sui JL, Xu XX, Qu Z, Lin HP, Ruan JS, Hong K *.Streptomyces sanyensis sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2011 61 (7): 1632 – 1637. first published on August 6, 2010 as doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.023515-0
34. Wang F, Xu X X, Qu Z, Wang C, Lin HP, Ruan JS, Hong K *. Nonomuraea wenchangensis sp.nov.,isolated from mangrove rhizosphere soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2011 61: 1304 – 1308. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.025742-0
35. Xie QY, Wang C, Wang R, Qu Z, Lin HP, Goodfellow M, and Hong K*,Jishengella endophytica gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Micromonosporaceae,Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2011, 61, 1153–1159. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.025288-0
36. Chen GD, Gao H, Tang JS, Huang YF, Chen Y, Wang Y, Zhao HN, Lin HP, Xie QY, Hong K, Li J, Yao XS*. Benzamides and quinazolines from a mangrove actinomycetesStreptomyces sp. (No. 061316) and their inhibiting caspase-3 catalytic activityin vitroChem. Pharm. Bull. 2011, 59, 447—451.
77. Wang C, Xu XX, Qu Z, Wang HL, Lin HP, Xie QY, Ruan JS and Hong K *,Micromonospora rhizosphaerae sp. nov., isolated from mangrove rhizosphere soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2011 61, 320–324.
38. Yuan GJ, Lin HP, Wang C, Hong K *, Liu Y, Li J. the 1H and 13C resonance of two new macrocyclic lactones isolated from Streptomyces sp. 211726 and revised assignments of Azalomycins F3a, F4a and F5a. Magnetic resonance in chemistry.Magn. Reson. Chem. 2011,49, 30–37. Doi: 10.1002/mrc.2697
1. 洪葵,肖春,“一種抗酵母類真菌抗生素的快速檢測方法”,專利號:ZL03128096
2. 朱偉明,盧圳域,洪葵,繆承杜,蛇孢假殼素(ophiobolin)類二倍半萜烯化合物及其製備方法和用途,申請號200810172946,申請日期:2008.10.24。公布號:CN101591314 A; 公布日:2009.12.2; 專利號:ZL200810172946.0
3. 洪葵,袁乾軍,林海鵬,謝晴宜,黃小龍,唐依莉. 新型阿扎黴素F (Azalomycin F)類大環內酯化合物及其製備方法與套用。ZL 2009 1 0253892.5
4. 洪葵,朱偉明,楊春麗,隋金蕾,林海鵬,徐小雄,王乂。一類新穎的十字孢鹼類似物及其製備方法和用途。ZL 201210185370.9
5. 姚新生、李佳、洪葵、唐金山、高昊、高立信、林海鵬、曾雪容、盛麗、莊令. 一種苯乙烯苯酚類化合物作為製備胰島素增敏劑的用途, 申請號:201010230436.1,申請日期:2010.7.16
6. 姚新生、李佳、洪葵、唐金山、高昊、高立信、林海鵬、曾雪容、盛麗、莊令2-乙醯氨基龍膽酸作為製備胰島素增敏劑的用途,申請號:201010230421.5,申請日期:2010.7.16
7. 姚新生、洪葵、李佳、高昊、唐金山、林海鵬、高立信、陳國棟、謝晴宜、盛麗。一類具有Caspase 3抑制活性的化合物的用途,申請號:201010230402.2,申請日期:2010.7.16
8. 洪葵,朱偉明,楊春麗,隋金蕾,林海鵬,徐小雄,王乂。一類新穎的十字孢鹼類似物及其製備方法和用途。申請號:201010185370.9, 申請日期:2010.5.20 ;
9. 洪葵,袁乾軍,林海鵬,謝晴宜,王成. 新型含氧雜環化合物及其鹽和它們的製備方法與用途. 申請號201010174352.0, 申請日期:2010.4.27
10. 朱偉明,莊以彬,洪葵,盧圳域,張志華,林海鵬,王乂,劉培培,付鵬,甲苯酚三聚體類化合物及其製備方法和用途,申請號2010101271750。 申請日期:2010.2.22
11. 朱偉明,徐志紅,洪葵,林海鵬,肖春,王乂,劉培培,付海超,張亞鵬, 喹唑啉酮類生物鹼及其製備方法和用途,申請號201010004562.5。 申請日期:2010.1.10
12. 朱偉明,付鵬,洪葵,王乂,劉培培, 聯吡啶生物鹼類化合物及其製備方法和用途,申請號200910258693.3。申請日期:2009.12.17
13. 洪葵,袁乾軍,林海鵬,謝晴宜,黃小龍,唐依莉. 新型阿扎黴素F (Azalomycin F)類大環內酯化合物及其製備方法與套用, 申請號:200910253892.5,申請日期:2009.11.30。公布號:CN 101792474 A, 公布日:2010.08.04
14. 洪葵,肖春,“一種抗酵母類真菌抗生素的快速檢測方法”,(a rapid method for detection biological activity of anti yeast-like pathogen)。 專利號:ZL03128096
15 洪葵, 孟會影,柴沆鎮,殷如,鄧子新。一種蛇孢假殼素類化合物母核合成基因AuOS及其套用。申請號:201510130163.6, 申請日期:2015.3.24
16. 洪葵,韓瑩,田二麗,馬敏,鄧子新。一株高產洋橄欖葉素類化合物的菌株及該類化合物的製備方法與套用。申請號:201510260295.0,申請日期:2015.5. 20
17. 洪葵, 葉彎彎,鄧子新。一種具有抑制Aβ聚集活性的化合物的製備方法與用途。申請號:201501151251.4, 申請日期: 2015. 4. 01。
18. 洪葵,徐東波,馬敏,鄧子新。一種具有抑制Aβ聚集活性的化合物的製備方法與用途。申請號:201410499832.2, 申請日期:2014.9.25
19 洪葵、潘潔. 一種高產阿扎黴素F類化合物菌株鏈黴菌TKPJ3039及其套用,ZL201310199811.4 授權日期2014.11.4
20. 洪葵、楊雪. 一種高產蛇孢假殼類化合物菌株焦麴黴TKYX429及其套用,ZL201310186483.4授權日期2014.08.13
教育部骨幹教師 1999-2000
首屆海南省普通高校優秀中青年教師教學和科研獎勵基金 2000-2004
海南省十大優秀青年 2000年
英國皇家學會(KC-Wang)中國學者獎學金 2004-2005
教育部“新世紀優秀人才”獎勵基金 2006-2008
海南省政府直接聯繫專家 2010-