
毛康珊,四川大學生命科學學院副研究員,碩士生導師。 2018年5月,毛康珊入選“長江學者獎勵計畫”青年學者。


2000-2004 蘭州大學生命科學學院生物科學專業,理學學士

2004-2010 蘭州大學生命科學學院生態學專業,理學博士

2012-至今 四川大學生命科學學院,副研究員




Wang Q, Mao KS*. 2015. Puzzling rocks and complicated clocks: how to optimize molecular dating approaches in historical phytogeography. New Phytologist. In Press, doi:10.1111/nph.13676 (*通訊作者,下同).

Hui-Ying Shang HY, Li ZH, Dong M, Adams RP, Miehe G, Opgenoorth L, Mao KS *. 2015. Evolutionary origin and demographic history of an ancient conifer ( Juniperus microsperma) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports 5:10216.

Jiang DC, Wu GL, Mao KS, Feng JJ. 2015. Structure of genetic diversity in marginal populations of black poplar ( Populus nigra L.). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 61: 297-302.

Li ZH, Yang C, Mao KS, Ma YZ, Liu J, Liu ZL, Deng TT, Zhao GF. 2015. Molecular identification and allopatric divergence of the white pine species in China based on the cytoplasmic DNA variation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 61:161-168.

Kou YX, Shang HY, Mao KS*, Li ZH, Rushforth K, Adams RP. 2014. Nuclear and cytoplasmic DNA sequence data further illuminate the genetic composition of Leyland Cypresses. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Sciences 139(5): 558-566.

Wang GN, He XY, Miehe G, Mao KS*. 2014. Phylogeography of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau endemic alpine herb Pomatosace filicula (Primulaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 52 (3): 289–302.

Lu X, Xu HY, Li ZH, Shang HY, Adams RP, Mao KS*. 2014. Genetic diversity and conservation implications of four Cupressus species in China as revealed by microsatellite markers . Biochemical Genetics 52:181–202.

Liu BB, Tian B, Ma H, Lu ZQ, Qiu Q, Mao KS, Liu JQ. 2014. Development and Characterization of EST-SSR Markers in Ostryopsis (Betulaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 2(2):1300062.

Chen LY, Zhao SY, Mao KS, Les DH, Wang QF, Moody ML. 2014. Historical biogeography of Haloragaceae: An out-of-Australia hypothesis with multiple intercontinental dispersals. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 78: 87-95.

Feng JJ, Jiang DC, Shang HY, Dong M, Wang GN, He XY, Zhao CM, Mao KS*. 2014. Barcoding poplars ( Populus L.) from western China. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71710.

Adams RP*, Mao KS*, Liu JQ. 2013. The volatile leaf oil of Juniperus microsperma and its taxonomy. Phytologia 95(1): 87-93.

Mao KS, Liu JQ. 2012. Current ‘relicts’ more dynamic in the history than previously thought. New Phytologist 196: 329-331.

Mao KS, Milne RI, Zhang LB, Peng YL, Liu JQ, Thomas P, Mill RR, Renner SS. 2012. Distribution of living Cupressaceae reflects the breakup of Pangea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109: 7793-7798.

Jia DR, Abbott RJ, Liu TL, Mao KS, Bartish IV, Liu JQ. 2012. Out of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: evidence for the origin and dispersal of Eurasian temperate plants from a phylogeographic study of Hippophaë rhamnoides (Elaeagnaceae). New Phytologist 194: 1123-1133 .

Li ZH, Zou JB, Mao KS, Lin K, Li HP, Liu JQ, Källman T, Lascoux M. 2012. Population genetic evidence for complex evolutionary histories of four high altitude juniper species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Evolution 66: 831-845.

Tian XM, Luo J, Wang AL, Mao KS, Liu JQ. 2011. On the origin of the woody buckwheat Fagopyrum tibeticum (= Parapteropyrum tibeticum) in the Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61:515-520.

Mao KS, Hao G, Liu JQ, Adams RP, Milne RI. 2010. Diversification and biogeography of Juniperus (Cupressaceae): variable diversification rates and multiple intercontinental dispersals. New Phytologist 188: 254-272.

Opgenoorth L†, Vendramin GG†, Mao KS†, Miehe G, Miehe S, Liepelt S, Liu JQ, Ziegenhagen B. 2010. Tree endurance on the Tibetan Plateau marks the world's highest known tree line of the Last Glacial Maximum. New Phytologist 185: 332-342. (†並列一作,參見 New Phytologist 186:780)

Xu TT, Abbott RJ, Milne RI, Mao KS, Du FK, Wu GL, Zhaxiciren, Miehe G, Liu JQ. 2010. Phylogeography and allopatric divergence of cypress species ( Cupressus L.) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10 : 194 .

Xia T, Meng LH, Mao KS, Tian B, Miehe G, Liu JQ. 2008. Genetic Variation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Endemic and Endangered Conifer Cupressus gigantea, Detected Using RAPD and ISSR Markers. Silvae Genetica 57: 85-92.

Mao KS*, Yao XL, Huang ZH. 2005. Molecular Phylogeny and Speciation of Adoxaceae s.s. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 27: 620-628.


