
樊小龍 : 是2009年北京師範大學從國外重點引進的生理學科學術帶頭人。於1992年獲德國Greifswald大學人類遺傳學博士學位;1992-1997為德國Greifswald大學免疫學和移植醫學研究所博士後,從事細菌感染生物學研究; 從1997至今 一直在瑞典隆德大學醫學院工作,歷任助教授、副教授職務;2002年起擔任獨立研究小組負責人和博士生第一導師。


樊小龍: 是2009年北京師範大學從國外重點引進的生理學科學術帶頭人。於1992年獲德國Greifswald大學人類遺傳學博士學位;1992-1997為德國Greifswald大學免疫學和移植醫學研究所博士後,從事細菌感染生物學研究; 從1997至今 一直在瑞典隆德大學醫學院工作,歷任助教授、副教授職務;2002年起擔任獨立研究小組負責人和博士生第一導師。獲多項瑞典國家級獨立課題以及多個非瑞典國際基金會的資助。長期從事血液幹細胞、腫瘤生理學及病毒與訴諸關係等研究,取得了一系列科研成就,並獲得若干重大原始性創新性工作成果。

資助機構:Swedish Cancer Foundation 項目名稱: 1) Signaling based characterization and manipulation of human candidate hematopoietic stem cells and leukemic stem cells (2002 to 2008). 2). Role of stem and progenitor cells in cancer initiation and progression (from 2009) 資助金額:3百萬克郎

資助機構:Swedish Research Council 項目名稱:Development of adenoviral vectors for intrinsic gene expression based isolation and ex vivo expansion of human candidate hematopoietic stem cells. 起止年月2008-01-01 to 2010-12-31 資助金額 1.275百萬克郎

資助機構:Swedish Pediatric Cancer Foundation 項目名稱:Clarifying lineage involvement mechanisms and development of anti-MENIN based therapy for MLL fusion gene related childhood leukemia 起止年月2005-01-01 to 2009-12-31 資助金額 1.65百萬克郎


(2006-2009)1) Marcus Järås, Petra Johnels, Helena Ågerstam, Carin Lassen, Marianne Rissler, Patrik Edén, Jörg Cammenga, Tor Olofsson, Ole Weis Bjerrum, Johan Richter, Xiaolong Fan, and Thoas Fioretos: Expression of P190 or P210 BCR/ABL1 in human CD34+ cells induce similar gene expression profiles and results in a STAT5-dependent expansion of the erythroid lineage. Experimental Hematology 37:367-75, 2009. 2) Johan Rebetz, Dongping Tian, Annette Persson, Bengt Widegren, Leif G. Salford, Elisabet Englund, David Gisselsson and Xiaolong Fan. Glial progenitor-like phenotype in low-grade gliomas and enhanced CD133-expression and neuronal lineage differentiation in high-grade gliomas. PLoS ONE 3:e1936, 2008. 3) Changqing Su, Manli Na, Jie Chen, Xinghua Wang, Yongjing Liu, Weiguo Wang, Qi Zhang, Linfang Li, Ju Long, Xinyuan Liu, Mengchao Wu, Xiaolong Fan, and Qijun Qian: Gene-Viral Cancer Therapy Using Dual-Regulated Oncolytic Adenovirus with Anti-angiogenesis Gene for Increased Efficacy. Molecular Cancer Research 6:568-575, 2008. 4) Peng Zhao, Cunzu Wang, Zheng Fu, Yongping You, Yunxiang Cheng, Xiaoming Lu, Ailin Lu, Ning Liu, Peiyu Pu, Chunsheng Kang, Leif G. Salford, and Xiaolong Fan. Lentiviral vector mediated siRNA knock-down of hTERT results in diminished capacities in invasiveness and in vivo growth of human glioma cells in a telomere length-independent manner. Internal Journal of Oncology 31:361-368,2007. 5) Christine Glanz, Johan Rebetz, Ylva Stewénius, Annette Persson, Elisabet Englund, Leif G Salford, Bengt Widegren, Xiaolong Fan*, David Gisselsson*: Glioblastoma multiforme-maintaining cells characterized by reduced genomic instability, preserved telomere integrity, and heterogeneous cell population generation capacity. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 33:440-454, 2007 *: equal contribution. 6) Yong Wang, Shizhong Wang, Yongyi Bao, Cheng Ni, Naifu Guan, Jianzhong Zhao, Leif G. Salford, Bengt Widegren and Xiaolong Fan: Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor expression in non-malignant lung tissues and clinical lung cancer. Journal of Molecular Histology, 37:153-60, 2006 7) Marcus Järås, Anna Edqvist, Johan Rebetz, Leif G. Salford, Bengt Widegren and Xiaolong Fan: Human Short-term Repopulating Cells Have Enhanced Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Expression. Blood 108:1084-1091, 2006. 8) Edqvist A, Rebetz J, Järås M, Rydelius A, Skagerberg G, Salford LG, Widegren B, and Fan X: Detection of cell cycle-and differentiation-stage dependent human telomerase reverse transcriptase expression in single living cancer cells. Molecular Therapy 14:139-148, 2006.


