

楊文超,1985年生於陝西岐山,西北工業大學材料科學與工程學院副教授。2006年在中南大學材料科學與工程學院獲工學博士學位; 2011至2015月在英國Brunel University London先進凝固技術研究中心(BCAST)開展博士後研究工作。2015年1月加入西北工業大學,特評副教授,碩士生導師,擔任中國金屬學會電磁冶金與強磁場材料科學分會委員。


2002年進入中南大學材料科學與工程學院學習,於2006年成為該院材料物理專業研究生,師從汪明朴和李周教授。在此期間對材料的組織結構與性能之間的關係產生極大興趣,並獲得直接攻讀博士資格。2011年,在汪明朴教授指導下,完成論文答辯,獲工學博士學位。攻讀博士學位期間,研究工作主要是分析汽車用鋁合金材料(Al-Mg-Si系合金)的變形機制和疲勞斷裂性能, 以及在烤漆工藝中鋁合金的固態相變,結構和性能之間的關係,沉澱硬化機理,納米析出相的微觀組織結構和位向關係。2011年博士畢業後,成為布魯內爾大學凝固技術中心博士後研究員。主要從事新的汽車用鋁合金材料開發,通過高壓壓鑄工藝製備汽車用鋁合金薄壁件,進一步研究高壓壓鑄過程中的鋁合金材料的凝固過程及其微觀組織和性能,以及研究汽車用鋁合金材料在回收利用過程中,不斷增加的雜質元素對其性能的影響, 同時藉助於高分辨透射電子顯微鏡深入到納米甚至原子尺度去觀察形核質點和熔體之間的界面,研究金屬材料凝固過程中的非均勻形核和毒化機理。研究工作得到英國EPSRC,Towards Affordable, Closed-Loop Recyclable Future Low Carbon Vehicle Structures項目和英國國家液態金屬創新製造中心(Lime)支持。

2015年1月作為人才引進加入西北工業大學,特評副教授。主要從事鎳基高溫合金和汽車用鋁合金的凝固過程控制,合金的微觀組織結構與力學性能和腐蝕性能之間的關係。近幾年來,在Scripta Materialia、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A、Materials Characterization、Materials Science and Engineering: A、Philosophical Magazine Letters等國內外學術期刊上發表學術論文30餘篇。擔任Scripta Materialia、Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A、Microscopy and microanalysis、Materials Science and Engineering: A、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Philosophical Magazine Letters、Materials Characterization等國際知名學術期刊審稿人。



2015-01-目前 (特評副教授)








中南大學,材料物理專業, 獲博士學位











•Towards Affordable, Closed-Loop Recyclable Future Low Carbon Vehicle Structures-TARF-LCV, funded by the EPSRC within the scope of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Liquid Metal Engineering in UK.

•Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金中納米強化析出相的結構、演變規律以及其對合金巨觀性能的影響,湖南省研究生科研創新項目 (CX2010B044)(項目負責人)

•高速交通用鋁合金中納米強化析出相的結構、演變規律及其對合金巨觀性能的影響,中南大學研究生教育創新工程資助 (2010ybfz024)(項目負責人)


•2016 The 15th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA15),重慶

•2016 IV Sino-Russian ASRTU Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology,葉卡捷琳堡,俄羅斯

•2015 International Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium Society (IBAAS),蘇州


•2016 第十二屆全國固態相變凝固及套用學術會議,南昌

•2015 Advanced High-Temperature Materials Technology for Sustainable and Reliable Power Engineering (123HiMAT-2015), Sapporo, Japan

•2014 4th International Conference on Advances in Solidification Processes, Old Windsor, UK

•2014 The UK Solidification Workshop 2014, Brunel University, UK

•2013 6th International Light Metals Technology Conference, Old Windsor, UK

•2011 Proceedings of the John Hunt International Symposium, Brunel University, UK




•2007年 中南大學,國際有色金屬材料大會


•Wenchao Yang, Hasse Fredriksson, Shouxun Ji. Halo formation of Zn-Al alloys under conventional solidification and intensive convection solidification. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 696 (2017) 460-469. IF:3.014

•Wenchao Yang, Lin Liu, Jun Zhang, Shouxun Ji. Insight into the partial solutionisation of a high pressure die-cast Al-Mg-Zn-Si alloy for mechanical property enhancement. Materials Science and Engineering A 682 (2017) 85-89. IF:2.647

•Qun Ren, Haijun Su, Jun Zhang, Bin Yao, Weidan Ma, Lin Liu, Hengzhi Fu, Taiwen Huang, Min Guo,Wenchao Yang. Solid-liquid interface and growth rate range of Al2O3-based eutectic in situ composites grown by laser floating zone melting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 662 (2016) 634-639. IF:3.014

•Bo Wang, Jun Zhang, Taiwen Huang,Wenchao Yang, Haijun Su, Zhuoran Li, Lin Liu and Hengzhi Fu. Effect of Co on microstructural stability of the third generation Ni-based single crystal superalloys. Journal of Materials Research 31 (2016) 1328-1337. IF:1.579

•Bo Wang, Jun Zhang, Taiwen Huang, Haijun Su, Zhuoran Li,Wenchao Yang, Lin Liu, Hengzhi Fu. Interaction between Re and W on the microstructural stability of Ni-based single-crystal superalloys. Materials Science and Technology, (2016) 1-4. IF:1.008

•Ziqi Jie, Jun Zhang, Taiwen Huang, Haisun Su, Yafeng Li, Lin Liu,Wenchao Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Enhanced Grain Refinement and Porosity Control of the Polycrystalline Superalloy by a Modified Thermally Controlled Solidification. Advanced Engineering Materials 18 (2016) 1785-1791. IF:1.817

•Wenchao Yang, Shouxun Ji, Zhou Li, Mingpu Wang. Grain boundary precipitation induced by grain crystallographic misorientations in an extruded Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 624 (2015) 27-30. IF:3.014

•Wenchao Yang, Xinliang Yang, Shouxun Ji. Melt superheating on the microstructure and mechanical properties of diecast Al-Mg-Si-Mn alloy.Metals and Materials International 21 (2015) 382-390. IF:1.815

•Wenchao Yang, Feng Gao, Shouxun Ji. Formation and sedimentation of Fe-rich intermetallics in Al–Si–Cu–Fe alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 25 (2015) 1704-1714. IF:1.340

•Wenchao Yang, Shouxun Ji, Qian Zhang, Mingpu Wang. Investigation of mechanical and corrosion properties of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy under various ageing conditions and interface analysis of η' precipitate. Materials & Design 85 (2015) 752-761. IF:3.997

•Wenchao Yang, Lin Liu, Jun Zhang, Shouxun Ji, Zhongyun Fan. Heterogeneous nucleation in Mg-Zr alloy under die casting condition. Materials Letters 160 (2015) 263-267. IF:2.437

•Hailin Yang, Shouxun Ji,Wenchao Yang, Yun Wang, Zhongyun Fan. Effect of Mg level on the microstructure and mechanical properties of die-cast Al–Si–Cu alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A 642 (2015) 340-350. IF:2.647

•Feng Yan,Wenchao Yang, Shouxun Ji, Zhongyun Fan. Effect of solutionising and ageing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a high strength die-cast Al–Mg–Zn–Si alloy. Materials Chemistry and Physics 167 (2015) 88-96. IF:2.101

•Wenchao Yang, Mingpu Wang, Zhou Li. Precipitation behaviour of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy and diffraction analysis from η' precipitates in four variants. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 610 (2014) 623-629. IF:3.014

•Wenchao Yang, Shouxun Ji, Lanping Huang, Xiaofei Sheng, Zhou Li, Mingpu Wang. Initial Precipitation and Hardening Mechanism during Non-isothermal Ageing in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu 6005A Alloy. Materials Characterization, 94 (2014) 170-177.IF:2.383

•Wenchao Yang, Shouxun Ji, Xiaorong Zhou, Ian Stone, Geoff Scamans, George E Thompson, Zhongyun Fan. Heterogeneous nucleation of α-Al grain on primary α-AlFeMnSi intermetallic investigated using 3D SEM ultramicrotomy and HRTEM. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45 (2014) 3971-3980. IF:1.749

•Shouxun Ji,Wenchao Yang,Feng Gao, Douglas Watson, Zhongyun Fan. Effect of iron on the microstructure and mechanical property of Al–Mg–Si–Mn and Al–Mg–Si diecast alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 564 (2013) 130-139. IF:2.647

•S. Ji,W. Yang,B. Jiang, J. B. Patel, Z. Fan. Weibull statistical analysis of the effect of melt conditioning on the mechanical properties of AM60 alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 566 (2013) 119-125. IF:2.647

•Wenchao Yang, Lanping Huang, Ruirong Zhang, Mingpu Wang, Zhou Li, YanlinJia, Ruoshan Lei, Xiaofei Sheng. Electron microscopy studies of the age-hardening behaviors in 6005A alloy and microstructural characterizations of precipitates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 514 (2012) 220-233. IF:3.014

•Wenchao Yang,Mingpu Wang, YanlinJia, Ruirong Zhang. Studies of Orientations of β'' Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) Alloys by Electron Diffraction and Transition Matrix Analysis. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 42 (2011) 2917-2929. IF:1.749

•Wenchao Yang, Mingpu Wang, Xiaofei Sheng, Qian Zhang, Lanping Huang. Precipitate characteristics and selected area diffraction patterns of β' and Q' precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 91 (2011) 150-160. IF:0.918

•Ruoshan Lei, Mingpu Wang, Zhou Li, Haigeng Wei,Wenchao Yang, Yanlin Jia, Song Gong. Structure evolution and solid solubility extension of copper–niobium powders during mechanical alloying. Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (2011) 4475-4481.IF:2.647

•Wenchao Yang, Mingpu Wang, Ruirong Zhang, Qian Zhang, Xiaofei Sheng. The diffraction patterns from β'' precipitates in 12 orientations in the Al-Mg-Si alloy. Scripta Materialia, 62 (2010) 705–708. IF:3.305

•楊文超,汪明朴,盛曉菲,張茜,王正安。軌道交通用6005A合金板材時效析出及硬化行為研究。金屬學報。46 (2010) 1481-1487. IF:0.523

•盛曉菲,楊文超, 夏承東, 龔靜, 汪明朴, 李周, 張茜. T6時效和T6I6時效對6005A鋁合金微觀組織和性能的影響. 中國有色金屬學報, 22 (2012) 1276-1282.

•盛曉菲,楊文超,汪明朴, 李周, 龔靜, 彭誠. 人工時效對6005A鋁合金晶間腐蝕性能的影響. 中國有色金屬學報, 22 (2012) 2174-2180.

•王正安, 汪明朴,楊文超, 張茜, 盛曉菲, 李周. 1973高強高韌鋁合金的時效析出及硬化行為, 中國有色金屬學報, 3 (2011) 522-528.

•王正安, 汪明朴,楊文超, 張茜, 盛曉菲, 李周. 1973鋁合金鑄態組織及均勻化退火組織研究, 材料工程, 5 (2010) 56-63.

•龔靜, 汪明朴, 張茜, 盛曉菲,楊文超, 李周. RRA處理對1973鋁合金晶間腐蝕與剝蝕的影響, 中南大學學報(自然科學版), 43 (2012) 2520-2527.

•張茜, 汪明朴, 盛曉菲, 李周,楊文超, 王正安. 雙級時效對1973鋁合金組織和性能的影響, 中國有色金屬學報, 3 (2011) 529-537.


