










2015年與Malcolm Wray Dunlop教授合作在國際空間物理學頂級期刊《Geophysical Research Letter》上發表的一篇文章被歐洲空間局(ESA)科學網站以“七顆歐洲空間局(ESA)衛星聯合探測地球磁場”為題報導。該成果也是歐洲空間局Swarm衛星發射一周年亮點成果。研究結果一經發表,就引起了國際學術界的高度關注。


Cao, J. B., etal. (2005), First results of low frequency electromagnetic wave detector ofTC-2/Double Star program, Ann Geophys-Germany, 23(8), 2803-2811.

Cao, J. B., J.Y. Yang, C. X. Yan, and L. Y. Li (2007), The observations of high energyelectrons and associated waves by DSP satellites during substorm, Nucl PhysB-Proc Sup, 166, 56-61.

Yang, J. Y., J. B. Cao, C. X. Yan, L. Y. Li, and G. C. Zhou (2007), Theacceleration of energetic electrons associated with chorus observed by TC-2, NuclPhys B-Proc Sup, 166, 276-278.



Li, L. Y., J.B. Cao, G. C. Zhou, J. Y. Yang, C. X. Yan, T. L. Zhang, H. Reme, I.Dandouras, and C. M. Carr (2008), Shrinkage of magnetosphere observed by TC-1satellite during the high-speed solar wind stream, Sci China Ser E, 51(10),1695-1703.

Yang, J. Y., J. B. Cao, C. X. Yan, L. Y. Li, and Y. D. Ma (2008), The mid-highlatitude whistler mode chorus waves observed around substorm onsets, Sci ChinaSer E, 51(10), 1648-1658.

Cao, J. B.,J. Y. Yang, S. G. Yuan, X. H. Shen, Y. M. Liu, C. X. Yan, W. Z. Li, and T.Chen (2009), In-flight observations of electromagnetic interferences emitted bysatellite, Sci China Ser E, 52(7), 2112-2118.

曹晉濱,燕春曉,路立,楊俊英,李柳元(2009),地球近地空間非震電磁擾動,地震,vol, 29, Supp.

Ding, W. Z.,J. B. Cao, L. Zeng, Y. Wang, and J. Y. Yang (2010), Simulation studiesof plasma sheet ion boundary, Chinese J Geophys-Ch, 53(7), 1505-1514.

Cao, J. B., W.Z. Ding, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, M. Dunlop, Z. X. Liu, and J. Y. Yang(2011a), The statistical studies of the inner boundary of plasma sheet (vol 29,pg 289, 2011), Ann Geophys-Germany, 29(2), 349-349.

Cao, J. B., W.Z. Ding, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, M. Dunlop, Z. X. Liu, and J. Y. Yang(2011b), The statistical studies of the inner boundary of plasma sheet, AnnGeophys-Germany, 29(2), 289-298.

Li, L. Y., J.Y. Yang, J. B. Cao, L. Lu, Y. Wu, and D. M. Yang (2011), Statisticalbackgrounds of topside-ionospheric electron density and temperature and theirvariations during geomagnetic activity, Chinese J Geophys-Ch, 54(10),2437-2444.

Lu, L., J.Y. Yang, J. B. Cao, X. M. Zhang, and H. R. Chen (2011), Observationalcharacteristics of ionospheric magnetic VLF wave in the solar minimum year, ChineseJ Geophys-Ch, 54(6), 1403-1420.

Ma, Y. D., L.Lu, J. Y. Yang, J. B. Cao, X. M. Zhang, H. R. Chen, and G. C. Zhou(2011), Features of the electric field HF wave of the Sun-synchronous orbit inthe solar minimum year, Chinese J Geophys-Ch, 54(6), 1421-1432.


Li, L. Y., J.B. Cao, J. Y. Yang, and Y. X. Dong (2013a), Joint responses ofgeosynchronous magnetic field and relativistic electrons to external changes insolar wind dynamic pressure and interplanetary magnetic field, J GeophysRes-Space, 118(4), 1472-1482.

Li, L. Y., J.Yu, J. B. Cao, D. Zhang, X. H. Wei, Z. J. Rong, J. Y. Yang, and H. S. Fu(2013b), Rapid loss of the plasma sheet energetic electrons associated with thegrowth of whistler mode waves inside the bursty bulk flows, J GeophysRes-Space, 118(11), 7200-7210.

Zhima, Z. R.,J. B. Cao, W. L. Liu, H. S. Fu, J. Y. Yang, X. M. Zhang, and X. H. Shen(2013), DEMETER observations of high-latitude chorus waves penetrating theplasmasphere during a geomagnetic storm, Geophys Res Lett, 40(22),5827-5832.

Ma, Y. D., J.B. Cao, H. S. Fu, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, J. Y. Yang, Z. Q. Wang, D. Tao,and J. Yang (2014a), MHD and kinetic analysis of flow bursts in the Earth'splasma sheet, Sci China Technol Sc, 57(1), 55-66.

Ma, Y. D., J.B. Cao, H. S. Fu, J. Y. Yang, H. Y. Lu, J. Yang, and Z. Q. Wang (2014b),ULF wave accompanied with high-speed flows observed by TC-1 in the nearmagnetotail and the instability analysis, Chinese J Geophys-Ch, 57(11),3754-3765.

CAO Jinbin, YANG Junying(2014), Magnetospheric Physics in China: 2012–2014, Chin. J. Space Sci., 34(5)-605–43.

Dunlop, M.W., et al. (2015a), Simultaneous field-aligned currents at Swarm and Clustersatellites, Geophys Res Lett, 42(10), 3683-3691.

Dunlop, M.W., et al. (2015b), Multispacecraft current estimates at swarm, J GeophysRes-Space, 120(10), 8307-8316.

Li, L. Y., J.B. Cao, J. Y. Yang, J. J. Berthelier, and J. P. Lebreton (2015),Semiannual and solar activity variations of daytime plasma observed by DEMETERin the ionosphere-plasmasphere transition region, J Geophys Res-Space, 120(12),10640-10653.

Pang, X. X.,et al. (2015a), Case study of small scale polytropic index in the centralplasma sheet, Sci China Earth Sci, 58(11), 1993-2001.

Pang, X. X.,et al. (2015b), Polytropic index of central plasma sheet ions based on MHDBernoulli integral, J Geophys Res-Space, 120(6), 4736-4747.

Cao Jinbin, Yang Junying(2016), Magnetospheric Physics in China: 2014-2015, SPACE SCIENCE ACTIVITIES INCHINA NATIONAL REPORT 2015—2016: 1–56.


