

梁詩景,男,博士,福州大學環境與資源學院副教授,碩士生導師,2012.8起就職於環境與資源學院。入選2014年度“香江學者計畫”和2015年度福建省高校傑出青年科研人才培育計畫。獲得2016年福建省傑出青年科學基金項目。主要從事新型納米材料的設計、合成及其在能源和環境光催化、太陽能電池和光電化學感測器等領域中的套用。具有較紮實的理論基礎和豐富的實驗技能。現已在國內外著名SCI期刊,如Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Commun., J. Catal., J. Mater. Chem., Green Chem., Appl. Catal. B, Nanoscale, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Dalton Trans., CrystEngComm, Catal. Today等上發表50篇有關納米材料和光催化方面的學術論文。申請中國發明專利17項,已授權10項。為Green Chem., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., CrystEngComm, Dalton Trans., Appl. Catal. B等SCI期刊的特邀審稿專家。指導數項福建省大學生創新創業訓練計畫和福州大學學生科研訓練計畫項目,取得良好成績。Researchgate:


2007.9-2012.6 博士 福州大學 環境化學2003.9-2007.7 本科 福州大學 化學


2015.6-至今 福州大學 副教授2015.1-2017.1 香港理工大學 香江學者2012.8-2015.6 福州大學 講師






2. 福建省高校傑出青年科研人才培育計畫,2015-2017,梁詩景(主持),在研。

3. 中國博士後科學基金(項目編號:2015M571963),2015-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

4. 香江學者計畫(項目編號:XJ2014050),2015-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

5. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(項目編號:21303019),2014-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

6. 福建省自然科學基金(項目編號:2014J05016),2014-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

7. 福州大學科技發展基金(項目編號:2013-XY-8),2014-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

8. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(項目編號:21273036),2013-2016,排名第二,在研。

9. 福建省教育廳科研基金(項目編號:JA13055),2013-2015,梁詩景(主持),已結題。

10. 能源與環境光催化國家重點實驗室開放課題,2013-2015,梁詩景(主持),已結題。

11. 福州大學科研啟動基金,2012-2015,梁詩景(主持),已結題。1.新型無支撐2D納米片可見光光催化劑的製備及其界面電荷遷移機制研究,國家青年科學基金(項目編號:21303019),2014-2016,梁詩景(主持)。



2. 福建省高校傑出青年科研人才培育計畫,2015-2017,梁詩景(主持),在研。

3. 中國博士後科學基金(項目編號:2015M571963),2015-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

4. 香江學者計畫(項目編號:XJ2014050),2015-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

5. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(項目編號:21303019),2014-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

6. 福建省自然科學基金(項目編號:2014J05016),2014-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

7. 福州大學科技發展基金(項目編號:2013-XY-8),2014-2016,梁詩景(主持),在研。

8. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(項目編號:21273036),2013-2016,排名第二,在研。

9. 福建省教育廳科研基金(項目編號:JA13055),2013-2015,梁詩景(主持),已結題。

10. 能源與環境光催化國家重點實驗室開放課題,2013-2015,梁詩景(主持),已結題。

11. 福州大學科研啟動基金,2012-2015,梁詩景(主持),已結題。1.新型無支撐2D納米片可見光光催化劑的製備及其界面電荷遷移機制研究,國家青年科學基金(項目編號:21303019),2014-2016,梁詩景(主持)。


已在國內外著名SCI期刊,如Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Commun., J. Catal., J. Mater. Chem., Green Chem., Appl. Catal. B, Nanoscale, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Dalton Trans., CrystEngComm, Catal. Today等上發表50多篇有關納米材料和光催化方面的學術論文。


51. Shijing Liang*, Zhouming Zhou, Xiuqin Wu, Shuying Zhu, Jinhong Bi, Limin Zhou, Minghua Liu, Ling Wu, “Constructing a MoS2 QDs/CdS Core/Shell Flowerlike Nanosphere Hierarchical Heterostructure for the Enhanced Stability and Photocatalytic Activity”, Molecules 2016, 21, 213.

50. Shuying Zhu, Shijing Liang, Ying Wang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Fuying Li, Huaxiang Lin, Zizhong Zhang, Xuxu Wang, “Ultrathin nanosheets of molecular sieve SAPO-5: A new photocatalyst for efficient photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with H2O to methane”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 187, 11-18.

49. Shuying Zhu, Shijing Liang*, Jinhong Bi, Minghua Liu, Limin Zhou, Ling Wu, Xuxu Wang, “Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with H2O to CH4 over ultrathin SnNb2O6 2D nanosheets under visible light irradiation”, Green Chemistry, 2016, 18, 1355-1363. SCI收錄


48. Shijing Liang*, Yuzhou Xia, Shuying Zhu, Shan Zheng, Yunhui He, Jinhong Bi, Minghua Liu, Ling Wu, “Au and Pt co-loaded g-C3N4 nanosheets for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible light irradiation”, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 358, 304-312. SCI收錄

47. Jinhong Bi, Wei Fang, Liuyi Li, Jinyun Wang, Shijing Liang, Yunhui He, Minghua Liu, Ling Wu, “Covalent Triazine-Based Frameworks as Visible Light Photocatalysts for the Splitting of Water”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2015, 36, 1799-1805. SCI收錄

46. Jinhua Xiong, Linrui Wen, Fan Jiang, Yuhao Liu, Shijing Liang*, Ling Wu, “Ultrathin HNb3O8 nanosheet: an efficient photocatalyst for the hydrogen production”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 20627-20632. SCI收錄

45. Yuhao Liu, Jinhua Xiong, Shuiguang Luo, Ruowen Liang, Na Qin, Shijing Liang*, Ling Wu, “Ultrathin HNbWO6 nanosheets: facile synthesis and enhanced hydrogen evolution performance from photocatalytic water splitting”, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 15125-15128. SCI收錄

44. Jinhong Bi, Wei Fang, Li Li, Xiaofen Li, Minghua Liu, Shijing Liang, Zizhong Zhang, Yunhui He, Huaxiang Lin, Ling Wu, Shengwei Liu, Po Keung Wong, “Ternary reduced-graphene-oxide/Bi2MoO6/Au nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light”, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 2015, 649, 28-34. SCI收錄

43. Jinhua Xiong, Yuhao Liu, Dengke Wang, Shijing Liang, Weiming Wu, Ling Wu, “An efficient cocatalyst of defect-decorated MoS2 ultrathin nanoplates for the promotion of photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over CdS nanocrystal”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 12631-12635. SCI收錄

42. Jinhong Bi, Zhiyong Zhou, Mengying Chen, Shijing Liang, Yunhui He, Zizhong Zhang, Ling Wu, “Plasmonic Au/CdMoO4 photocatalyst: Influence of surface plasmon resonance for selective photocatalytic oxidation of benzylic alcohol”, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 349, 292-298. SCI收錄

41. Shuying Zhu, Shijing Liang, Yuecong Tong, Xiaohan An, Jinlin Long, Xianzhi Fu, Xuxu Wang, “Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with H2O to CH4 on the Cu(I) supported TiO2 nanosheets with defective {001} facets”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 9761-9770. SCI收錄

40. Jinhua Xiong, Yuhao Liu, Changsheng Cao, Lijuan Shen, Weiming Wu, Shijing Liang*, Ruowen Liang, Ling Wu, “An architecture of CdS/H2Ti5O11 ultrathin nanobelt for photocatalytic hydrogenation of 4-nitroaniline with highly efficient performance”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 6935-6942. SCI收錄

39. Qiuyan Lin, Li Li, Shijing Liang*, Minghua Liu, Jinhong Bi, Ling Wu, “Efficient synthesis of monolayer carbon nitride 2D nanosheet with tunable concentration and enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activities”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 163, 135-142. SCI收錄


38. Shijing Liang, Linrui Wen, Sen Lin, Jinhong Bi, Pingyun Feng, Xianzhi Fu, Ling Wu, "Monolayer HNb3O8 for Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation of Benzylic Alcohols with Visible Light Response", Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53, 2951-2955. (Hot paper) SCI收錄

37. Shijing Liang, Linrui Wen, Sen Lin, Jinhong Bi, Pingyun Feng, Xianzhi Fu, Ling Wu, "Monolayer HNbOfor Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation of Benzylic Alcohols with Visible Light Response", Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, In press. (Hot paper) SCI收錄

36. Lijuan Shen, Linjuan Huang, Shijing Liang, Ruowen Liang, Na Qin, Ling Wu, "Electrostatically derived self-assembly of NH-mediated zirconium MOF with graphene for photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI)", RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 2546-2549. SCI收錄

35. Wanjun Wang, Shijing Liang, Kaining Ding, Jinhong Bi, JimmyC Yu, PoKeung Wong, Ling Wu, "Microwave hydrothermal synthesis of MSnO(M=Ca, Sr, Ba): effect of Mon crystal structure and photocatalytic properties",Journal of Materials Science,2014,49, 1893-1902. SCI收錄

34. Huarong Zheng, Shijing Liang, Weiming Wu, Zhengxin Ding, Ling Wu, "Facile and rapid synthesis of pyrochlore WO·HO nanoplate via a fluorinion-assisted hydrothermal process", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014, 14, 2573-2576. SCI收錄


33. Shijing Liang, Qiuyan Lin, Shuying Zhu, Ling Wu, "PVP-assisted synthesis of porous strontium tantalate hydrate nanosphere and enhanced photocatalytic properties", Materials Letters, 2013, 113,138-141. SCI收錄

32.Lijuan Shen, Shijing Liang, Weiming Wu, Ruowen Liang and Ling Wu, "Multifunctional NH-mediated zirconium metal-organic frameworks as an efficientfor selective oxidation of alcohols and reduction of aqueous Cr (VI)", Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 13649-13657. SCI收錄

31. Shijing Liang, Linrui Wen, Guodong Liu, Shuying Zhu, Rusheng Yuan and Ling Wu, "Comparative study of photocatalytic activities of CaNbOnanopolyhedra and TiO: Degradations of benzene and methyl orange", Catalysis Today, 2013, 201, 175-181. SCI收錄

30.Jinhong Bi, Yinqin Liu, Shijing Liang, Weiming Wu, Rusheng Yuan and Ling Wu, "Novel hierarchical architectures of SbWO: template-free hydrothermal synthesis and photocatalytic reduction property for azo compound", Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15, 1661. SCI收錄

29.Yan Chen, Shijing Liang, Linrui Wen, Weiming Wu, Rusheng Yuan, Xinchen Wang and Ling Wu, "A TaON nano-photocatalyst with low surface reduction defects for effective mineralization of chlorophenols under visible light irradiation", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15, 12742-12747. SCI收錄

28.Guodong Liu, Shijing Liang, Weiming Wu, Rui Lin, Na Qing, RuowenLiang and Ling Wu, "Template-free synthesis of a CdSnO⋅3HO hollow-nanocuboid photocatalyst via a facile microwave hydrothermal method", Nanotechnology, 2013, 24, 255601. SCI收錄

27.Lijuan Shen, Shijing Liang, Weiming Wu, Ruowen Liang and Ling Wu, "CdS-decorated UiO-66(NH) nanocomposites fabricated by a facile photodeposition process: an efficient and stable for selective oxidation of alcohols", Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 11473-11482. SCI收錄

26.Wanjun Wang, Tsz Wai Ng, Wing Kei Ho, Jianhui Huang, Shijing Liang, Taicheng An, Guiying Li, Jimmy C. Yu and Po Keung Wong, "CdInSMicrosphere as an EfficientVisible-Light-Driven Photocatalystfor Bacterial Inactivation: Synthesis, Characterizations and Photocatalytic Inactivation Mechanisms", Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 129, 482-490. SCI收錄

25.Weiming Wu, Shijing Liang, Yan Chen, Lijuan Shen, Rusheng Yuan and Ling Wu, "Mechanism and improvement of the visible light photocatalysis of organic pollutants over microcrystalline AgNbOprepared by a sol-gel method", Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48, 1618-1626. SCI收錄

24.Huifeng Xu, Hongzhi Ye, Xi Zhu, Shijing Liang, Longhua Guo, Zhenyu Lin, Xianxiang Liu and Guo Nan Chen, "Dual-channel cathodic electrochemiluminescence of luminol induced by injection of hot electrons on a niobate semiconductor modified electrode", Analyst, 2013, 138, 234-239. SCI收錄


23. Shijing Liang, Ruowen Liang, Linrui Wen, Rusheng Yuan, Ling Wu and Xianzhi Fu, "Molecular recognitive photocatalytic degradation of various cationic pollutants by the selective adsorption on visible light-drived SnNbOnanosheet photocatalyst", Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 125, 103-110. SCI收錄

22. Shijing Liang, Lijuan Shen and Ling Wu, "Pure water splitting to generate Hover strontium niobate and tantalate: A comparative study", Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57, 4233-4236. SCI收錄

21. Shijing Liang, Shuying Zhu, Yan Chen, Weiming Wu, Xinchen Wang and Ling Wu, "Rapid template-free synthesis and photocatalytic performance of visible light-activated SnNbOnanosheet", Journal Of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 2670-2678. SCI收錄

20. Shijing Liang, Shuying Zhu, Jia Zhu, Yan Chen, Yongfan Zhang and Ling Wu, "The effect of group IIIA metal ion dopants on the photocatalytic activities of nanocrystalline SrHTaOHO", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14, 1212-1222. SCI收錄

19.Kaiyao Wang, Meiling Feng, Denian Kong, Shijing Liang, Ling Wu and Xiaoying Huang, "Layered indium chalcogenidoantimonates [Me2NH2]2In2Sb2S7-xSex (x = 0, 2.20, 4.20, 7) with tunable band gaps and photocatalytic properties", CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 90-94. SCI收錄

18.Xiaowei Wang, Shijing Liang, Weiming Wu, Guodong Liu, Shilong Zhang, Huarong Zheng and Ling Wu, "New Shape-Controlled Nanocrystalline SrSiOPhotocatalyst: Template-Free Syntheses and Photocatalytic Activity", Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 455-456, 363-368. EI收錄

17.Weiming Wu, Shijing Liang, Yan Chen, Lijuan Shen, Huarong Zheng and Ling Wu, "High efficient photocatalytic reduction of 4-nitroaniline to p-phenylenediamine over microcrystalline SrBiNbO", Catalysis Communications, 2012, 17, 39-42. SCI收錄

16.Weiming Wu, Shijing Liang, Zhengxin Ding, Huarong Zheng and Ling Wu, "Low temperature synthesis of nanosized ZnNbOphotocatalysts by a citrate complex method", Journal Of Sol-gel Science And Technology, 2012, 61, 570-576. SCI收錄

15.Weiming Wu, Shijing Liang, Lijuan Shen, Zhengxin Ding, Huarong Zheng, Wenyue Su and Ling Wu, "Preparation, Characterization and Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Activities of Polyaniline/BiNbONanocomposites", Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 2012, 520, 213-219. SCI收錄

14.Weiming Wu, Guodong Liu, Shijing Liang, Yan Chen, Lijuan Shen, Huarong Zheng, Rusheng Yuan, Yidong Hou and Ling Wu, "Efficient visible-light-induced photocatalytic reduction of 4-nitroaniline to p-phenylenediamine over nanocrystalline PbBiNbO", Journal Of Catalysis, 2012, 290, 13-17. SCI收錄

13.Weiming Wu, Guodong Liu, Quanhua Xie, Shijing Liang,Huarong Zheng, rusheng yuan, Wenyue Su and Ling Wu, "A simple and high efficient route for the preparation of p-phenylenediamine by reducing 4-nitroaniline over commercial CdSvisible-light-driven photocatalystin water", Green Chemistry, 2012, 14, 1705-1709. SCI收錄

12.張世龍,胡小明,王曉韡, 梁詩景,吳棱,納米纖維鐵氧化物柱撐蒙脫土可見光助芬頓降解羅丹明B, 催化學報,2012, 33: 1736-1741. SCI收錄

11.Shuying Zhu, Shijing Liang, Quan Gu, Liyan Xie, Jixin Wang, Zhengxin Ding and Ping Liu, "Effect of Au supported TiOwith dominant exposed {001} facets on the visible-light photocatalytic activity", Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 119–120, 146-155. SCI收錄


10.Zhengxin Ding, Weiming Wu, Shijing Liang, Huarong Zheng and Ling Wu, "Selective-syntheses, characterizations and photocatalytic activities of nanocrystalline ZnTaOphotocatalysts", Materials Letters, 2011, 65, 1598-1600. SCI收錄

9. Shijing Liang, Lijuan Shen, Jia Zhu, Yongfan Zhang, Xuxu Wang, Zhaohui Li, Ling Wu and Xianzhi Fu, "Morphology-controlled synthesis and efficient photocatalytic performances of a new promising photocatalyst SrHTaOHO", RSC Advances, 2011, 1, 458-467. SCI收錄

8.Weiming Wu, Shijing Liang, Zhengxin Ding, Huarong Zheng and Ling Wu, "A new approach to the preparation of microcrystalline ZnNbOphotocatalysts via a water-soluble niobium-citrate-peroxo compound", Solid State Sciences, 2011, 13, 2019-2023. SCI收錄

7.Weiming Wu, Shijing Liang, Xiaowei Wang, Jinhong Bi, Ping Liu and Ling Wu, "Synthesis, structures and photocatalytic activities of microcrystalline ABiNbO(A=Sr, Ba) powders", Journal Of Solid State Chemistry, 2011, 184, 81-88. SCI收錄

6.Shilong Zhang, Shijing Liang, Xiaowei Wang, Jinlin Long, Zhaohui Li and Ling Wu, "Trinuclear iron cluster intercalated montmorillonite catalyst: Microstructure and photo-Fenton performance", Catalysis Today, 2011, 175, 362-369. SCI收錄


5. Shijing Liang, Xun Chen, Ling Wu and Xianzhi Fu, SrHNbO·HO nanopolyhedron: Synthesis, characterization, and photocatalytic properties,Abstracts of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 239, 1118-INOR. SCI收錄

4.高劍,吳棱, 梁詩景,張世龍,劉平,付賢智,鐵鈦雙金屬共柱撐膨潤土光催化-Fenton降解苯酚,催化學報,2010, 31, 317-321. SCI收錄

3. Shijing Liang, Xiaowei Wang, Yan Chen, Jia Zhu, Yongfan Zhang, Xuxu Wang, Zhaohui Li and Ling Wu, "SrHNbOHO nanopolyhedra: An efficient photocatalyst", Nanoscale, 2010, 2, 2262-2268. SCI收錄

2. Shijing Liang, Ling Wu, Jinhong Bi, Wanjun Wang, Jian Gao, Zhaohui Li and Xianzhi Fu, "A novel solution-phase approach to nanocrystalline niobates: selective syntheses of SrHNbOHO nanopolyhedrons and SrNbOnanorods photocatalysts ", Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 1446-1448. SCI收錄


1.陳旬, 梁詩景,畢進紅,高劍,吳棱,自生長燃燒法合成納米鐵酸釔固溶體光催化劑, 無機化學學報,2009, 25, 1922-1927. SCI收錄


1. 梁詩景,林秋燕,畢進紅,劉明華.一種分子級厚度的CN納米片及其製備方法和套用. CN201310190678.6(已公開)。

2. 梁詩景,林秋燕,溫琳蕊,吳棱,劉明華.一種分子級厚度的HNbO納米片的製備方法和套用. CN201310112761.1(已公開)。

3. 梁詩景,祝淑穎,吳棱.一種鉭酸鍶納米球光催化劑及其製備方法和套用. CN201310134094.7(已公開)。

4.畢進紅,陳夢瑩,李瀝, 梁詩景,劉明華.一種鎘摻雜鉬酸鉍可見光催化劑及其製備方法和套用. CN201310150997.4(已公開)。

5.吳棱, 梁詩景,溫琳蕊,戴文新,丁正新,陳旬,付賢智.一種降解苯系污染物的無定形鉭酸光催化劑及其製備方法. CN201210177774.2(已公開)。

6.吳棱,劉國棟, 梁詩景,戴文新,陳旬,付賢智.光催化劑及其製備方法和套用. CN201210177775.7(已公開)。

7.吳棱,劉國棟, 梁詩景,吳偉明,員汝勝,付賢智.一種高效降解染料有機污染物的複合光催化劑.CN201210189955.7(已授權)。

8.劉平,祝淑穎,付賢智, 梁詩景,戴文新,陳旬,李朝暉.具有表面電漿效應的可見光催化劑製備方法及其套用. ZL201110226720.6(已授權)。


