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擔任ACI Structural Journal,Composites part B, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings,Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings等國際學術期刊的審稿人。


在國內外學術期刊上發表和錄用論文10餘篇,其中SCI 期刊6篇,EI期刊2篇,CSCD1篇,核心若干篇。


2001.09~2005.07 南昌大學 建築工程  本科

2005.09~2008.01 南昌大學 結構工程  碩士

2008.09~2011.12 西安建築科技大學 土木工程  博士


[1] Wei Li, Qing-ning Li, Wei-shan Jiang , Lei Jiang. Seismic performance of composite reinforced concrete and steel moment frame structures-state-of-the-art [J]. Composites. part B: Engineering, 2011, 42(2): 190–206(SCI)

[2] Wei Li, Qing-ning Li(2012). Seismic performance of L-shape RC shear wall subjected to cyclic loading [J]. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 21, 855–866(SCI)

[3] Wei Li, Qing-ning Li (2012), Performance-Based Seismic Design of Complicated Tall Building Structures beyond the Code-Specification [J]. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 21:578–591(SCI)

[4] Wei Li, Qing-ning Li, Wei-shan Jiang. Nonlinear finite element analysis of behaviors of steel beam–continuous compound spiral stirrups reinforced concrete column frame structures, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings,2013, 22:1119–1138 (SCI)

[5] Wei Li, Qing-ning Li, Wei-shan Jiang. Parameter study on composite frames consisting of steel beams and reinforced concrete columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2012, 77: 145–162, (SCI)

[6] Wei Li, Linzhu Sun, Kejia Yang (2015). Displacement-based Design of Frames Consisting of Composite Beams and RC Columns. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 9: 811-825.

[7] Wei Li, Linzhu Sun, Kejia Yang etal. (2016). Local Damage Indices of Frames Consisting of Composite Beams and RC Columns. The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 10: 280-292.

[8] Wei Li, Lei Jiang, Linzhu Sun(2012). Effective stiffness of rectangular confined concrete columns with continuous compound spiral hoop. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 166(169 ): 674-679.

[9] Wei Li, Qing-ning Li. An approximate calculation of transfer matrix method for natural frequencies of vibration of multi-shear wall. Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering vibration, 2010, 30(2): 99-104.


[1] 主持國家自然科學基金“組合梁-高強連續複合螺旋箍砼柱框架地震損傷過程試驗與模擬研究,項目編號:51308419(2014.1~2016.12)”。

[2] 主持浙江省自然科學基金“高性能鋼-混凝土組合框架地震災變過程試驗與模擬研究,項目編號:LQ13E080005(2013.1~2015.12)”。

[3] 主持溫州市科技項目“預製裝配式鋼樑-PHC管柱混合節點關鍵技術研究,項目編號:S20150016(2016.1~2017.12)”。


