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曹發海教授 曹發海教授

1983.7-1987.7 就讀於西北大學化學系物理化學專業,理學學士。

1987.7-1990.8 西北化工研究院(原化工部化肥工業研究所)任助理工程師,主要從事工業催化劑的研製及表征。

1990.8-1996.7 就讀於華東理工大學化學工程系,工學碩士、工學博士學位。

1996.7-目 前 在華東理工大學化工學院從事教學及科研工作,2003年12月至2004年3月在日本東京農工大學工學部學術交流;2008年9月至2008年11月在墨西哥國立理工大學化工學院學術交流。






[1] Fahai Cao, Dan Jiang, Wudong Li, Ping’an Du, Guizhong Yang, Weiyong Ying. “Process analysis of the extract unit of vacuum residue through mixed C4 solvent for deasphalting”. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2010,49(1):91-96

[2] Nianjun Luo, Kun Ouyang, Fahai Cao, Tiancun Xiao. Hydrogen generation from liquid reforming of glycerin over Ni–Co bimetallic catalyst. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2010,34(4): 489-495

[3] Libao Wu, Dongmei Jiao, Jin_an Wang, Lifang Chen, Fahai Cao. “The role of MgO in the formation of surface active phases of CoMo/Al2O3–MgO catalysts for hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene”. Catalysis Communications, 2009,11(4):302-305

[4] Fahai Cao, Li Tian, Nianjun Luo, Dingye Fang, Weiyong Ying. “FT-IR characterization of [bupy]BF4-MCl3 (M=Al, Fe) ionic liquids using new molecular probe and their alkylation performance”. Catalysis Communications, 2009,10(9):1310-1312

[5] Nianjun Luo, Zheng Jiang, Huahong Shi, Fahai Cao, Tiancun Xiao, Peter P. Edward. “Photo-catalytic conversion of oxygenated hydrocarbons to hydrogen over heteroatom-doped TiO2 catalysts, International journal of hydrogen energy” , 2009 ,34(1):125-129

[6] 李武東,杜平安,曹發海,應衛勇,房鼎業, “溶劑脫瀝青抽提段的模擬與最佳化”, 計算機與套用化學,2009,26(4):455-460

[7] Fahai Cao, Li Tian, Nianjun Luo, Dingye Fang, Weiyong Ying. “Alkylation of toluene with 1,3-pentadiene catalyzed by [bupy]BF4-AlCl3 and [bupy]BF4-FeCl3 ionic liquids”. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters, 2008,94(1):107-114

[8] Nianjun Luo, Xianwen Fu, Fahai Cao, Tiancun Xiao, Peter P. Edwards, “Glycerol aqueous phase reforming for hydrogen generation over Pt catalyst – Effect of catalyst composition and reaction conditions”. Fuel,2008, 87:3483–3489

[9] TIAN Li, CAO Fahai, Fang Dingye and GUO Shizhuo. “Alkylation of Toluene with 1,3-Pentadiene over [bupy]BF4-AlCl3 Ionic Liquid Catalyst”. Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 2007,15 (5): 680-682

[10] Nianjun Luo, Fahai Cao, Xun Zhao, Tiancun Xiao and Dingye Fang. “Thermodynamic analysis of aqueous-reforming of polylols for hydrogen generation”. Fuel, 86(2007) 1727-1736

[11] Nianjun Luo, Xun Zhao, Fahai Cao, Tiancun Xiao and Dingye Fang. “Thermodynamic Study on Hydrogen Generation from Different Glycerol Reforming Processes”. Energy & Fuels. 21, 3505–3512(2007)

[12] CAO Fahai, Luo Nianjun, et al. “Alkylation of Toluene with 1,3-Pentadiene over Silica Supported Aluminum Chloride Catalyst in Extracting-Distilling Reactor”, Progress in Natural Science, Green Chemistry, Special Issue 2005, 23-29


