“春華秋實”具有五H的隱喻,更具有“Help, hope, health, happy, hard”的特質。
魏華 | 博士生導師&研究員 | |
徐鋒 | 碩士生導師*副研究員 | |
萬翠香 | 碩士生導師*副教授 | |
陶雪瑩 | 博士、博士後 |
賴衛華 | 碩、博士生導師&教授 | |
鄧省亮 | 副研究員 |
熊勇華 | 碩、博士生導師&研究員 | |
陳雪嵐 | 碩士生導師&教授 | |
許恆毅 | 碩士生導師&副研究員 | |
江湖 | 講師 |
2、前處理( 功能化磁珠、 親和層析柱、 分子印跡技術);
3、基於免疫學和分子生物學的檢測(各種標記物的研究:膠體金、量子點、螢光材料、磁性材料、免疫層析方法理論基礎的研究、ELISA方法的改進、免疫學方法檢測多種食品安全問題的整體解決方案、 基於納米材料螢光淬滅以及增強的免疫學檢測方法、多重PCR方法與食品安全的聯用)。
許恆毅 | 碩士生導師&副研究員 |
序號 | 負責人 | 項目(課題)名稱 | 經費來源 |
1 | 魏華 | 具有高黏附、拮抗和抗炎症能力的雙歧桿菌的高效篩選和功能基因的定位研究 | 863計畫項目 |
2 | 熊勇華 | 儲糧真菌毒素早期監測預警基礎 | 973計畫項目 |
3 | 賴衛華 | 硝基呋喃類及代謝產物等抗體的製備及其產品研發 | 國家科技支撐計畫子課題 |
4 | 魏華 | 益生菌資源的整理、整合及共享資源平台建設 | 科技部 |
5 | 魏華 | 主要致食物中毒微生物的免疫磁珠捕獲、螢光納米微球免疫檢測技術研究 | “十二五”科技支撐計畫 |
6 | 熊勇華 | 食品中毒因子解析技術研究--單增李斯特菌快速檢測技術的研究 | “十二五”科技支撐計畫子課題 |
7 | 魏華 | 糞腸球菌穿越BeWo細胞/胎盤屏障的分子機制研究及功能評價 | 國家自然科學基金面上項目 |
8 | 熊勇華 | 基於大體系下(50mL)納米免疫磁珠高效富集單核增生李斯特菌的方法學研究 | 國家自然科學基金面上項目 |
9 | 賴衛華 | 基於納米螢光探針的免疫層析檢測法的研究 | 國家自然科學基金 |
10 | 魏華 | 雙歧桿菌抑制單核增生李斯特菌粘附腸上皮細胞的分子作用機制研究 | 國家自然科學基金 |
11 | 魏華 | 乳酸菌和藥食兩用食材影響胃部微生態環境及改善慢性胃炎的關聯分析 | 國家自然科學基金 |
12 | 魏華 | 芽孢桿菌降解真菌毒素DON的機理研究 | 國家自然科學基金 |
13 | 陳雪嵐 | 鈍齒棒桿菌精氨酸生物合成途徑中argR基因調控機制的研究 | 國家自然科學基金 |
14 | 陳雪嵐 | 建立無毒ELISA體系檢測食用油中苯並芘的方法學研究 | 國家自然科學基金 |
15 | 陳雪嵐 | 基於基因組測序及基因組尺度代謝網路分析的鈍齒棒桿菌產精氨酸分子育種研究 | 國家自然科學基金 |
16 | 郭亮 | 水相容性展青黴素表面分子印跡磁性納米粒子的製備及套用研究 | 國家自然科學基金 |
17 | 萬翠香 | 雙歧桿菌絲氨酸蛋白酶抑制劑的功能研究 | 國家自然科學基金 |
18 | 許恆毅 | 基於磁性納米粒子磁信號放大全血中循環腫瘤細胞高效分離新方法的研究 | 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 |
19 | 徐鋒 | 磁珠法和量子點標記篩選及驗證雙歧桿菌的粘附蛋白 | 國家自然科學基金 |
20 | 徐鋒 | 套用啟動子陷阱技術研究酸麵團中乳酸菌的風味相關基因 | 國家自然科學基金 |
21 | 陶雪瑩 | 植物乳桿菌胞外多糖在耐膽鹽及腸道定植中的作用研究 | 中國博士後科學基金會 |
22 | 陶雪瑩 | gelE毒力基因影響糞腸球菌穿越胎盤和細胞屏障的機理研究 | 教育部留學歸國人員科研啟動基金 |
23 | 賴衛華 | 食品中病原菌免疫磁珠高效富集及螢光定量快速檢測系統的開發 | 科技部中小企業創新基金項目 |
24 | 賴衛華 | 真菌毒素膠體金免疫層析快速檢測試紙條的中試 | 科技部中小企業創新基金項目 |
25 | 賴衛華 | 瘦肉精膠體金免疫層析快速檢測試紙條的中試 | 科技部中小企業創新基金項目 |
26 | 陳雪嵐 | 氯胺酮和甲基苯丙胺膠體金快速檢測卡的中試 | 國家中小企業創新基金 |
27 | 賴衛華 | 大腸桿菌O157:H7螢光微球免疫層析試紙條產品的研製 | 人事部留學人員科技活動項目擇優資助項目 |
28 | 賴衛華 | 安全靈敏的黃麴黴毒素B1快速檢測方法的研究 | 江西省主要學科學術和技術帶頭人培養計畫項目 |
29 | 熊勇華 | 單增李斯特菌量子點微球免疫層析檢測方法的研究 | 江西省主要學科學術和技術帶頭人培養計畫項目 |
30 | 熊勇華 | 單增李斯特菌免疫磁分離方法學研究 | 江西省青年科學家培養計畫 |
31 | 賴衛華 | 沙門氏菌免疫層析快速檢測試紙條的製備 | 江西省科技廳社會發展攻關項目 |
32 | 賴衛華 | 赭麴黴毒素A無毒體系快速檢測試紙條的研製 | 江西省科技廳社會發展科技攻關項目 |
33 | 陳雪嵐 | 建立無毒ELISA體系檢測水產品中孔雀石綠的方法學研究 | 江西省自然科學基金 |
34 | 郭亮 | 苯磺酸基化磁性納米材料富集水產品中違禁藥物孔雀石綠類染料的新方法研究 | 江西省自然科學基金 |
35 | 許恆毅 | 基於納米螢光材料標記的免疫層析檢測技術的定量方法學建立 | 江西省自然科學基金 |
36 | 許恆毅 | 益生菌降解穀物和飼料中真菌毒素的套用研究 | 江西省科技支撐計畫 |
37 | 萬翠香 | 益生菌中絲氨酸蛋白酶抑制劑的表達和功能研究 | 江西省科技廳 |
38 | 徐鋒 | 真菌毒素降解酶的分離純化與乳酸菌高效表達 | 江西省科技廳 |
39 | 賴衛華 | 基於納米螢光微球的獸藥殘留及真菌毒素免疫層析快速定量檢測產品的開發 | 江西省教育廳落地計畫 |
40 | 熊勇華 | 水相容性展親黴毒素表面分子印跡磁性納米粒子的製備以及套用研究 | 江西省教育廳落地計畫 |
41 | 萬翠香 | 新型雙歧桿菌功能蛋白Serpin的研究 | 江西省教育廳 |
42 | 萬翠香 | 乾酪乳桿菌作為禽類口服疫苗載體的技術研究 | 江西省教育廳 |
43 | 許恆毅 | 磁信號放大技術用於外周血中循環腫瘤細胞分離的研究 | 江西省教育廳 |
44 | 江湖 | 銀淬滅螢光試紙條檢測葡萄酒和葡萄汁中赭麴黴毒素A | 江西省教育廳 |
45 | 魏華 | 贛鄱英才555工程 | 江西省人民政府 |
46 | 賴衛華 | 大腸桿菌O157:H7免疫層析定量檢測方法的研究 | 科技部食品科學與技術國家重點實驗室自由探索課題 |
47 | 熊勇華 | 建立大體系下納米磁珠富集單核增生李斯特菌的磁分離模型 | 科技部食品科學與技術國家重點實驗室自由探索課題 |
48 | 許恆毅 | 苯吡咯烷酮功能化磁珠套用於四環素類抗生素的富集研究 | 食品科學與技術國家重點實驗室青年骨幹研究基金 |
49 | 許恆毅 | 基於磁性納米粒子磁信號放大作用在全血中直接分離乳腺癌循環腫瘤細胞新方法的研究 | 2012年度高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金 |
50 | 許恆毅 | 納米材料在食源致病菌檢測中的套用 | 江西省優秀博士培育計畫項目 |
51 | 陶雪瑩 | 糞腸球菌穿越胎盤/細胞屏障的分子作用機制探究 | 江西省博士後研究人員科研項目 |
52 | 賴衛華 | 膠體金免疫層析快速檢測試紙條小試研究 | 橫向課題(合作對象江西中德生物工程有限公司) |
53 | 賴衛華 | 大腸桿菌O157:H7快速檢測試紙條的研製 | 南昌市科學技術局黨外專家博士產學研合作專項 |
54 | 郭亮 | 功能化磁性納米材料富集水產品中四環素類抗生素的新方法研究 | 南昌市科技局社會發展科技支撐計畫項目 |
職稱:教 授(博士生導師)
2015級學員 | |||
15級研究生程松 | 15級研究生郭怡麟 | 15級研究生韓姣姣 | 15級研究生胡莉明 |
15級研究生黃震 | 15級研究生劉苗 | 15級研究生劉正奇 | 15級研究生羅凱 |
15級研究生沙霈霈 | 15級研究生楊棟 | 15級研究生王圓圓 | 15級研究生許雄鵬 |
15級研究生鄭玲燕 | 15級研究生朱芳菲 | 15級研究生朱薔雲 | 15級研究生馬尉 |
15級研究生裴可 | 15級研究生湛勝楠 | 15級研究生賴木蘭 | 15級研究生柴銀皎 |
15級研究生何星平 | 15級研究生羅丹 | 15級研究生孟祥玉 | 15級研究生俞蓓 |
15級研究生趙省如 | 15級研究生周寶青 | 15級研究生董翎逸 | |
2014級學員 | |||
14級研究生馮利霞 | 14級研究生吳松松 | 14級研究生徐鵬 | 14級研究生楊鵬飛 |
14級研究生易揚 | 14級研究生吳成輝 | 14級研究生郭琦 | 14級研究生李娟 |
14級研究生蔚曉敏 | 14級研究生趙國婧 | 14級博士裘梁 | 14級研究生劉靜 |
14級碩士吳姚平 | 14級研究生陳銳 | 14級研究生李凡 | 14級研究生李福來 |
14級研究生謝瓊 | 14級研究生張芬 | 14級研究生陳時建 | 14級研究生皮歡麗 |
14級研究生章鋼剛 | 14級研究生鄒旭強 | 14級研究生陳超超 | 14級研究生熊穎 |
14級研究生梁毅 | |||
2013級學員 | |||
13級研究生邴雙飛 | 13級研究生陳民良 | 13級研究生陳明慧 | 13級研究生段宏 |
13級研究生黃仁慧 | 13級研究生江美玲 | 13級研究生況慧娟 | 13級研究生毛燕 |
13級研究生潘明芳 | 13級研究生沈駿 | 13級研究生孫平風 | 13級研究生田喜梅 |
13級研究生王登遠 | 13級研究生王景雲 | 13級研究生劉坤 | 13級研究生王樹穎 |
13級研究生夏詩琪 | 13級研究生楊亞傑 | 13級研究生鄭鳳霞 | 13級研究生萬方 |
13級研究生鄢雷娜 | |||
2012級學員 | |||
12級研究生陳飛 | 12級研究生陳進聰 | 12級研究生陳星星 | 12級研究生崔希 |
12級研究生段超 | 12級研究生甘敏 | 12級研究生黃小林 | 12級研究生任美玲 |
12級研究生山珊 | 12級研究生王呂 | 12級研究生王玉蓮 | 12級研究生徐超蓮 |
12級研究生徐威 | 12級研究生楊林 | 12級研究生葉稱連 | 12級研究生張斌 |
12級研究生張婉怡 | 12級研究生張志鴻 | 12級研究生倪小琴 | 12級研究生聶麗菊 |
12級研究生彭晗 | 12級研究生彭濤 | ||
2011級學員 | |||
11級研究生陳奇 | 11級研究生董素琴 | 11級研究生范麗娟 | 11級研究生黃艷梅 |
11級研究生李超輝 | 11級研究生李萍 | 11級研究生李勝傑 | 11級研究生梁語嫣 |
11級研究生劉雯婷 | 11級研究生明星 | 11級研究生邵輝鋒 | 11級研究生譚強來 |
11級研究生王報貴 | 11級研究生王力均 | 11級研究生謝芳 | |
2010級學員 | |||
10級研究生陳廷濤 | 10級研究生董香梅 | 10級研究生解泉源 | 10級研究生劉道峰 |
10級研究生羅薇 | 10級研究生彭珊珊 | 10級研究生湯立 | 10級研究生吳科盛 |
10級研究生徐迪 | 10級研究生葉若松 | 10級研究生鍾子清 |
Lijun Wang, Chenlian Ye, Hengyi Xu, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, Hua Wei*.Development of anSD-PMA mPCR assay with internal amplification control for rapid and sensitivedetection of viable Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus infood products.Food control,57: 314-320, 2015.
Zhihong Zhang, Wenting Liu, Hengyi Xu, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Nagendra P. Shah, Hua Wei*.Propidium monoazidecombined with real-time PCR for selective detection of viable Staphylococcusaureus in milk powder and meat products.Journal of Dairy Science, 98(3): 1625-1633, 2015.
Xingxing Chen, Xiaoli Wu, Min Gan, Feng Xu, LihuaHe, Dong Yang, Hengyi Xu, Nagendra P.Shah, Hua Wei*.Rapid detection ofStaphylococcus aureus in dairy and meat foods by combination of capture withsilica-coated magnetic nanoparticles and thermophilic helicase-dependentisothermal amplification.Journalof Dairy Science, 98(3):1563-1570, 2015.
Lin Yang, Huijuan Kuang, Wanyi Zhang, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, Hengyi Xu and Hua Wei*.Size dependentbiodistribution and toxicokinetics of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in mice.Nanoscale, 7(2): 625-636, 2015.
Renhui Huang, Xueying Tao, Cuixiang Wan, ShengjieLi, Hengyi Xu, Feng Xu,, N. P. Shah., and Hua Wei*. In vitro probioticcharacteristics ofLactobacillusplantarumZDY 2013 and its modulatory effect on gut microbiota of mice.Journal of dairy science, 98(9), 5850-5861, 2015.
Mingfang Pan, Qinglong Wu, Xueying Tao, CuixiangWan, Nagendra P. Shah, and Hua Wei*, Fermentation of Allium chinense Bulbs WithLactobacillus plantarumZDY 2013Shows Enhanced Biofunctionalities, and Nutritional and Chemical Properties,Journal of Food Science, 80(10): M2272-M2278., 2015.
XiaominYu, Xiaoli Wu, Liang Qiu, Dengyuan Wang, Min Gan, Xingxing Chen, Hua Wei*, and F. Xu. 2015. Analysis of the intestinal microbial community structure of healthy and long-living elderly residents in Gaotian Village of Liuyang City. Applied microbiology and biotechnology,2015, 99:9085–9095.
Renhui Huang, Mingfang Pan, Cuixiang Wan, NagendraP. Shah, Xueying Tao, Hua Wei*, Physiological and transcriptional response aswel las cross protection ofLactobacillusplantarumZDY2013 under acid stress, Journal of Dairy Science,doi:10.3168/jds.2015-9993,2015.
Zhihong Zhang, Lixia Feng, Hengyi Xu, Chengwei Liu,Nagendra P. Shah, Hua Wei*.Detection of viable enterotoxin-producingBacillus cereusand analysis oftoxigenicity from ready-to-eat foods and infant formula milk powder by multiplexPCR. Journal of Dairy Science, doi:10.3168/jds.2015-10147, 2015.
Daofeng Liu, Yanmei Huang, Shuying Wang, Kun Liu, Minghui Chen, Yonghua Xiong, Wanchun Yang, Weihua Lai. A modified lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of trace aflatoxin M1 based on immunomagnetic nanobeads with different antibody concentrations. Food Control, 2015, 51: 218-224
Daofeng Liu, Yanmei Huang, Minghui Chen, Shuying Wang, Kun Liu, Weihua Lai*. Rapid detection method for aflatoxin B1 in soybean sauce based on fluorescent microspheres probe, Food Control, 2015, 50: 659-662
Shan Shan, Lai Weihua*, Xiong Yonghua, Wei Hua, Xu Henyi. Novel strategies to enhance lateral flow immunoassay sensitivity for detecting foodborne pathogens. J Agric Food Chem, 2015, 63(3): 745-753.
MinghuiChen,Zhibiao Yu, Daofeng Liu, Tao Peng, Kun Liu, Shuying Wang, YonghuaXiong, Hua Wei, Hengyi Xu, Weihua Lai. Dual gold nanoparticlelateral flow immunoassay for sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7.Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 876: 71-76
Xi Cui, Youju Huang, Jingyun Wang, Lei Zhang,Yun Rong, Weihua Lai, Tao Chen. A remarkablesensitivity enhancement in a gold nanoparticle-based lateralflow immunoassayfor the detection of Escherichia coliO157:H7. RSC Advances, 2015, 5:45092–45097
Lei Zhang, Youju Huang,Jingyun Wang, Yun Rong,Weihua Lai, Jiawei Zhang, Tao Chen. HierarchicalFlowerlike Gold Nanoparticles Labeled Immunochromatography Test Strip forHighly Sensitive Detection ofEscherichia coliO157:H7. Langmuir, 2015,31: 5537−5544
Jingyun Wang,Minghui Chen, Zhichao Sheng, Daofeng Liu, Songsong Wua, Weihua Lai.Development of Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Signal-Amplifying Systemfor Ultrasensitive Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Milk.RSC Advances, 2015,5:62300-62305
Yajie Yang, Chaohui Li, Wei Wang, Tingting Dong, YonghuaXiong, Jun Shen, Weihua Lai. Fluorescent ImmunochromatographicAssay for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Human Prealbumin in Serum. Anal.Methods, 2015,7: 8683-8688
Shiqi Xia, Zhibiao Yu, Daofeng Liu, Chaolian Xu, Weihua Lai.Developing a novel immunochromatographic test strip with gold magneticbifunctional nanobeads (GMBN) for efficient detection ofSalmonellacholeraesuisin milk. Food Control, 2016, 59: 507-512
Xiaolin Huang, Rui Chen, Hengyi Xu*,Weihua Lai, and Yonghua Xiong*. Nanospherical brush as catalase container forenhancing the detection sensitivity of competitive plasmonic ELISA. AnalyticalChemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04518.(IF=5.63)
Rui Chen, Xiaolin Huang, Hengyi Xu,Yonghua Xiong*, and Yanbin Li. Plasmonic ELISA using nanospherical brushes as acatalase container for colorimetric detection of ultralow concentrations ofListeria monocytogenes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (51):28632–28639.(IF=6.72)
XiaolinHuang, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Hengyi Xu*, Weihua Lai, Yonghua Xiong*.Membrane-basedlateral flow immunochromatographic strip with nanoparticles as reporters fordetection: A review.Biosensorsand Bioelectronics 2016, 75:166–180.(IF=6.4)
Xiaolin Huang, Zhaodi Xu, Yan Mao,Yanwei Ji, Hengyi Xu*, Yonghua Xiong*, Yanbin Li. Gold nanoparticle-baseddynamic light scattering immunoassay for ultrasensitive detection of Listeriamonocytogenes in lettuces. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015, 66,184-190.(IF=6.4)
Yan Mao,Xiaolin Huang, Sicheng Xiong, Hengyi Xu*, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong*.Large-volumeimmunomagnetic separation combined with multiplex PCR assay for simultaneousdetection ofListeria monocytogenesandListeria ivanoviiin lettuce.Food Control. 2016. 59:601-608.
Yanwei Ji,Meiling Ren, Yanping Li, Zhibing Huang, Mei Shu, Hongwei Yang, Yonghua Xiong*,Yang Xu*.Detection of aflatoxin Bwithimmunochromatographic test strips: Enhanced signal sensitivity using goldnanoflowers.Talanta 2015,142:206–212.
Jun Shen, Yaofeng Zhou, Fen Fu, HengyiXu*, Jiaofeng Lv, Yonghua Xiong*, AndrewWang. Immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitive detection ofhepatitis B virus surface antigen using highly luminescent quantum dot-beads.Talanta. 2015,142(1),145-149(IF=3.54)
Minliang Chen, Xuelan Chen*, Fang Wan,Bin Zhang, Jincong Chen and Yonghua Xiong*. Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 onl-arginine overproduction Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 on l-arginineoverproduction in Corynebacterium crenatum. Micraobial Cell Factories. 2015,14(1): 1-10. (IF=4.22)
Ying Xiong, Zhui Tu, XiaolinHuang,aBing Xie, Yonghua Xiong* and Yang Xu. Magnetic Beads CarryingPoly(AcrylicAcid) Brushes as “Nanobody Containers” for ImmunoaffinityPurification of Aflatoxin Bfrom Corn Samples. RSC advances. 2015,5, 77380–77387. (IF=3.84)
Hong Duan, Xuelan Chen, Wei Xu, JinhuaFu, Yonghua Xiong* and Andrew Wang. Quantum-Dot submicrobead-basedimmunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitive detection ofzearalenone. Talanta. 2015,132,145-149. (IF=3.54)
WanCuiXiang,WangXian-Zhuo, Guo Jian-Jun,YuanLing. Screening of non-pigmentedAureobasidium pullulansstrain P1012 forhigh-yield pullulan production. Source: Modern Food Science and Technology,2015 31(1):101-106,
Yang Y, Xu F, Xu H, Aguilar ZP, Niu R,Yuan Y, Sun J, You X, Lai W, Xiong Y, Wan C, (通訊作者) Wei H. Magnetic nano-beads based separation combined withpropidium monoazide treatment and multiplex PCR assay for simultaneousdetection of viable Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli O157:H7 andListeria monocytogenes in food products. Food Microbiol. 2013 Jun;34(2):418-24.
HuijuanKuang, Lin Yang, Nagendra P. Shah, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Lijun Wang,HengyiXu*(corresponding author), HuaWei*. Synergisticin vitroandin vivoantimicrobial effect of amixture of ZnO nanoparticles andLactobacillusfermentation liquor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016. DOI:10.1007/s00253-015-7221-x. (SCI, 2014IF=3.337)
LijunWang, Xiaomin Yu,Hengyi Xu*(correspondingauthor), Zoraida P. Aguilar and Hua Wei*. Effect of skim milk coatedinulin-alginate encapsulation beads on viability and gene expression ofLactobacillus plantarumduringfreeze-drying. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2015.12.001.(SCI, 2014 IF=2.416)
HuijuanKuang#, Bei Gan#, Liang Guo, Zoraida P. Aguilar,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author). Determination ofBenzodiazepines in Beef by Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction and High-PerformanceLiquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Letters. 2016. DOI:10.1080/00032719.2015.1076830. (SCI, 2014 IF=1.03)
LinYang#, Zoraida P. Aguilar#, Feng Qu, Hong Xu,HengyiXu*(corresponding author),Hua Wei*. Enhanced antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles-Lonicera Japonicathunb combo. IET Nanobiotechnology. 2016. DOI: 10.1049/iet-nbt.2015.0027 (SCI,2014 IF=1.5)
Xiaolin Huang, Zoraida P. Aguilar,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Weihua Lai andYonghua Xiong*. Membrane-based Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Strip withNanoparticles as Reporters for Detection: A Review. Biosensors andBioelectronics. 2015. 75 (2016), 166-180. DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.08.032 (SCI,2014 IF=6.409)
YanMao, Xiaolin Huang, Sicheng Xiong,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Zoraida P. Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong*.Large-volume immunomagnetic separation combined with multiplex PCR assay forsimultaneous detection ofListeriamonocytogenesand Listeria ivanovii in lettuce. Food Control. 2016. 59(2016) 601-608. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.06.048. (SCI, 2014 IF=2.806)
JunShen, Yaofeng Zhou, Fen Fu,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Jiaofeng Lv,Yonghua Xiong*, Andrew Wang. Immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitivedetection of hepatitis B virus surface antigen using highly luminescent quantumdot-beads. Talanta. 2015. 142(9), 145-149. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.04.058.(SCI, 2014 IF=3.545)
LijunWang, Chenlian Ye,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Zoraida P. Aguilar, YonghuaXiong, Weihua Lai, Hua Wei*. Development of an SD-PMA-mPCR assay with internalamplification control for rapid and sensitive detection of viableSalmonellaspp.,Shigellaspp. andStaphylococcusaureusin food products. Food Control. 2015. 57(11), 314-320.DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.04.016. (SCI, 2014 IF=2.806)
Xiaolin Huang#, Zhaodi Xu#, Yan Mao,Yanwei Ji,Hengyi Xu*(correspondingauthor), Yonghua Xiong* and Yanbin Li.Gold nanoparticle-based dynamic lightscattering immunoassay for ultrasensitive detection ofLlisteria monocytogenesin lettuces. Biosensors andBioelectronics.2015. 66(2015), 184-190.DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2014.11.016. (SCI, 2014 IF=6.409)
Lin Yang# , Huijuan Kuang# , WanyiZhang# , Zoraida P. Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author) and Hua Wei*.Size dependentbiodistribution and toxicokinetics of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in mice.Nanoscale.2015, 7, 625-636.DOI: 10.1039/C4NR05061D. (SCI, 2014IF=7.394)
Minliang Chen, Xuelan Chen*, Fang Wan, Bin Zhang, Jincong Chenand Yonghua Xiong*. Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 on l-arginine overproductioninCorynebacterium crenatum. Microbial Cell Factory, 2015, 14:119-129
Hong Duan, Xuelan Chen, Wei Xu, Jinhua Fu, Yonghua Xiong*,Andrew Wang. Quantum-DoT submicrobead-based immunochromatographic assay forquantitative and sensitive detection of zearalenone. Talanta, 2015, 132:126–131
XueYing Tao, JaeYoung Choi, YangSu Kim, SeokHeeLee, SaesByeol An, Pang Ying, JongHoon Kim, WooJin Kim, YeonHo Je*.Bombyx morinucleopolyhedrovirus bacmidenabling rapid generation of recombinant virus by in vitro transposition.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.25(3):386-92, 2015.
XueYing Tao, JaeYoung Choi, WooJin Kim,SaesByeol An, Qing Liu, SongEun Kim, SeokHee Lee, JongHoon Kim, SooDong Woo,ByungRae Jin, YeonHo Je*. TheAutographa californicamultiple nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF11 isessential for BV production and ODV envelopment.Journal of Virology. 89 (1):373-383, 2015.
王呂, 熊斯誠, 鄒旭強,陳超超, 邵輝峰, 陳雪嵐*. 赭麴黴毒素A模擬抗原表位及噬菌體展示酶聯免疫吸附分析法的建立. 分析化學, 2015, 43(6): 71-76
段宏, 陳雪嵐,江湖, 沈駿, 董勝明, 熊勇華*, AndrewWang. 量子點螢光微球免疫層析試紙條定量檢測惡性瘧原蟲. 分析化學, 2015, 43 (3): 338-343
萬方, 陳民良, 張斌, 陳進聰, 陳雪嵐*.代謝工程改造微生物高產胺基酸的策略. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2015,35(3): 99-103
萬方, 張斌, 陳民良, 陳進聰, 陳雪嵐*. proC及putP基因的敲除對鈍齒棒桿菌產L-精氨酸生理代謝的影響. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2015 , 35 (8): 51-58
萬方, 張斌, 陳民良, 陳進聰, 陳雪嵐*.比較pta及ack敲除對鈍齒棒桿菌產L-精氨酸生理代謝的影響. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2015 , 35 (9): 28-43
陳超超, 陳雪嵐*. 噬菌體展示技術在真菌毒素檢測中的套用研究. 衛生研究, 2015,44(3): 498-502王玉蓮, 田萬紅, 譚強來, 魏華, 曾明: 雙歧桿菌的分類學研究與新進展.微生物學通報, 42(1):185-191.2015
邴雙飛, 魏華, 許恆毅: 唾液乳桿菌 ZDY159a抑菌機制的研究.中國微生態學雜誌, 6:001.2015
1.Lijun Wang, Chenlian Ye, Hengyi Xu, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, Hua Wei*.Development of anSD-PMA mPCR assay with internal amplification control for rapid and sensitivedetection of viable Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus infood products.Food control,57: 314-320, 2015.
2.Zhihong Zhang, Wenting Liu, Hengyi Xu, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Nagendra P. Shah, Hua Wei*.Propidium monoazidecombined with real-time PCR for selective detection of viable Staphylococcusaureus in milk powder and meat products.Journal of Dairy Science, 98(3): 1625-1633, 2015.
3.Xingxing Chen, Xiaoli Wu, Min Gan, Feng Xu, LihuaHe, Dong Yang, Hengyi Xu, Nagendra P.Shah, Hua Wei*.Rapid detection ofStaphylococcus aureus in dairy and meat foods by combination of capture withsilica-coated magnetic nanoparticles and thermophilic helicase-dependentisothermal amplification.Journalof Dairy Science, 98(3):1563-1570, 2015.
4.Lin Yang, Huijuan Kuang, Wanyi Zhang, Zoraida P.Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, Hengyi Xu and Hua Wei*.Size dependentbiodistribution and toxicokinetics of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in mice.Nanoscale, 7(2): 625-636, 2015.
5.Renhui Huang, Xueying Tao, Cuixiang Wan, ShengjieLi, Hengyi Xu, Feng Xu,, N. P. Shah., and Hua Wei*. In vitro probioticcharacteristics ofLactobacillusplantarumZDY 2013 and its modulatory effect on gut microbiota of mice.Journal of dairy science, 98(9), 5850-5861, 2015.
6.Mingfang Pan, Qinglong Wu, Xueying Tao, CuixiangWan, Nagendra P. Shah, and Hua Wei*, Fermentation of Allium chinense Bulbs WithLactobacillus plantarumZDY 2013Shows Enhanced Biofunctionalities, and Nutritional and Chemical Properties,Journal of Food Science, 80(10): M2272-M2278., 2015.
7.XiaominYu, Xiaoli Wu, Liang Qiu, Dengyuan Wang, Min Gan, Xingxing Chen, Hua Wei*, and F. Xu. 2015. Analysis of the intestinal microbial community structure of healthy and long-living elderly residents in Gaotian Village of Liuyang City. Applied microbiology and biotechnology,2015, 99:9085–9095.
8.Renhui Huang, Mingfang Pan, Cuixiang Wan, NagendraP. Shah, Xueying Tao, Hua Wei*, Physiological and transcriptional response aswel las cross protection ofLactobacillusplantarumZDY2013 under acid stress, Journal of Dairy Science,doi:10.3168/jds.2015-9993,2015.
9.Zhihong Zhang, Lixia Feng, Hengyi Xu, Chengwei Liu,Nagendra P. Shah, Hua Wei*.Detection of viable enterotoxin-producingBacillus cereusand analysis oftoxigenicity from ready-to-eat foods and infant formula milk powder by multiplexPCR. Journal of Dairy Science, doi:10.3168/jds.2015-10147, 2015.
10.Daofeng Liu, Yanmei Huang, Shuying Wang, Kun Liu, Minghui Chen, Yonghua Xiong, Wanchun Yang, Weihua Lai. A modified lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of trace aflatoxin M1 based on immunomagnetic nanobeads with different antibody concentrations. Food Control, 2015, 51: 218-224
11.Daofeng Liu, Yanmei Huang, Minghui Chen, Shuying Wang, Kun Liu, Weihua Lai*. Rapid detection method for aflatoxin B1 in soybean sauce based on fluorescent microspheres probe, Food Control, 2015, 50: 659-662
12.Shan Shan, Lai Weihua*, Xiong Yonghua, Wei Hua, Xu Henyi. Novel strategies to enhance lateral flow immunoassay sensitivity for detecting foodborne pathogens. J Agric Food Chem, 2015, 63(3): 745-753.
13.MinghuiChen,Zhibiao Yu, Daofeng Liu, Tao Peng, Kun Liu, Shuying Wang, YonghuaXiong, Hua Wei, Hengyi Xu, Weihua Lai. Dual gold nanoparticlelateral flow immunoassay for sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7.Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 876: 71-76
14.Xi Cui, Youju Huang, Jingyun Wang, Lei Zhang,Yun Rong, Weihua Lai, Tao Chen. A remarkablesensitivity enhancement in a gold nanoparticle-based lateralflow immunoassayfor the detection of Escherichia coliO157:H7. RSC Advances, 2015, 5:45092–45097
15.Lei Zhang, Youju Huang,Jingyun Wang, Yun Rong,Weihua Lai, Jiawei Zhang, Tao Chen. HierarchicalFlowerlike Gold Nanoparticles Labeled Immunochromatography Test Strip forHighly Sensitive Detection ofEscherichia coliO157:H7. Langmuir, 2015,31: 5537−5544
16.Jingyun Wang,Minghui Chen, Zhichao Sheng, Daofeng Liu, Songsong Wua, Weihua Lai.Development of Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Signal-Amplifying Systemfor Ultrasensitive Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Milk.RSC Advances, 2015,5:62300-62305
18.Shiqi Xia, Zhibiao Yu, Daofeng Liu, Chaolian Xu, Weihua Lai.Developing a novel immunochromatographic test strip with gold magneticbifunctional nanobeads (GMBN) for efficient detection ofSalmonellacholeraesuisin milk. Food Control, 2016, 59: 507-512
19.Xiaolin Huang, Rui Chen, Hengyi Xu*,Weihua Lai, and Yonghua Xiong*. Nanospherical brush as catalase container forenhancing the detection sensitivity of competitive plasmonic ELISA. AnalyticalChemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04518.(IF=5.63)
20.Rui Chen, Xiaolin Huang, Hengyi Xu,Yonghua Xiong*, and Yanbin Li. Plasmonic ELISA using nanospherical brushes as acatalase container for colorimetric detection of ultralow concentrations ofListeria monocytogenes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (51):28632–28639.(IF=6.72)
21.XiaolinHuang, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Hengyi Xu*, Weihua Lai, Yonghua Xiong*.Membrane-basedlateral flow immunochromatographic strip with nanoparticles as reporters fordetection: A review.Biosensorsand Bioelectronics 2016, 75:166–180.(IF=6.4)
22.Xiaolin Huang, Zhaodi Xu, Yan Mao,Yanwei Ji, Hengyi Xu*, Yonghua Xiong*, Yanbin Li. Gold nanoparticle-baseddynamic light scattering immunoassay for ultrasensitive detection of Listeriamonocytogenes in lettuces. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015, 66,184-190.(IF=6.4)
23.Yan Mao,Xiaolin Huang, Sicheng Xiong, Hengyi Xu*, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong*.Large-volumeimmunomagnetic separation combined with multiplex PCR assay for simultaneousdetection ofListeria monocytogenesandListeria ivanoviiin lettuce.Food Control. 2016. 59:601-608.
24.Yanwei Ji,Meiling Ren, Yanping Li, Zhibing Huang, Mei Shu, Hongwei Yang, Yonghua Xiong*,Yang Xu*.Detection of aflatoxin Bwithimmunochromatographic test strips: Enhanced signal sensitivity using goldnanoflowers.Talanta 2015,142:206–212.
25.Jun Shen, Yaofeng Zhou, Fen Fu, HengyiXu*, Jiaofeng Lv, Yonghua Xiong*, AndrewWang. Immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitive detection ofhepatitis B virus surface antigen using highly luminescent quantum dot-beads.Talanta. 2015,142(1),145-149(IF=3.54)
26.Minliang Chen, Xuelan Chen*, Fang Wan,Bin Zhang, Jincong Chen and Yonghua Xiong*. Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 onl-arginine overproduction Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 on l-arginineoverproduction in Corynebacterium crenatum. Micraobial Cell Factories. 2015,14(1): 1-10. (IF=4.22)
27.Ying Xiong, Zhui Tu, XiaolinHuang,aBing Xie, Yonghua Xiong* and Yang Xu. Magnetic Beads CarryingPoly(AcrylicAcid) Brushes as “Nanobody Containers” for ImmunoaffinityPurification of Aflatoxin Bfrom Corn Samples. RSC advances. 2015,5, 77380–77387. (IF=3.84)
28.Hong Duan, Xuelan Chen, Wei Xu, JinhuaFu, Yonghua Xiong* and Andrew Wang. Quantum-Dot submicrobead-basedimmunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitive detection ofzearalenone. Talanta. 2015,132,145-149. (IF=3.54)
29.WanCuiXiang,WangXian-Zhuo, Guo Jian-Jun,YuanLing. Screening of non-pigmentedAureobasidium pullulansstrain P1012 forhigh-yield pullulan production. Source: Modern Food Science and Technology,2015 31(1):101-106,
30.Yang Y, Xu F, Xu H, Aguilar ZP, Niu R,Yuan Y, Sun J, You X, Lai W, Xiong Y, Wan C, (通訊作者) Wei H. Magnetic nano-beads based separation combined withpropidium monoazide treatment and multiplex PCR assay for simultaneousdetection of viable Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli O157:H7 andListeria monocytogenes in food products. Food Microbiol. 2013 Jun;34(2):418-24.
31.HuijuanKuang, Lin Yang, Nagendra P. Shah, Zoraida P. Aguilar, Lijun Wang,HengyiXu*(corresponding author), HuaWei*. Synergisticin vitroandin vivoantimicrobial effect of amixture of ZnO nanoparticles andLactobacillusfermentation liquor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016. DOI:10.1007/s00253-015-7221-x. (SCI, 2014IF=3.337)
32.LijunWang, Xiaomin Yu,Hengyi Xu*(correspondingauthor), Zoraida P. Aguilar and Hua Wei*. Effect of skim milk coatedinulin-alginate encapsulation beads on viability and gene expression ofLactobacillus plantarumduringfreeze-drying. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2015.12.001.(SCI, 2014 IF=2.416)
33.HuijuanKuang#, Bei Gan#, Liang Guo, Zoraida P. Aguilar,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author). Determination ofBenzodiazepines in Beef by Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction and High-PerformanceLiquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Letters. 2016. DOI:10.1080/00032719.2015.1076830. (SCI, 2014 IF=1.03)
34.LinYang#, Zoraida P. Aguilar#, Feng Qu, Hong Xu,HengyiXu*(corresponding author),Hua Wei*. Enhanced antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles-Lonicera Japonicathunb combo. IET Nanobiotechnology. 2016. DOI: 10.1049/iet-nbt.2015.0027 (SCI,2014 IF=1.5)
35.Xiaolin Huang, Zoraida P. Aguilar,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Weihua Lai andYonghua Xiong*. Membrane-based Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Strip withNanoparticles as Reporters for Detection: A Review. Biosensors andBioelectronics. 2015. 75 (2016), 166-180. DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.08.032 (SCI,2014 IF=6.409)
36.YanMao, Xiaolin Huang, Sicheng Xiong,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Zoraida P. Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong*.Large-volume immunomagnetic separation combined with multiplex PCR assay forsimultaneous detection ofListeriamonocytogenesand Listeria ivanovii in lettuce. Food Control. 2016. 59(2016) 601-608. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.06.048. (SCI, 2014 IF=2.806)
37.JunShen, Yaofeng Zhou, Fen Fu,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Jiaofeng Lv,Yonghua Xiong*, Andrew Wang. Immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitivedetection of hepatitis B virus surface antigen using highly luminescent quantumdot-beads. Talanta. 2015. 142(9), 145-149. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.04.058.(SCI, 2014 IF=3.545)
38.LijunWang, Chenlian Ye,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author), Zoraida P. Aguilar, YonghuaXiong, Weihua Lai, Hua Wei*. Development of an SD-PMA-mPCR assay with internalamplification control for rapid and sensitive detection of viableSalmonellaspp.,Shigellaspp. andStaphylococcusaureusin food products. Food Control. 2015. 57(11), 314-320.DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.04.016. (SCI, 2014 IF=2.806)
39.Xiaolin Huang#, Zhaodi Xu#, Yan Mao,Yanwei Ji,Hengyi Xu*(correspondingauthor), Yonghua Xiong* and Yanbin Li.Gold nanoparticle-based dynamic lightscattering immunoassay for ultrasensitive detection ofLlisteria monocytogenesin lettuces. Biosensors andBioelectronics.2015. 66(2015), 184-190.DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2014.11.016. (SCI, 2014 IF=6.409)
40.Lin Yang# , Huijuan Kuang# , WanyiZhang# , Zoraida P. Aguilar, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai,Hengyi Xu*(corresponding author) and Hua Wei*.Size dependentbiodistribution and toxicokinetics of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in mice.Nanoscale.2015, 7, 625-636.DOI: 10.1039/C4NR05061D. (SCI, 2014IF=7.394)
41.Minliang Chen, Xuelan Chen*, Fang Wan, Bin Zhang, Jincong Chenand Yonghua Xiong*. Effect of Tween 40 and DtsR1 on l-arginine overproductioninCorynebacterium crenatum. Microbial Cell Factory, 2015, 14:119-129
42.Hong Duan, Xuelan Chen, Wei Xu, Jinhua Fu, Yonghua Xiong*,Andrew Wang. Quantum-DoT submicrobead-based immunochromatographic assay forquantitative and sensitive detection of zearalenone. Talanta, 2015, 132:126–131
43.XueYing Tao, JaeYoung Choi, YangSu Kim, SeokHeeLee, SaesByeol An, Pang Ying, JongHoon Kim, WooJin Kim, YeonHo Je*.Bombyx morinucleopolyhedrovirus bacmidenabling rapid generation of recombinant virus by in vitro transposition.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.25(3):386-92, 2015.
44.XueYing Tao, JaeYoung Choi, WooJin Kim,SaesByeol An, Qing Liu, SongEun Kim, SeokHee Lee, JongHoon Kim, SooDong Woo,ByungRae Jin, YeonHo Je*. TheAutographa californicamultiple nucleopolyhedrovirus ORF11 isessential for BV production and ODV envelopment.Journal of Virology. 89 (1):373-383, 2015.
46.段宏, 陳雪嵐,江湖, 沈駿, 董勝明, 熊勇華*, AndrewWang. 量子點螢光微球免疫層析試紙條定量檢測惡性瘧原蟲. 分析化學, 2015, 43 (3): 338-343
48.萬方, 張斌, 陳民良, 陳進聰, 陳雪嵐*. proC及putP基因的敲除對鈍齒棒桿菌產L-精氨酸生理代謝的影響. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2015 , 35 (8): 51-58
49.萬方, 張斌, 陳民良, 陳進聰, 陳雪嵐*.比較pta及ack敲除對鈍齒棒桿菌產L-精氨酸生理代謝的影響. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2015 , 35 (9): 28-43
50.陳超超, 陳雪嵐*. 噬菌體展示技術在真菌毒素檢測中的套用研究. 衛生研究, 2015,44(3): 498-502王玉蓮, 田萬紅, 譚強來, 魏華, 曾明: 雙歧桿菌的分類學研究與新進展.微生物學通報, 42(1):185-191.2015
51.邴雙飛, 魏華, 許恆毅: 唾液乳桿菌 ZDY159a抑菌機制的研究.中國微生態學雜誌, 6:001.2015
Yang L, Kuang H, Zhang W, et al. Sizedependent biodistribution and toxicokinetics of iron oxide magneticnanoparticles in mice[J]. Nanoscale, 2015, 7(2): 625-636.(IF=6.739)
Huang X, Xu Z, Mao Y, et al. Goldnanoparticle-based dynamic light scattering immunoassay for ultrasensitivedetection of Listeria monocytogenes in lettuces.[J]. Biosensors andBioelectronics, 2015:184–190.(IF=6.054)
Xu W, Xiong Y, Lai W, et al. A homogeneousimmunosensor for AFB1 detection based on FRET between different-sized quantumdots.[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 56(12):144–150.(IF=6.054)
Ren, MeilingXu, Hengyi Huang, XiaolinKuang, Min Xiong, YonghuaXu, Hong Xu, Yang Chen, Hongyu Wang,Andrew.Immunochromatographic Assay for Ultrasensitive Detection of Aflatoxin B1in Maize by Highly Luminescent Quantum Dot Beads[J]. ACS applied materials& interfaces(IF=5.9)
Shan S, Lai W, Xiong Y, et al. NovelStrategies To Enhance Lateral Flow Immunoassay Sensitivity for DetectingFoodborne Pathogens[J]. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2015.(IF=3.107)
Duan H, Chen X, Xu W, et al. Quantum-DoTsubmicrobead-based immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitivedetection of zearalenone.[J]. Talanta, 2015:126–131.(IF=3.511)
Liu D, Huang Y, Chen M, et al. Rapiddetection method for aflatoxin B 1 in soybean sauce based on fluorescent microspheresprobe[J]. Food Control, 2015, 50: 659-662.(IF=2.819)
Shengjie Li, Tingtao Chen, Feng Xu,SuqinDong, Hengyi Xu, YhonghuaXiong*, Hua Wei*. The beneficial effect oftheexopolysaccharides from Bifidobacterium bifidum WBIN03 on themicrobialdiversityin the mice intestine. Journal of the Science of Food andAgriculture.2014.(SCI,2011 IF=1.436)
Lijun Wang, Ping Li, Zhihong Zhang, QiChen,Zoraida P.Aguilar, Hengyi Xu*, Lin Yang, Feng Xu, Weihua Lai, YonghuaXiong andHua Wei*.Rapid and accurate detection of viable E.coli O157:H7 in milkusing acombined IMS, sodium deoxycholate, PMA andreal-time quantitative PCRprocess.Food Control. 2014. 36 (2014), 119-125. DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.08.011.(SCI, 2011 IF=2.738)
Zhihong Zhang, Lijun Wang, HengyiXu*,Zoraida P. Aguilar,Chengwei Liu, Bei Gan, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, FengXuand Hua Wei*. Detectionof non-emetic and emetic Bacillus cereusbypropidiummonoazide multiplex PCR (PMA-mPCR) with internal amplificationcontrol.FoodControl. 2014.35 (2014), 401-406. DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.07.035.(SCI,2012 IF=2.738)
1.Yang L, Kuang H, Zhang W, et al. Sizedependent biodistribution and toxicokinetics of iron oxide magneticnanoparticles in mice[J]. Nanoscale, 2015, 7(2): 625-636.(IF=6.739)
2.Huang X, Xu Z, Mao Y, et al. Goldnanoparticle-based dynamic light scattering immunoassay for ultrasensitivedetection of Listeria monocytogenes in lettuces.[J]. Biosensors andBioelectronics, 2015:184–190.(IF=6.054)
3.Xu W, Xiong Y, Lai W, et al. A homogeneousimmunosensor for AFB1 detection based on FRET between different-sized quantumdots.[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 56(12):144–150.(IF=6.054)
4.Ren, MeilingXu, Hengyi Huang, XiaolinKuang, Min Xiong, YonghuaXu, Hong Xu, Yang Chen, Hongyu Wang,Andrew.Immunochromatographic Assay for Ultrasensitive Detection of Aflatoxin B1in Maize by Highly Luminescent Quantum Dot Beads[J]. ACS applied materials& interfaces(IF=5.9)
5.Shan S, Lai W, Xiong Y, et al. NovelStrategies To Enhance Lateral Flow Immunoassay Sensitivity for DetectingFoodborne Pathogens[J]. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2015.(IF=3.107)
6.Duan H, Chen X, Xu W, et al. Quantum-DoTsubmicrobead-based immunochromatographic assay for quantitative and sensitivedetection of zearalenone.[J]. Talanta, 2015:126–131.(IF=3.511)
7.Liu D, Huang Y, Chen M, et al. Rapiddetection method for aflatoxin B 1 in soybean sauce based on fluorescent microspheresprobe[J]. Food Control, 2015, 50: 659-662.(IF=2.819)
8.Shengjie Li, Tingtao Chen, Feng Xu,SuqinDong, Hengyi Xu, YhonghuaXiong*, Hua Wei*. The beneficial effect oftheexopolysaccharides from Bifidobacterium bifidum WBIN03 on themicrobialdiversityin the mice intestine. Journal of the Science of Food andAgriculture.2014.(SCI,2011 IF=1.436)
9.Lijun Wang, Ping Li, Zhihong Zhang, QiChen,Zoraida P.Aguilar, Hengyi Xu*, Lin Yang, Feng Xu, Weihua Lai, YonghuaXiong andHua Wei*.Rapid and accurate detection of viable E.coli O157:H7 in milkusing acombined IMS, sodium deoxycholate, PMA andreal-time quantitative PCRprocess.Food Control. 2014. 36 (2014), 119-125. DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.08.011.(SCI, 2011 IF=2.738)
10.Zhihong Zhang, Lijun Wang, HengyiXu*,Zoraida P. Aguilar,Chengwei Liu, Bei Gan, Yonghua Xiong, Weihua Lai, FengXuand Hua Wei*. Detectionof non-emetic and emetic Bacillus cereusbypropidiummonoazide multiplex PCR (PMA-mPCR) with internal amplificationcontrol.FoodControl. 2014.35 (2014), 401-406. DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.07.035.(SCI,2012 IF=2.738)
一種富集分離幽門螺桿菌的方法. 專利號:ZL201310219396.4.
大腸桿菌O157:H7富集和快速檢測方法專利號:ZL 201310350229.3.
單核增李斯特菌富集和快速檢測方法專利號: ZL 201310350228.9.
鼠傷寒沙門氏菌的快速分離方法專利號: ZL 201310350230.6.
蠟樣芽孢桿菌的快速分離新方法. 專利號:ZL201310219397.9.
肺炎鏈球菌在複雜基質中的分離方法. 專利號:ZL201310219419.1.
人外周血中造血幹細胞的分離方法. 專利號:ZL201310219434.6.
直接分離CD4+和CD8+淋巴細胞的方法. 專利號:ZL201310219459.6.
一種便於觀察的磁珠分離器。 專利號:ZL201220080441.3.
抗輪狀病毒雞卵黃免役球蛋白產品。專利號: ZL98107254.2.
抗幽門螺桿菌雞卵黃免役球蛋白的產品及其套用。專利號: ZL99117588.3.
3.一種富集分離幽門螺桿菌的方法. 專利號:ZL201310219396.4.
4.大腸桿菌O157:H7富集和快速檢測方法專利號:ZL 201310350229.3.
5.單核增李斯特菌富集和快速檢測方法專利號: ZL 201310350228.9.
6.鼠傷寒沙門氏菌的快速分離方法專利號: ZL 201310350230.6.
10.蠟樣芽孢桿菌的快速分離新方法. 專利號:ZL201310219397.9.
11.肺炎鏈球菌在複雜基質中的分離方法. 專利號:ZL201310219419.1.
12.人外周血中造血幹細胞的分離方法. 專利號:ZL201310219434.6.
19.直接分離CD4+和CD8+淋巴細胞的方法. 專利號:ZL201310219459.6.
22.一種便於觀察的磁珠分離器。 專利號:ZL201220080441.3.
27.抗輪狀病毒雞卵黃免役球蛋白產品。專利號: ZL98107254.2.
29.抗幽門螺桿菌雞卵黃免役球蛋白的產品及其套用。專利號: ZL99117588.3.
•申請專利 :
一株耐酸植物乳桿菌. 申請號:201510204324.1.
植物乳桿菌微生態製劑. 申請號:201510204886.6.
一種製備高多糖優酪乳的方法. 申請號:201510204909.3.
一種泡菜製作方法. 申請號:201510204364.6.
一株抗衰老的黏膜乳桿菌. 申請號: 201510866389.2.
一株延緩衰老的植物乳桿菌. 申請號: 201510866376.5.
一種基於藥食同源補腦養血提高抵抗力的配方驢奶粉. 申請號201310693299.9.
一種基於藥食同源的添加益生元益生菌奶片. 申請號:201310693300.8.
具有降血糖功能的益生菌中草藥複合物製劑. 申請號:201310693316.9.
一種調理腸道菌群的配方驢奶粉. 申請號:201310694001.6.
一種提高免疫力的配方驢奶粉. 申請號:201310693239.7.
一種基於藥食同源的驢奶粉配方. 申請號:201310694005.4.
高效純化量子點與IgG類單克隆抗體偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637480.8.
一種高效純化水溶性納米銀顆粒鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637210.4.
純化水溶性氧化鐵納米粒子鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637574.5.
純化水溶性納米銀顆粒鼠源性IgG類單抗偶聯物方法. 申請號:201310638004.8.
純化水溶性納米氧化鐵鼠源性IgG類單抗偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637575.X.
純化量子點與鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637586.8
生薑膳食纖維功能食品. 申請號:201310546615.X.
一種增加生薑香氣成分的方法. 申請號:201310555286.5.
一種提高生薑抗氧化活性的方法. 申請號:201310546526.5.
一種生薑防腐劑或抑菌劑. 申請號:201310546840.3.
一種改善生薑感官品質的方法. 申請號:201310546653.5.
一種結合物聯網數據傳輸系統的螢光微球免疫層析定量檢測儀. 申請號:201310445710.0.
一種結合物聯網數據傳輸系統的膠體金免疫層析定量檢測儀. 申請號:201310446973.3.
空腸彎曲菌的快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219556.5.
蠟樣芽孢桿菌的快速分離新方法. 申請號:201310219397.9.
磁分離小腸結腸炎耶爾森氏菌YE的方法. 申請號:201310219456.2.
結核分枝桿菌的快速磁分離方法. 申請號:201310219471.7.
肺炎鏈球菌在複雜基質中的分離方法. 申請號:201310219419.1.
一種高效快速的富集分離副溶血性弧菌方法. 申請號:201310219540.4.
微量循環腫瘤細胞的分離方法. 申請號:201310219229.X.
人外周血中自然殺傷細胞的快速富集分離方法. 申請號:201310219539.1.
人外周血中造血幹細胞的分離方法. 申請號:201310219434.6.
樹突狀細胞的快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219557.X.
一種富集分離人外周血CD34+和CD91+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219417.2.
利用磁珠分離人外周血中CD4+和CD25+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219433.1.
直接分離CD4+和CD8+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219459.6.
耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219460.9.
金黃色葡萄球菌分離的方法. 申請號:201310219458.1.
一種富集分離單核增生李斯特菌的方法. 申請號:201310219416.8.
磁珠分離大腸桿菌O157的方法. 申請號:201310219420.4.
一種獲取哺乳期大鼠鼠奶的方法. 申請號:201310075680.9.
一種快速自動檢測水中細菌的系統. 申請號:201210569060.6.
水中細菌快速檢測裝置[實用新型]. 申請號:201220722367.0.
NanoparticleBased Immunological Stimulation(United States Patent Application 20120189700).Application Number: 13/350849.
InternationalFilingDate: 16.01.2012. International Application No.: PCT/US2012/021402. Pub.No.:WO/2012/099805.
一種板藍根提取液與納米銀抑菌組合物. 申請號:201210367645.x.
中藥抑菌組合物. 申請號:201210366620.8.
一種抑菌劑. 申請號:201210366494.6.
黃連提取物與納米銀抑菌組合物. 申請號:201210366515.4.
同時檢測鼠傷寒沙門氏菌、大腸桿菌O157:H7、單核增生李斯特菌的方法. 申請號:201210308227.3.
阪崎腸桿菌的高特異性基因片段及其套用. 申請號:201210308116.2.
同時快速檢測食品中活的鼠傷寒沙門氏菌、乙型副傷寒沙門氏菌、傷寒沙門氏菌的方法. 申請號:201210177199.6.
簡易磁珠分離裝置. 申請號:201210056486.1.
一種智慧型控制磁分離器. 申請號:201210056487.6.
雙歧桿菌原生質體的製備和轉化方法. 申請號:201210045286.6.
百萬級實驗室用抽濕設備. 申請號:201110361421.3.
一種封閉實驗室用抽濕設備. 申請號:201120451807.9.
一種富集液態乳中β-內醯胺類青黴素抗生素的方法. 申請號:201110361404.X.
一種富集養殖家畜尿樣中克倫特羅、萊克多巴胺和沙丁胺醇的方法. 申請號:201110361407.3.
一種富集水產品中隱色孔雀石綠以及隱色結晶紫的方法. 2011. 申請號:201110361423.2.
一種富集水產品中天然四環素類抗生素的方法.2011. 申請號:201110361416.2.
一株耐高糖、高酒精和高酸釀酒酵母ATCC9763的篩選和套用. 申請號:201110116971.9.
DGGE法在微生物快速分類中的套用. 申請號:201110118537.4
枯草芽孢桿菌ZDY1982在降解真菌毒素脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇中的套用. 申請號:201110072374.0.
蠟樣芽孢桿菌 (E33L)在降解真菌毒素玉米赤霉烯酮中的套用. 申請號:201110073966.4.
枯草芽孢桿菌在拮抗幽門螺桿菌中的套用. 申請號:201110073965.X.
枯草芽孢桿菌在降解真菌毒素脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇中的套用. 申請號:200810106969.1.
1.一株耐酸植物乳桿菌. 申請號:201510204324.1.
2.植物乳桿菌微生態製劑. 申請號:201510204886.6.
3.一種製備高多糖優酪乳的方法. 申請號:201510204909.3.
4.一種泡菜製作方法. 申請號:201510204364.6.
5.一株抗衰老的黏膜乳桿菌. 申請號: 201510866389.2.
6.一株延緩衰老的植物乳桿菌. 申請號: 201510866376.5.
15.一種基於藥食同源補腦養血提高抵抗力的配方驢奶粉. 申請號201310693299.9.
16.一種基於藥食同源的添加益生元益生菌奶片. 申請號:201310693300.8.
17.具有降血糖功能的益生菌中草藥複合物製劑. 申請號:201310693316.9.
18.一種調理腸道菌群的配方驢奶粉. 申請號:201310694001.6.
19.一種提高免疫力的配方驢奶粉. 申請號:201310693239.7.
20.一種基於藥食同源的驢奶粉配方. 申請號:201310694005.4.
21.高效純化量子點與IgG類單克隆抗體偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637480.8.
22.一種高效純化水溶性納米銀顆粒鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637210.4.
23.純化水溶性氧化鐵納米粒子鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637574.5.
24.純化水溶性納米銀顆粒鼠源性IgG類單抗偶聯物方法. 申請號:201310638004.8.
25.純化水溶性納米氧化鐵鼠源性IgG類單抗偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637575.X.
26.純化量子點與鏈霉親和素偶聯物的方法. 申請號:201310637586.8
27.生薑膳食纖維功能食品. 申請號:201310546615.X.
28.一種增加生薑香氣成分的方法. 申請號:201310555286.5.
29.一種提高生薑抗氧化活性的方法. 申請號:201310546526.5.
30.一種生薑防腐劑或抑菌劑. 申請號:201310546840.3.
31.一種改善生薑感官品質的方法. 申請號:201310546653.5.
32.一種結合物聯網數據傳輸系統的螢光微球免疫層析定量檢測儀. 申請號:201310445710.0.
33.一種結合物聯網數據傳輸系統的膠體金免疫層析定量檢測儀. 申請號:201310446973.3.
34.空腸彎曲菌的快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219556.5.
35.蠟樣芽孢桿菌的快速分離新方法. 申請號:201310219397.9.
36.磁分離小腸結腸炎耶爾森氏菌YE的方法. 申請號:201310219456.2.
37.結核分枝桿菌的快速磁分離方法. 申請號:201310219471.7.
38.肺炎鏈球菌在複雜基質中的分離方法. 申請號:201310219419.1.
39.一種高效快速的富集分離副溶血性弧菌方法. 申請號:201310219540.4.
40.微量循環腫瘤細胞的分離方法. 申請號:201310219229.X.
41.人外周血中自然殺傷細胞的快速富集分離方法. 申請號:201310219539.1.
42.人外周血中造血幹細胞的分離方法. 申請號:201310219434.6.
43.樹突狀細胞的快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219557.X.
44.一種富集分離人外周血CD34+和CD91+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219417.2.
45.利用磁珠分離人外周血中CD4+和CD25+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219433.1.
46.直接分離CD4+和CD8+淋巴細胞的方法. 申請號:201310219459.6.
47.耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌快速分離方法. 申請號:201310219460.9.
48.金黃色葡萄球菌分離的方法. 申請號:201310219458.1.
49.一種富集分離單核增生李斯特菌的方法. 申請號:201310219416.8.
50.磁珠分離大腸桿菌O157的方法. 申請號:201310219420.4.
51.一種獲取哺乳期大鼠鼠奶的方法. 申請號:201310075680.9.
52.一種快速自動檢測水中細菌的系統. 申請號:201210569060.6.
53.水中細菌快速檢測裝置[實用新型]. 申請號:201220722367.0.
54.NanoparticleBased Immunological Stimulation(United States Patent Application 20120189700).Application Number: 13/350849.
55.InternationalFilingDate: 16.01.2012. International Application No.: PCT/US2012/021402. Pub.No.:WO/2012/099805.
56.一種板藍根提取液與納米銀抑菌組合物. 申請號:201210367645.x.
57.中藥抑菌組合物. 申請號:201210366620.8.
58.一種抑菌劑. 申請號:201210366494.6.
59.黃連提取物與納米銀抑菌組合物. 申請號:201210366515.4.
60.同時檢測鼠傷寒沙門氏菌、大腸桿菌O157:H7、單核增生李斯特菌的方法. 申請號:201210308227.3.
61.阪崎腸桿菌的高特異性基因片段及其套用. 申請號:201210308116.2.
62.同時快速檢測食品中活的鼠傷寒沙門氏菌、乙型副傷寒沙門氏菌、傷寒沙門氏菌的方法. 申請號:201210177199.6.
63.簡易磁珠分離裝置. 申請號:201210056486.1.
64.一種智慧型控制磁分離器. 申請號:201210056487.6.
65.雙歧桿菌原生質體的製備和轉化方法. 申請號:201210045286.6.
66.百萬級實驗室用抽濕設備. 申請號:201110361421.3.
67.一種封閉實驗室用抽濕設備. 申請號:201120451807.9.
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70.一種富集水產品中隱色孔雀石綠以及隱色結晶紫的方法. 2011. 申請號:201110361423.2.
71.一種富集水產品中天然四環素類抗生素的方法.2011. 申請號:201110361416.2.
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73.DGGE法在微生物快速分類中的套用. 申請號:201110118537.4
74.枯草芽孢桿菌ZDY1982在降解真菌毒素脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇中的套用. 申請號:201110072374.0.
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77.枯草芽孢桿菌在降解真菌毒素脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇中的套用. 申請號:200810106969.1.