
Part Part Part


出版社: 復旦大學出版社; 第1版 (2010年9月1日)
叢書名: 普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材
平裝: 241頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787309071115
條形碼: 9787309071115
尺寸: 22.6 x 18.8 x 2.4 cm
重量: 222 g




Unit 1 College Life
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Ten Secrets for Success as a College freshman
Part Ⅲ Text B Maybe Now's the Time to Pursue a Dream
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 2 Growing Up
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A You Changed My Life, Miz Lane
Part Ⅲ Text B A Quick Story
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 3 Radiating Kindness
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A An Act of Kindness
Part Ⅲ Text B The Cab Ride
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 4 World of Wonders
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Crystals
Part Ⅲ Text B Earth's Extremes
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 5 Silent Language
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Eve Language
Part Ⅲ Text B The Sensation of a Smile
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 6 Sound of Music
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Beethoven and His"Moonlight Sonata"
Part Ⅲ Text B My Father: He Always Had My Back
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Unit 7 Life as it is
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Life Is a Marathon
Part Ⅲ Text B Hard Work Pays Off
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activitie
Unit 8 Staying Healthy
Part Ⅰ Video Starter
Part Ⅱ Text A Too Many Hospital Beds
Part Ⅲ Text B Sleep: A Necessity, Not a Luxury
Part Ⅳ Additional Theme-Related Activities
Presupposed Word List


