

《數字通信:離散時間方法》是 2011年7月1日科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是萊斯。





作者:(美國)萊斯(Michael Rice)




Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 A Brief History of Communications 1

1.2 Basics Of Wireless Communications 10

1.3 Digital Communications 12

1.4 Why Discrete-Tune Processing Is So Popular 14

1.5 Organization of the Text 19

1.6 Notes and References 22

Chapter 2 Signals and Systems 1:A Review of the Basics

2.1 Introduction 23

2.2 Signals 24

2.2.1 Continuous-Time Signals 24

2.2.2 Discrete-Time Signals 26

2.3 Systems 28

2.3.1 Continuous-Time Systems 28

2.3.2 Discrete-Time Systems 29

2.4 Frequency Domain Characterizations 30

2.4.1 Laplace Transform 32

2.4.2 Continuous-Time Fourier Transform 37

2.4.3 Z Transform 40

2.4.4 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 46

2.5 The Discrete Fourier Transform 50

2.6 The Relationship Between Discrete-Time and Continuous-Time Systems ~ 55

2.6.1 The Sampling Theorem 56

2.6.2 Discrete-Time Processing of Continuous-Time Signals

2.7 Discrete-Time Processing of Band-Pass Signals 67

2.8 Notes and References 70

2.9 Exercises 71

Chapter 3 Signals and Systems 2: Some Useful Discrete-Time Techniques for Digital Communications

3.1 Introduction 114

3.2 Multirate Signal Processing 115

3.2.1 Impulse-Train Sampling 115

3.2.2 Downsampling 118

3.2.3 Upsampling 120

3.2.4 The Noble Identities 122

3.2.5 Polyphase Filterbanks 122

3.3 Discrete-Time Filter Design Methods 127

3.3.1 IIR Filter Designs 129

3.3.2 FIR Filter Designs 134

3.3.3 Two Important Filters:The Differentiator and the Integrator 149

3.4 Notes and References 159

3.5 Exercises 159

Chapter 4 A Review of Probability Theory

4.1 Basic Definitions 178

4.2 Gaussian Random Variables 188

4.2.1 Density and Distribution Functions 188

4.2.2 Product Moments 192

4.2.3 Functions of Random Variables 193

4.3 Multivariate Gaussian Random Variables 195

4.3.1 Bivariate Gaussian Distribution !96

4.3.2 Linear Operators and Multivariate Gaussian Random Variables 197

4.4 Random Sequences 198

4.4.1 Power Spectral Density 199

4.4.2 Random Sequences and Discrete-Time LTI Systems 200

4.5 Additive White Gaussian Noise 202

4.5.1 Continuous-Time Random Processes 202

4.5.2 The White Gaussian Random Process:A Good Model for Noise? 204

4.5.3 White Gaussian Noise in a Sampled Data System 206

4.6 Notes and References 208

4.7 Exercises 208

Chapter 5 Linear Modulation 1: Modulation,demodulation, and Detection

Chapter 6 Linear Modulation 2: Performance

Chapter 7 Carrier Phase Synchronization

Chapter 8 Symbol Timing Synchronization

Chapter 9 System Components

Chapter 10 System Design

AppendixA Pulse Shapes

Appendix B The Complex-Valued Representation for QAM

Appendix C Phase Locked Loops




