WSFF – refers to fully centralized business model for franchised businesses. The whole process – from opening new store investment, location choosing of new store, products, company images for each store, decorations, employee training, products layout, operation management, cashier systems, accounting systems, logistics, promotion, new products to many other aspects related to the operation, management and employee of the business, is managed and implicated from the central head office. In simply words, these stores are copies of a successful model store. This assures all stores are of one style, same products and services, and one price. The only differences are the size and location of the stores. This fully supports each store with market competitiveness and continuous profits, so that the benefits of each investors and consumers are guaranteed.
根據國際 特許經營協會(IFA)調查報告指出單店創業的成功率是36%,而全球的特許連鎖 專賣店的經營成功率是96%。從以上數據看,投資特許連鎖專賣店是可以確保贏利的大趨勢;但是任何投資還是有一定風險的,作為一個新引進的品牌要被中國大眾認可還須一個過程,即使其它國際品牌在中國雖然經營了一段時間也不能保證每家店鋪贏利。
一、特許連鎖的市場 運營模式是一種風險小、非常簡便、有效操作市場經營模式;
二、採取“ 整店輸出”的運營模式和的市場管理的 經營理念,大大降低了外行加盟經營難度;
整店輸出的連鎖行業:包括 服裝連鎖、 美容行業、飾品連鎖、 餐飲連鎖、服務行業連鎖店、 化妝品連鎖、教育培訓連鎖等