
1. 採用進口編碼器旋鈕快速調節頻閃頻率,操作更加簡單、方便、精確。
2. 實時作業系統,顯示刷新儀器閃光頻率,直觀、快捷。
3. 外觸發模式,通過外部輸入信號,實現高速自動跟蹤頻閃。
4. 最新操作軟體外觸發具有三種自動跟蹤模式,適合對任何印刷進行自動跟蹤。
5. 自動停閃保護功能,節省用電的同時提高了頻閃燈的工作壽命。
6. 移相功能:調整‘靜止’圖案的‘位置’(即相位調節),方便印刷圖案的觀測。
7. 採用高亮度德國海曼原裝進口螺紋燈泡,亮度高、壽命長、極具性價比。
1. 電 源:AC220±10%V,2A,50HZ
2. 電源線長:標準長度為3m
3. 觸發頻率:50~12000次/分鐘,建議頻率:500~6000次/分鐘
4. 外部信號:DC0~24V脈衝信號,高電平觸發
5. 外形尺寸:200mm×120mm×160mm
6. 儀器重量:約1.2 kg
1. A stroboscope, also known as a strobe, work according to the stroboscopic principle. It makes motion sequences visible which otherwise cannot be observed by the naked eye : by synchronizing the flash frequency to the movement of the observed object and emitting intensive light pulse of short duration, the object is always illuminated at the same point of its movement, so that it appears to the eye as if it were motionless. And it is an instrument used to make a cyclically moving object appear to be slow-moving, or stationary. It is suitable for non-contact RPM measurement, inspection and observation of moving parts.
2. Their applications involves many sectors of production and maintenance industry, research and training:
measurement of rotation speeds, frequency and periods
observation of thread movement on textile machines
quality monitoring of web printing machines
roll label inspections
vibrations measurements
observation of mechanical deformation
physic demonstrations
printing press and gilding press