至今主持國家自然科學青年基金項目1項 “吸附劑合成與其固定土壤中磷的機理研究(21107077)”。以第一作者發表十多篇學術論文,其中檢索SCI 4篇,EI 3篇。申請發明專利2項。參加過多次國際學術會議,也是美國American Chemical Society (ACS) 和American Geophysical Union (AGU)學會會員。
⒈Nan Xu,Christos Christodoulatos,Agamemnon Koutsospyros,Washington Braida “Competitive sorption of tungstate,molybdate and phosphate mixtures onto goethite”. Land Contamination and Reclamation. 2009,17 ⑴,45-57.
⒉Nan Xu,Yuan Gao. “Characterization of hematite dissolution affected by oxalate coating,kinetics and pH”. Applied Geochemistry,April 2008,23 ⑷,783-793.
⒊Nan Xu,Christos Christodoulatos,Washington Braida. “Modeling the competitive effect of phosphate,sulfate,silicate,and tungstate anions on the adsorption of molybdate onto goethite”. Chemosphere,2006.64⑻,1325-1333.
⒋Nan Xu,Christos Christodoulatos,Washington Braida. “Adsorption of molybdate and tetrathiomolybdate by pyrite and goethite: Effect of pH and presence of phosphate,sulfate and silicate”. Chemosphere,2006. 62⑽,1726-1735.
⒌Nan Xu,Christos Christodoulatos,and Washington Braida. “Competitive adsorption/desorption of tungstate,molybdate and phosphate anions on goethite”. Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society,USA,2005,vol. 230,pp.1732.
⒍Nan Xu,Washington Braida,Dimitris Dermatas and Christos Christodoulatos,21th Annual International Conference on Soils,Sediments and Water. “Modeling the competitive effect of phosphate,sulfate,silicate and tungstate on the adsorption of molybdate onto goethite”,UMass Amherst,MA,Oct/17th-Oct/20th. 2005,pp.201.
⒎Nan Xu,Washington Braida and Christos Christodoulatos,15th Annual AEHS West Coast Conference on Soils,Sediments and Water. “Uptake of molybdate and terachiomolybdate by pyrite and goethite”,San Diego,CA,Mar/14th-Mar/17th. 2005.
⒏Nan Xu,Washington Braida and Christos Christodoulatos,20th Annual International Conference on Soils,Sediments and Water. “Effect of sulfate and phosphate on adsorption of molybdate and tetrathiomolybdate by pyrite”,UMass Amherst,MA,Oct. 2004.
⒐徐楠. “一種打靶場地下水中鎢和鉬污染的處理方法”,國家發明專利。