
張開華,博士學歷,任南京信息工程大學,教授 ,研究領域為目標跟蹤、圖像分割。







1. 南京信息工程大學引進人才啟動經費

2. 國家自然科學基金青年基金(2015.1-2017.1)

3. 江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目(2015.7-2018.6)


K. Zhang, Q. Liu, Y. Wu, and M-H. Yang., Robust Visual Tracking via Convolutional Networks without Training.,IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol.25, no.4, 2016. (paper,source codes,results)

K. Zhang, L. Zhang, K. M. Lam, and D. Zhang, A Level Set Approach to Image Segmentation with Intensity Inhomogeneity., IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, 2015. (to appear) (paper, source code&website)

K. Zhang, Q. Liu, H. Song, and X. Li., A Variational Approach to Simultaneous Image Segmentation and Bias Correction., IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, 2014.

K. Zhang, L. Zhang, and M-H. Yang., Fast Compressive Tracking., IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2014. (paper, website&source codes).

K. Zhang, L. Zhang, M-H. Yang and Q-H. Hu., Robust Object Tracking via Active Feature Selection., IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 23, issue. 11, pp. 1957-1967, 2013. (paper).

K. Zhang, L. Zhang, and M-H. Yang, Real-Time Object Tracking via Online Discriminative Feature Selection., IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 22, issue. 12, pp. 4664-4677, 2013. (paper source code).

K. Zhang, L. Zhang, H. Song, and D. Zhang., Re-initialization Free Level Set Evolution via Reaction Diffusion., IEEE Trans. Image Processing , vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 258-271, Jan. 2013. (paper, source codes, website).

K. Zhang, H. Song., Real-Time Visual Tracking via Online Weighted Multiple Instance Learning., Pattern Recognition, vol. 46, pp. 397~411, 2013. (paper&source code).

K. Zhang, L. Zhang, H. Song, and W. Zhou., Active Contours with Selective Local or Global Segmentation: A New Formulation and Level Set Method., Image and Vision Computing , vol.28, issue 4, pp. 668-676, April 2010. (paper, source code website) (citations: 293+). The most cited paper award since 2010.

K. Zhang, H. Song, and L. Zhang., Active Contours Driven by Local Image Fitting Energy., Pattern recognition, vol.43, issue 4, pp. 1199-1206, April 2010. (paper, source code) (citations: 215+) The most cited paper award since 2010.

K. Zhang, S. Xu,W. Zhou, and B. Liu., Active Contours Based On Image Laplacian Fitting Energy., Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 281-284, 2009. (paper_long, paper_short , source code).

H. Song, B. Huang, Q. Liu, and K.Zhang., Improving the spatial resolution of Landsat TM/ETM+ through fusion with SPOT5 images via learning-based super-resolution., IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2014. (paper)

H. Song, B. Huang, and K. Zhang., Shadow Detection and Reconstruction in High-Resolution Satellite Images via Morphological Filtering and Example-Based Learning., IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing,52(5), pp. 2545-2554, 2014. (paper).

H. Song, B. Huang, and K. Zhang., A Globally Statistical Active Contour Model for Segmentation of Oil Slick in SAR Imagery., IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 6, issue 6, pp. 2402-2409, 2013. (paper).

H. Song, B. Huang, K. Zhang, and H. Zhang., Spatio-Spectral fusion of Satellite Images based on Dictionary-pair Learning., Information Fusion, vol. 18, pp. 148-160, 2014. (paper).

H. Song, G. Wang, K. Zhang., Hypersectral image denoising via low-rank matrix recovery., Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 20, pp. 872-881, 2014.

H. Song, G. Wang, K. Zhang., Multiple change detection for multispectral remote sensing images via joint sparse representation., Opt. Eng. 53 (12), 123103


1. 期刊論文 [8] [7] 分別被國際知名學術期刊 Pattern Recognition 和 Image and Vision Computing 評為 2010-2015年最高被引論文。

2. 期刊論文[5][6][7][8]為ESI 近10年來高被引論文 (學科前1%)。

3. 會議論文 [2] 被Google scholar 檢索為 ECCV 2012 最高被引論文。


擔任以下雜誌審稿人:IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems,IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics,IEEE Trans. Image Processing,IEEE Trans. SMC-C,IEEE Trans. SMC-B,IEEE Signal Processing Letters,IEEE Communication Letters,Pattern Recognition,Signal Processing,EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing,Biomedical Engineering Online,The Visual Computer,Image and Vision Computing,Neurocomputing,Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,Computers&Graphics,Frontiers of Computer Science, SPIEJournalofElectronicImaging, Signal Processing: Image Communication,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation


