American Journal of Experimental Botany編委會委員。
1、2016年9月,參團出席在秘魯皮烏拉召開的APEC農業生物技術高層對話論壇(APEC high level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (HLPDAB) Workshop ),糧食安全政策夥伴關係論壇(Policy Partnership on Food Security)和APEC第4屆糧食安全部長會議 (4th APEC Ministerial Meeting on Food Security)。
2013年5月至今,American Journal of Experimental Botany;編委會委員;
1. Genome-wide epigenetic regulation of gene transcription in maize seeds. 2015 .Lu X, Wang W, Ren W, Chai Z, Guo W, Chen R, Wang L, Zhao J, Lang Z, Fan Y, Zhao J, Zhang* C. PLoS ONE. 10(10):e0139582.
2. Genome-wide identification and transcriptional analysis of folate metabolism-related genes in maize kernels, 2015. Lian T, Guo W, Chen M, Li J, Liang Q, Liu F, Meng H, Xu B, Chen J, Zhang C, Jiang L. BMC Plant Bio 15:204
3. Arabidopsis plastidial folylpolyglutamate synthetase is required for seed reserve accumulation and seedling accumulation and seedling establishment in darkness. 2014.Meng H, Jiang L, Xu B, Guo W, Li J, Zhu X, Qi X, Duan L, Meng X, Fan Y, Zhang* C. PLOS ONE 9(7): e101905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101905.
4. FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis .Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu C, Zhang* C. PLOS ONE 2014, 9(6): e99741.
5. Family-wide survey of miR169s and NF-YAs and their expression profiles response to abiotic stress in maize roots. 2014 Luan M, Xu M, Lu Y, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Zhang C, Fan Y, Lang* Z, Wang* L.PLOS ONE 9(3): e91369.
6. Identification and characterization of promoters specifically and strongly expressed in maize embryos..Liu X, Tian J, Zhou X, Chen R, Wang L, Zhang C, Zhao* J, Fan* Y. Plant Biotechnol. J. 2014 12: 1286–1296.
7. The Arabidopsis thaliana RNA editing factor SLO2, which affects the mitochondrial electron transport chain, participates in multiple stress and hormone responses..Zhu Q, Dugardeyn J, Zhang C, Mühlenbock P, Eastmond PJ, Valcke R, De Coninck B, Öden S, Karampelias M, Cammue BPA, Prinsen E, Van Der Straeten* D. Mol. Plant 2014 7(2): 290–310.
8. Stress-induced early flowering is mediated by miR169 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Xu M, Zhang L, Li W, Hu X, Wang M, Fan Y, Zhang* C, Wang* L.. J. Exp. Bot. 2014 doi:10.1093/jxb/ert353.
9.The differential transcription network between embryo and endosperm in the early developing maize seed. 2013.Xiaoduo Lu, Dijun Chen, Defeng Shu, Zhao Zhang, Weixuan Wang, Christian Klukas, Ling-ling Chen, Yunliu Fan, Ming Chen, Chunyi Zhang. Plant Physiology;
10.The mitochondrial folylpolyglutamatesynthetase Gene is required for nitrogen utilization during early seedling development in Arabidopsis. 2013. Ling Jiang, Yanyan Liu, Hong Sun, Yueting Han, Jinglai Li, Changkun Li, WenzhuGuo, HongyanMeng, Sha Li, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang. Plant Physiology;
11.An Arabidopsis gene encoding a C2H2-domain protein with alternatively spliced transcripts is essential for endosperm development. 2012. Xiaoduo Lu, Yuan Li, Yanping Su, Qiuju Liang, HongyanMeng, Sha Li, Songdong Shen, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang. Journal of Experimental Botany;
12.Arabidopsis PlastidialFolylpolyglutamateSynthetase Is Required for Seed Reserve Accumulation and Seedling Establishment in Darkness. 2014. Meng H, Jiang L, Xu B, Guo W, Li J, Chunyi Zhang.PLoS One;
13.FtsHi4 Is Essential for Embryogenesis Due to Its Influence on Chloroplast Development in Arabidopsis. 2014. Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q,Chunyi Zhang. PLoS One;
14.Expressional and regulatory characterization of Arabidopsis RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 1. 2013. Tao Xu, Liang Zhang, Jie Zhen, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang*, Lei Wang* Planta;
15.Genome-wide identification, classification and expression profiling of nicotianamine synthase (NAS) gene family in maize.2013. Xiaojin Zhou, SuZhen Li, Qianqian Zhao, Xiaoqing Liu, Shaojun Zhang, Cheng Sun, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang*, Rumei Chen*. BMC Genomics;
16.EMB1211is required for normal embryo development and influences chloroplast biogenesis in Arabidopsis. 2010. Liang Qiuju, Lu Xiaoduo, Jiang Ling, Wang Chongying, Fan Yunliuand Zhang Chunyi. PhysiologiaPlantarum;
17.Preventing protein aggregation by its hyper-acidic fusion cognates in Escherichia coli. 2011. Zou Zhurong, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang. Protein Expression and Purification;
18.The ArabidopsisMutS homolog AtMSH5 is required for normal meiosis.2008.Xiaoduo Lu, Xiaolin Liu, Lizhe An, Wei Zhang, Jian Sun, Huijuan Pei, HongyanMeng, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang. Cell Research。
19.Overexpression of a Cytosol-Localized Rhamnose Biosynthesis Protein Encoded by Arabidopsis RHM1 Gene Increases Rhamnose Content in Cell(2009) Wall.Jinfeng Wang, Qinmei Ji, Ling Jiang, Songdong Shen, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 47 (2): 86-93.
20.Developmental and gene expression analysis of a fuzzless mutant of Gossypium hirsutum. (2009) Jian Gong, Xiaoduo Lu, Songdong Shen, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang Agricultural Sciences in China 42(3):790-797.
21.Isolation and Characterization of a C-Repeat Binding Transcription Factor from Maize (Zea mays L.). (2008) WANG Lei, LUO Yanzhong, ZHAO Jun, FAN Yunliu, ZHANG Chunyi Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50(8):965-974.
22.Identification of glucose-responsive elements in the promoter of UDP-L- rhamnose biosynthesis gene RHM1 in Arabidopsis thaliana(2008). Qinmei Ji , Jinfeng Wang, Ling Jiang, Songdong Shen, Yunliu Fan, Chunyi Zhang Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 24(9):1531-1537.
23.Genetics of meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis(2008). Liu Xiaolin, Yu Jia, Fan Yunliu, Zhang ChunyiJournal of Agricultural Science and Technology 10: 22-28.