

近年來主要飛行器增升減阻、主動流動控制方面的實驗和數值模擬研究,發表學術論文30餘篇,其中SCI檢索16篇,EI檢索22篇。獲得授權發明專利、實用新型專利各一項。2004年獲國防科學技術進步三等獎一項,2005年獲第37批中國博士後基金二等獎,2006年北京航空航天大學優秀博士論文獲得者,北京航空航天大學優秀博士後。2007年北京航空航天大學藍天計畫之“藍天新秀”。主持國家自然科學基金青年基金、國家自然科學基金面上項目、航空基金、教育部博士點基金等多個項目,並作為骨幹參加國家自然科學基金重點項目,國防“十五”、“十一五”預研項目等。國家自然科學基金、航空基金評閱專家;Journal of Aircraft,航空學報、北京航空航天大學學報、實驗流體力學等期刊審稿人。



1996.9-2000.7: 北京航空航天大學飛行器設計與套用力學系,飛機設計,工學學士;

2001.9-2005.3: 北京航空航天大學工學流體力學研究所,流體力學,工學博士;

2004年1月-10月:香港理工大學機械工程系,Research Assistant;



2007年7月- :北京航空航天大學流體力學研究所,副教授;





⒈ Zhang P.F.,Wang J.J.,Feng L.H. and Wang G.B. Experimental Study of Plasma Actuator Flow Control Applied to the Highly Swept Delta Wing,AIAA Journal,2009 (In publication)

⒉ Zhang P.F.,Liu A.B. and Wang J.J.,Aerodynamic Modification of NACA0012 Airfoil by Trailing Edge Plasma Gurney Flap,AIAA Journal,2009,47⑽: 2467-2474

⒊ Wang J.J.,Pan C. and Zhang P.F.,On the instability and reproduction mechanism of a laminar streak,Journal of Turbulence,2009,26⑷: 1-27

⒋ Hu Y.,Wang J.J.,Zhang P.F. and Zhang C.,Experimental investigation on the flow structure over simplified Papilio Ulysses model,Chinese Science Bulletin,2009,54 ⑹: 1026-1031

⒌ Zhang P.F.,Wang J.J.,Liu Y. and Wu Z.,Effect of Taper Ratio on the Aerodynamic Performance of Cropped Non-slender Delta Wings,Journal of Aircraft,2009,46⑴: 320-325

⒍ Zhang P. F.,and Wang J. J. Feng L.H. Review on the Zero-Net-Mass-Flux Jet and the Application in Separation Flow Control,Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences,2008,51⑼:1315-134

⒎ Pan C.,Wang J. J.,Zhang P. F.,Feng,L. H. Coherent structures in bypass transition induced by a cylinder wake. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,2008,603:367-389

⒏ Zhang P.F.,Wang J.J.,Novel signal wave pattern to generate more efficient synthetic jet,AIAA Journal,2007,45⑸: 1058- 1065

⒐ Zhang P.F.,Wang J.J. and Huang L.X.,Numerical Simulation of Flow around Cylinder with an Upstream Rod in Tandem at Low Reynolds Numbers,Applied Ocean Research,2006,28⑶: 183-192

⒑ Zhang P.F.,Gao L. and Wang J.J.,Drag reduction of a disk with an upstream rod,An International Journal of Wind and Structures,2006,9⑶:245-254

⒒ Wang J.J.,Zhang P.F.,Lu S.F. and Wu K.,Drag reduction of a circular cylinder using an upstream rod,Flow,Turbulence and Combustion,2006,76⑴:83-101

⒓ Zhang P.F.,Wang J.J.,Lu S.F. and Mi J,Aerodynamic characteristics of a square cylinder with a rod in staggered arrangement,Experiments in Fluids,2005,38:494-502

⒔ Zhang P.F.,Wang J.J. and Li Y.C. Experimental investigation on wall pressure distribution in flaps' separating regions. Aeronautical Journal,2004,108(1080):103-107



