
張忠華(1976- ), 山東棗莊人,中共黨員,山東大學工學博士,德國洪堡學者。現為山東大學材料學院材料液固結構演變與加工教育部重點實驗室教授。碩士生,博士生導師。教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫入選者,中組部青年拔尖人才支持計畫入選者。長期承擔科技部,教育部重大研究計畫。


張忠華[山東大學材料學院教授] 張忠華[山東大學材料學院教授]

張教授在 Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Journal of Materials Chemistry,Scripta Materialia,CrystEngComm,Nanoscale等國際知名期刊發表論文數十篇。除此之外,張教授悉心指導課題組碩士,博士生在Green Chemistry, Corrosion Science, Journal of Power Sources,Langmuir等著名國際期刊上發表論文數十篇(學生為第一作者)。其率領下的課題組是山東大學材料學院成果高產的課題組之一。







2012年 中組部青年拔尖人才支持計畫入選者;

2011年 教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫入選者;

2010年12月 鋁、鎂基合金的去合金化及納米多孔金屬的形成、結構和性能研究;

2010年 山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎(自然科學)一等獎, 山東省教育廳, 第1位;

2010年9月 電化學去合金化法製備納米多孔金屬的研究,山東省優秀學士學位論文指導教師獎,山東省人民政府學位委員會;

2009年3月 Fabrication and microstructural characterization of nanoporous metals through chemical/electrochemical dealloying of Mg-based alloys Renewed research stay,德國洪堡基金會;

2005年5月 博士學位論文被評為2005年全國優秀博士學位論文提名論文;

2004年9月 博士學位論文被評為2004年山東大學優秀博士論文;

2003年8月 德國洪堡獎學金(Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship);

2003年8月 日本學術振興會JSPS獎學金(放棄);

2002年11月 山東大學中國科學院獎學金;

2001年11月 山東大學魯光(工科)獎學金;

2000年10月 山東大學研究生校長獎學金.


以第一作者或通訊作者在國際期刊上發表SCI收錄論文70餘篇(*為通訊作者) 。

專著 (book chapter):

1. Z.H. Zhang, J. Frenzel, C. Somsen, J. Pesicka, K Neuking, G. Eggeler. On the formation of TiC crystals during processing of NiTi shape memory alloys. In: G.V. Karas (Ed.), Trends in Crystal Growth Research. Nova Science Publishers, New York, US, 2005, Chapter 4, 71-99.


1. Tianyi Kou , Chuanhong Jin , Chi Zhang , Junzhe Sun and Zhonghua Zhang*. Nanoporous core–shell Cu@Cu2O nanocomposites with superior photocatalytic properties towards the degradation of methyl orange. RSC Advances, 2012, DOI:10.1039/C2RA21821F.

2. Zhonghua Zhang*, Chi Zhang, Junzhe Sun, Tianyi Kou. Influence of anion species on electrochemical dealloying of single-phase Al2Au alloy in sodium halide solutions. RSC Advances, 2012, DOI:10.1039/C2RA20087B.

3. Junling Xu, Yan Wang, Zhonghua Zhang*. Potential and concentration dependent electrochemical dealloying of Al2Au in sodium chloride solutions, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012 116(9),5689-5699.

4. Chi Zhang, Junzhe Sun, Junling Xu, Xiaoguang Wang, Hong Ji, Changchun Zhao, Zhonghua Zhang*. Formation and microstructure of nanoporous silver by dealloying rapidly solidified Zn–Ag alloys, Electrochim. Acta 63(2012), 302-311. EI

5. Xiaoguang Wang, Weimin Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*. Novel Raney-like nanoporous Pd catalyst with superior electrocatalytic activity towards ethanol electro-oxidation, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 2579-2587. IF4.053 EI

6. Tingting Song, Yulai Gao*, Zhonghua Zhang*, Qijie Zhai. Dealloying behavior of rapidly solidified Al–Ag alloys to prepare nanoporous Ag in inorganic and organic acidic media. CrystEngComm, 2011, 13,7058-7067. IF4.006 SCI

7. Qiu HJ, Zhang ZH*, Huang XR, Qu YB. Dealloying Ag-Al Alloy to Prepare Nanoporous Silver as a Substrate for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering: Effects of Structural Evolution and Surface Modification. ChemPhysChem, 2011, 12, 2118-2123. IF3.339 SCI

8. Hong Ji, Chi Zhang, Junling Xu, Changchun Zhao, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhonghua Zhang*. On the vacancy-controlled dealloying of rapidly solidified Mg-Ag alloys. CrystEngComm, 2011, 13 (15), 4846 - 4849. IF4.006

9. Zhen Qi, Yuze Gong, Chi Zhang, Junling Xu, Xiaoguang Wang, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*. Fabrication and characterization of magnetic nanoporous Cu/(Fe,Cu)3O4 composites with excellent electrical conductivity by one-step dealloying. J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 9716–9724. IF5.099

10. Junling Xu, Chi Zhang, Xiaoguang Wang, Hong Ji, Changchun Zhao, Yan Wang and Zhonghua Zhang*. Green fabrication of bi-modal nanoporous bimetallic Pt-Au alloy with excellent electrocatalytic performance towards formic acid oxidation, Green Chem., 2011, 13, 1914–1922. IF 5.472

11. Zhen Qi, Haoran Geng, Xiaoguang Wang, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Chi Zhang, Junling Xu, Zhonghua Zhang*, Novel nanocrystalline PdNi alloy catalyst for methanol and ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline media, Journal of Power Sources, 196 (2011) 5823-5828. IF 4.283

12. Xiaoguang Wang, Jan Frenzel, Weimin Wang, Hong Ji, Zhen Qi, Zhonghua Zhang*, Gunther Eggeler, Length-scale Modulated and Electrocatalytic Activity Enhanced Nanoporous Gold by Doping, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115(11) 4456-4465. IF 4.52

13. Hong Ji, Xiaoguang Wang, Changchun Zhao, Chi Zhang, Junling Xu, Zhonghua Zhang*. Formation, control and functionalization of nanoporous silver through changing dealloying media and elemental doping, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 2617-2628.

14. Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang*, and Xiaoguang Wang. Nanoporous bimetallic Pt--Au alloy nanocomposites with superior catalytic activity towards electro-oxidation of methanol and formic acid. Nanoscale, 2011, 3 (4), 1663 - 1674.

15. Li GH, Wang WM, Ma HJ, Li R, Zhang ZH, Niu YC, Qu DJ, Effect of different annealing atmospheres on crystallization and corrosion resistance of Al86Ni9La5 amorphous alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 125, 136-142. IF2.353

16. J.T. Zhang, W.M. Wang, H.J. Ma, G.H. Li, R. Li, Z.H. Zhang, Isochronal and isothermal crystallization kinetics of amorphous Fe-based alloys, Thermochimica Acta 505 (2010) 41–46.

17. Huajun Qiu, Lu Lu, Xirong Huang, Zhonghua Zhang, Yinbo Qu, Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on nanoporous copper and its potential applications, Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 9415–9420.

18. Hong Ji, Jan Frenzel, Zhen Qi, Xiaoguang Wang, Changchun Zhao, Zhonghua Zhang,* and Gunther Eggeler, An ultrafine nanoporous bimetallic Ag–Pd alloy with superior catalytic activity, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 4059–4062.

19. Xiaoguang Wang, Weimin Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*. Fabrication, microstructure and electrocatalytic property of novel nanoporous palladium composites, J. Alloys Comp. 508 (2010) 463-470. IF2.134

20. Changchun Zhao, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhen Qi, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang *, On the electrochemical dealloying of Mg–Cu alloys in a NaCl aqueous solution, Corros. Sci. 52 (2010) 3962-3972. IF3.261

21. Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang, Jan Frenzel. Ancient technology/novel nanomaterials: casting titanium carbide nanowires, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 2835-2840.

22. Pengfeng Sha, Zhen Qi, Zhonghua Zhang*. Effect of Ag or Pd additions on the microstructure, crystallization and thermal stability of Al-Ni-Ce amorphous alloys, Intermetallics 18 (2010) 1699-1706. IF2.327

23. Xiaoguang Wang, Weimin Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*. Electrochemical catalytic activities of nanoporous palladium rods for methanol electro-oxidation, J. Power Sources 195 (2010) 6740–6747.

24. Qian Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang*. On the electrochemical dealloying of Al-based alloys in a NaCl aqueous solution, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (2010) 1453–1472. IF3.453

25. Zhonghua Zhang,* Yan Wang, Yingzi Wang, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhen Qi, Hong Ji and Changchun Zhao, Formation of ultrafine nanoporous gold related to surface diffusion of gold adatoms during dealloying of Al2Au in an alkaline solution, Scripta Materialia, 62 (2010) 137–140. IF2.806

26. Xiaoguang Wang, Weimin Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Hong Ji, Zhonghua Zhang*, High catalytic activity of ultrafine nanoporous palladium for electro-oxidation of methanol, ethanol, and formic acid, Electrochemistry Communications 11 (2009) 1896–1899. IF 4.282

27. Qian Zhang, XiaoguangWang, Zhen Qi, YanWang, Zhonghua Zhang*, A benign route to fabricate nanoporous gold through electrochemical dealloying of Al–Au alloys in a neutral solution, Electrochim. Acta, 2009, 54, 6190-6198. IF3.642

28. Changchun Zhao, Zhen Qi, Xiaoguang Wang, Zhonghua Zhang*, Fabrication and characterization of monolithic nanoporous copper through chemical ealloying of Mg–Cu alloys, Corrosion Science, 2009, 51,2120-2125.

29. Xiaoguang Wang, Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Weimin Wang, and ZhonghuaZhang*, Influence of Alloy Composition and Dealloying Solution on the Formation and Microstructure of Monolithic Nanoporous Silver through Chemical Dealloying of Al-Ag Alloys, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113,13139-13150.

30. Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang, Zhen Qi, Wenhua Zhang, Jingyu Qin, and Jan Frenzel. Generalized Fabrication of Nanoporous Metals (Au, Pd, Pt, Ag, and Cu) through Chemical Dealloying, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113,12629-12636. 3.396

31. Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang, Zhen Qi, Christoph Somsen, Xiaoguang Wang and Changchun Zhao, Fabrication and characterization of nanoporous gold composites through chemical dealloying of two phase Al–Au alloys, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009, 19, 6042-6050. 4.646

32. Zhen Qi, Changchun Zhao, Xiaoguang Wang, Jikui Lin, Wei Shao, Zhonghua Zhang, and Xiufang Bian, Formation and Characterization of Monolithic Nanoporous Copper by Chemical Dealloying of Al?Cu Alloys, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 6694-6698.

33. Zhonghua Zhang*, Yan Wang, Zhen Qi, Jikui Lin, and Xiufang Bian. Nanoporous Gold Ribbons with Bimodal Channel Size Distributions by Chemical Dealloying of Al-Au Alloys, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113 (4), pp 1308–1314.

34. Zhen Qi, Zhonghua Zhang*, Haoling Jia, Yingjie Qu, Guodong Liu, Xiufang Bian. Alloy composition dependence of formation of porous Ni prepared by rapid solidification and chemical dealloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472 (2009) 71-78.

35. Haoling Jia, Zhonghua Zhang*, Zhen Qi, Guodong Liu, Xiufang Bian. Formation of nanocrystalline TiC from titanium and different carbon sources by mechanical alloying. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 472 (2009) 97-103.

36. Changqin Zhang, Zhonghua Zhang *, Zhen Qi, Yongxin Qi, Junyan Zhang, Xiufang Bian. Ball milling induced abnormal crystallization behavior of an amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2008) 3812–3816.IF1.483

37. Yan Wang, Ying Tian, Yi Wang, Haoran Geng, Zhonghua Zhang*,On phase transformations in mechanically alloyed and subsequently annealed Al70Cu20Fe10,Intermetallics 16 (2008) 121-129.

38. J. Frenzel, Z. Zhang, Ch. Somsen, K. Neuking and G. Eggeler. Influence of carbon on martensitic phase transformations in NiTi shape memory alloys, Acta Mater. 55 (2007) 1331-1341. IF3.781

39. Z.H. Zhang*, J. Frenzel, C. Somsen, J. Pesicka, K Neuking, G. Eggeler. Orientation relationship between TiC carbides and B2 phase in as-cast and heat-treated NiTi shape memory alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A 438–440 (2006) 879–882.

40. Zhangquan Peng, Limin Guo, Zhonghua Zhang, Bernd Tesche, Thorsten Wilke, Daniel Ogermann, Shuhua Hu, and Karl Kleinermanns. Micelle-Assisted One-Pot Synthesis of Water-Soluble Polyaniline-Gold Composite Particles, Langmuir, 22 (2006) 10915–10918. IF4.268

41. Zhang, Z.H. *; Frenzel, J.; Neuking, K.; Eggeler, G. On the Reaction between NiTi Melts and Crucible Graphite during Vacuum Induction Melting of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys, Acta Mater. 53 (2005) 3971-3985.


