



這個非常簡單的尤加日曆計算器需要在大範圍內從公元前日常公曆日期為公元( BCE向行政長官),並把它們轉換成其等同於被稱為年代之上,既具有文本和圖形輸出歷代古吠陀周期 - 相關尤加用紅色標出。 使用的計算是,斯瓦米斯里蘭卡Yukteswar吉瑞的。 該說是年代之上的學生都會覺得它簡單到過去的事件,考古發現,宗教人物的一生,在夜空特點,對未來事件的預測,更與他們在尤加時代地方的日期相關。 示例 公元2525將遞增Dwapara 825 公元2014年遞增Dwapara 314 公元500年被升序卡利0 公元前11,500被降序薩蒂亞0 應該指出,這不是傳統的印度教計算,據此,我們今天正在卡利尤加並將繼續成為千百年來,儘管能源和空間從1700年征服世界的本質。 常問問題 公元日期是積極的,公元前的日期輸入為負以' - ' 錯誤檢查是簡單的 - 有效的數字被接受,無效問卷將被視為0 日期範圍是從-2 ^ 31到2 ^ 31 - 1和輪向上或向下的非常,非常大的年 This very simple Yuga calendar calculator takes everyday Gregorian dates in a wide range from BC to AD (BCE to CE) and converts them to their equivalents on the ancient Vedic cycle of ages known as the Yugas, with both a text and graphical output -- the relevant Yuga is outlined in red. The calculation used is that of Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. Students of the Yugas will find it simple to correlate the dates of past events, archeological finds, the lifetimes of religious figures, features in the night sky, predictions of future events and more with their place in the Yuga Ages. Examples 2525 AD will be Ascending Dwapara 825 2014 AD is Ascending Dwapara 314 500 AD was Ascending Kali 0 11,500 BC was Descending Satya 0 It should be noted that this is not the traditional Hindu calculation, under which we are under Kali Yuga today and will continue to be for thousands of years despite the energy and space conquering nature of the world from 1700. FAQ AD dates are positive and BC dates are entered as a negative with a '-' Error checking is simplistic - valid numbers are accepted, invalid ones are treated as 0 The date range is from -2^31 to 2^31 - 1 and rounds up or down for very, very large years




