

宋曉元,女,教授, 博導,中組部“青年千人計畫”入選者。1996年畢業於北京師範大學生物系,1999年取得分子細胞生物學碩士學位。2006年在美國羅徹斯特大學生物系取得分子、細胞和發育生物學博士學位。



2006-2012年在加州大學聖地亞哥分校進行博士後研究,期間獲癌症研究所博士後獎學金。2012年底加入中國科學技術大學生命學院。十多年來一直從事基因表達調控、表觀遺傳學,ncRNA,基因組相互作用等相關研究,在Genes & Dev. 、Mol Cell Biol. 、Nature、PNAS等學術期刊上發表了系列文章。



在組蛋白磷酸化與基因表達調控的研究中,第一次證明了在體內一個組蛋白變體和另一個組蛋白翻譯後修飾之間的“cross-talk”(GenesDev. 2012)。在遺傳毒性壓力誘導的ncRNA的研究中證明了它對RNA結合蛋白TLS的變構調節並介導其轉錄抑制, 對ncRNA在基因調控中作用的研究頗具影響力 (Nature 2008)。共同開發並完善了一個研究全基因組範圍內短程及長程基因組互動作用的低背景高解析度的新方法 - 3D-DSL技術, 套用這一新技術成功地發現了與人類疾病密切相關的基因沙漠地區的基因增強子遠距離的與多個基因位點相互作用並對其起調節作用 (Nature 2011)。對遺傳毒性激活的SIRT1基因的表達調控及其與心肌梗死關係的研究為預防和治療心肌梗死提供了方案。




(3)細胞老化及機體衰老的基因組表觀遺傳學調節, 著重於CTCF和ncRNA的巨觀調節作用。


1. Song, X., Bowen J., Miao W., Liu Y. and Gorovsky, M.A. The non-histone, N-terminal tail of an essential, chimeric H2Avariant regulates mitotic H3 S10 de-phosphorylation. Genes Dev. 2012, 26(6):615-29.

2. Song, X., Gjoneska E., Ren Q., Allis C.D., and Gorovsky, M.A. Phosphorylation of H2A.X at SQ motif is required for Proper Meiosis and Mitosis in Tetrahymena thermophila. Mol Cell Biol. 2007, 27(7):2648-60. Equal contributors.

3. Song, X. and Gorovsky, M.A. Unphosphorylated H1 is Localized in a Specific Region of the Promoter when CDC2 is Down-regulated during Starvation. Mol Cell Biol. 2007, 27(5):1925-33.

4. Wang X.and Song X., Glass C.K., and Rosenfeld M.R. The long arm of long non-coding RNAs: Roles as sensors regulating gene transcriptional programs. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2011 Jan 1;3(1):a003756. doi: 0.1101/cshperspect.a003756. Equal contributors. A review invited by Nobel laureate Dr. Thomas Cech for The RNA World, 4th edition.

5. Song X., Wang X., Arai S. and Kurokawa R. Promoter-Associated Noncoding RNA from the CCND1 promoter. Methods Mol Biol. 2012, 809:609-22. Equal contributors.

6. Dou, Y., Song, X., Liu, Y., and Gorovsky, M.A. The H1 Phosphorylation State Regulates Expression of CDC2 and Other Genes in Response to Starvation in Tetrahymena thermophila. Mol Cell Biol. 2005, 25(10):3914-22. Equal contributors.

7. Harismendy O., Notani D., Song X., Rahim N.G., Tanasa B., Heintzman N., Ren B., Fu X., Topol E., Rosenfeld M.G., and Frazer K.A. 9p21 DNA variants associated with coronary artery disease impair interferon-γ signalling response. Nature. 2011, 470(7333):264-8. Equal contributors.

8. Wang X., Arai S., Song X., Reichart D., Du K., Pascual G., Tempst P., Rosenfeld M.R., Glass C.K., and Kurokawa R. Stress-induced Non-coding RNAs Allosterically Regulate a HATinhibitory RNA Binding Protein to Mediate Transcriptional Repression. Nature. 2008, 454(7200):126-30. Equal contributors.

9. Shang, Y., Song, X., Bowen, J., Corstanje, R., Gao, Y., Gaertig, J., and Gorovsky, M.A. A robust inducible-repressible promoter greatly facilitates gene knockouts, conditional expression, and overexpression of homologous and heterologous genes in Tetrahymena thermophila. PNAS. 2002, 99(6):3734-9.



