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康復器械(機器人, 功能電刺激),生物醫學信號處理,人體肌肉骨骼模型,人體運動學分析,圖像處理,模式識別


1 Song R, Tong KY, Hu XL (2008) Evaluation of Velocity-dependent Performance of the Spastic Elbow during Voluntary Movements, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89: 1140-45.

2 Song R, Tong KY, Hu XL Li L(2008) Assistive Control System Using Continuous Myoelectric Signal in Robot-Aided Arm Training for Patients After Stroke, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 16(4), pp371-37.

3 Hu XL, Tong KY, Song R, Zheng XJ, Lui KH, Leung WWF, Ng S, Au-Yeung SSY, Quantitative Evaluation of Motor Functional Recovery Process in Chronic Stroke Patients during Robot-Assisted Wrist Training, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 19(4), pp 639-50.

4 Hu XL, TongKY, Song R, Tsang VS, Leung PO and Li L, (2007) Variation of Muscle Coactivation Patterns in Chronic Stroke During Robot-Assisted Elbow Training Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 88: pp 1022-29.

5 Li L, Tong KY, Song R and Koo TKK, (2007) Is Maximum Isometric Muscle Stress the Same among Prime Elbow Flexors? Clinical Biomechanics, 22(8): pp 874-83.

6 Hu XL, Tong KY, Tsang SF, and Song R. (2006) Joint-angle- dependent neuromuscular dysfunctions at the wrist in persons after Stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,87(5) pp. 671-679.

7 Song Rand Tong KY(2005) Using recurrent artificial neural network model to estimate voluntary elbow torque in dynamic situation, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 43(4), pp473-480.



