

孫衛邦,研究員。昆明植物研究所, 研究員,研究領域植物引種馴化與保護生物學。



1982—1986, 西南林學院林學系

2003—2006, 南京林業大學森林資源與環境學院

1986—1987, 雲南省澂江縣第一中學(省級機關講師團), 教師

1988—1989, 昆明植物研究所, 研究實習員

1992—1993, 英國皇家園藝學會維斯利植物園, 合作研究

1994—1999, 昆明植物研究所, 助理研究員, 副研究員

1999—2000, 瑞士蘇黎世大學系統植物學研究所, 合作研究(高訪)

2001—2003, 昆明植物研究所, 副研究員

2006 — 昆明植物研究所, 研究員





2、孫衛邦,2005. 觀賞藤本與地被植物,北京:中國建築工業出版社




6、賴爾聰,孫衛邦,2004.木本觀花植物, 北京:中國建築工業出版社


1. Chen G, Sun WB, Sun H, 2010. Leaf epidermal characteristics of Asiatic Buddleja L. under scanning electron microscope: insights into chromosomal and taxonomic significance. Flora (to appear printed

2. Chen G, Sun WB, 2010. Ploidy variation in Trigonobalanus verticillata (Fagaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution,

3. Sun WB, Yin Q, 2009. Conservation of the Yangbi maple Acer yangbiense in China. Oryx

4. Chen G, Sun WB, Sun H, 2009. Morphological characters of leaf epidermis and size variation of leaf, flower and fruit at different ploidy level in Buddleja macrostachya. Journal of Systematics and Evolution

5. Zheng YL, Sun WB, 2009. Seed Germination of Huagaimu, a Critically Endangered Plant Endemic to Southeastern Yunnan,China.HortTechnology

6. Zhao XF, Sun WB, et al., 2009. Isolation and characterization of 12 microsatellite loci for Michelia coriacea (Magnoliaceae), a critically endangered endemic to Southeast Yunnan, China. Conservation Genetics

7. Zhao XF, Sun WB, 2009. Abnormalities in sexual reproductive development and pollinator limitation in Michelia coriacea (Magnoliaceae), a critically endangered endemic to Southeast Yunnan, China. Flora,204:463-470

8. Zheng YL, Sun WB, Zhou Y, Coombs D, 2009. Variation in seed and seedling traits in the natural provenances of Trigonobananus doichangensis (A. Camus) Forman (Fagaceae), a rare and endangered plant in south-west China. New Forests

9. Zheng YL, Sun WB, 2008. Variation of morphophysiological characters in seeds of Trigonobalanus doichangensis according to individual trees, populations and years. Euphytic

10. Nie ZL, Wen J, Azurna H, Qiu YL, Sun H, Meng Y, Sun WB, Zimmer EA, 2008. Phylogenetic and biogeographic complexity of Magnoliaceae in the Northern Hemisphere inferred from three nuclear data sets. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

11. Deng M, Zhou ZK, Chen YQ, Sun WB, 2008. Systematic significance of the development and anatomy of flowers and fruit of Quercus schottkyana (subgenus Cyclobalanopsis: Fagaceae).International Journal of Plant Sciences (Int. J. Plant Sci.)

12. Xia K, Zhou ZK, Chen WY, Sun WB, 2008. Rescuing the Sichou oak Quercus sichourensis in China. Oryx,

13. Sun WB,Zhou Y, Lu Y,Magin G, 2007.Chinese Magnolias – it’s mostly as bas as we thought. Oryx

14. Chen G, Sun WB, Han CY, Coombes A, 2007. Karyomorphology of the endangered Trigonobalanus doichangensis (A.Camus) Forman (Fagaceae) and its taxonomic and biogeographic implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

15. Chen G, Sun WB, Sun H, 2007. Ploidy variation in Buddleja L. (Buddlejaceae) in the Sino-Himalayan region and its biogeographical implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

16. Sun WB, Han CY, Gao LM, Wilson C, 2007. Genetic diversity of the rare Asian plant, Trigonobalanus doichangensis (Fagaceae). Australian Journal of Botany

17. Sun WB, Zhou Y, Han CY, et al., 2006. Status and conservation of Trigonobalanus doichangensis (A. Camus) Forman (Fagaceae).Biodiversity and Conservation

18. Weekerle C,Yang YP, Hubet F, Sun WB, 2006. Plant knowledge of the shuhi in the Hengduan Mountains, southwest China. Economic Botany

19. Weekerle C,Yang YP, Hubet F, Sun WB, 2005. The Role of Barley among the shuhi in the Tibetan Cultural Area of the East Himalayas. Economic Botany

20. Weekerle C, Hubet F, Yang YP, Sun WB, 2005. Walnuts among the Shuli in Shuiluo, eastern Himalayas. Economic Botany

21. Sun WB, Magin G, Mathew P,2005. Chinese Magnoliaceae — priorities for action. Oryx

22. 潘睿,孫衛邦,2010. 極度瀕危植物大果木蓮種子的休眠與萌發.植物生理學通訊

23. 吉利,趙興峰,孫衛邦,2009. 紫花含笑(♀)與灰岩含笑(♂)及其雜種F1代葉表皮微形態和葉結構的比較觀察.武漢植物學研究

24. 陳高,李恆安,孫衛邦,2008. 雲南桂花(Osmanthus fragrans Lour.)品種資源的調查與整理. 南京林業大學學報(自然科學版)

25. 唐玲,孫衛邦,2008.腫柄菊水提液對白菜種子萌發及胚軸和胚根生長的影響. 南京林業大學學報 (自然科學版)

26. 趙興峰,孫衛邦,2008. 極度瀕危植物西疇含笑(Michelia coriacea)的大小孢子發生及雌雄配子體發育.雲南植物研究

27. 吉利,陳高,孫衛邦,2008. 板凳果花的揮發性化學成分分析.中草藥

28. 王四海,孫衛邦,成曉,楊宇明,2008. 外來植物腫柄菊的繁殖特性與其地理擴散.生態學報

29. 鄭艷玲,孫衛邦,趙興峰,2008. 極度瀕危植物華蓋木的種子休眠與萌發.植物生理學通訊

30. 陳高,孫航, 孫衛邦,2007. 大葉醉魚草居群、種子萌發特徵及適應性的初步研究.武漢植物學研究

31. 陳高,孫航,孫衛邦,2007. 改進的植物染色體製片方法. 植物生理學通訊

32. 陳高,孫衛邦,2006. 醉魚草屬四種植物的核型分析. 雲南植物研究

33. 傅旭陽,孫衛邦,2006. 紫花含笑×鈣土含笑雜種F1代的離體繁殖. 植物生理學通訊

34. 陳高,孫衛邦,2006.秋水仙誘導七里香多倍體. 植物生理學通訊

35. 孫衛邦,孔繁才,向其柏,2005. 光溫對3種醉魚草屬植物種子萌發的影響,植物生理學通訊,


1、 中國-喜馬拉雅地區皺葉醉魚草的地理分布格局及生態適應性(國家自然科學基金)

2、 中藥材種子種苗和種植(養殖)標準平台(國家科技重大專項子課題002)

3、 含笑屬及擬單性性木蘭屬植物新品種特異性、一致性和穩定性測試指南研製及已知品種資料庫(國家林業局)

4、 雲龍志本山木本植物多樣性評價與保育(國際合作)

5、 西疇含笑與顯脈木蘭繁育生物學與遷地保護(國際合作)

6、 滇東南及中越跨邊境地區瀕危樹種的保護(國際合作)

7、 山茶、杜鵑植物收集與專類園最佳化(中科院戰略生物資源保存與可持續利用專項)

8、 “羽西杜鵑園”的最佳化建設(大中型企業委託



