


姓名 孫毅

性別 男

職稱 研究員


2013-09~現在,澳大利亞國立信息和通信技術研究中心(NICTA),Research Fellow




[1] Yi Sun, Junchen Jiang, Vyas Sekar, Hui Zhang, Fuyuan Lin, Nanshu Wang, Using Video-Based Measurements to Generate a Real-Time Network Traffic Map, ACM HotNets 2014, LA, CA, USA, Oct. 27-28, 2014. ( 頂級國際會議,中國大陸歷史第一篇,錄用率19%)

[2] Yi Sun,Seyed K. Fayaz, Yang Guo, Vyas Sekar, Yun Jin, Dali Kaafar, Steve Uhlig, Trace-Driven Analysis of ICN Caching Algorithms on Video-on-Demand Workloads, ACM CoNEXT 2014, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2-5, 2014. ( 頂級國際會議,中國大陸高校研究所歷史第四篇,錄用率14% ,最佳論文提名)

[3] Yi Sun,Y. Richard Yang, Xiaobing Zhang, Yang Guo, Jun Li, Kave Salamatian, THash: A Practical Network Optimization Scheme for DHT-based P2P Applications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol.31, No.9, 2013. (網路通信領域影響因子最高、投稿難度最大的國際期刊,五年平均影響因子4.395

[4] Yi Sun,Yang Guo, Xiaobing Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Kave Salamatian, Gaogang Xie,The Case for P2P Mobile Video System over Wireless Broadband Networks: A Practical Study of Challenges for a Mobile Video Provider, IEEE Network, Vol.27, No.2, 2013. (頂級期刊,五年平均影響因子2.642

[5] Yi Sun,Y. Richard Yang, Xiaobing Zhang, Yang Guo, Jun Li, Kave Salamatian, Network Optimization for DHT-based Applications, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Orlando, Florida, USA, Mar. 25-30, 2012. (頂級國際會議,錄用率18% ,計算所網路技術研究中心第一篇CCF A 類會議長文)

[6]Wei Wang, Yi Sun,Kai Zheng, Mohamed-Ali Kaafar, Dan Li, Zhongcheng Li, Freeway: Adaptively Isolating the Elephant and Mice Flows on Different Transmission Paths, The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2014), Oct. 21-24, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2014. (頂級國際會議,錄用率19%

[7]Jiali Lin, Zhenyu Li, Kave Salamatian, Gaogang Xie, Yi Sun, Wenjie Wang, Mobile Video Popularity Distributions and the Potential of Peer-assisted Video Delivery, IEEE Communications Magazine, Nov. 2013. (頂級期刊,五年平均影響因子3.267

[8]Qi WANG, Katia Jaffrès-Runser, Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Christian Fraboul, Yi Sun,Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li, A thorough analysis of the performance of delay distribution models for IEEE 802.11 DCF, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 24, Part B, January 2015, Pages 21–33. (頂級期刊,五年平均影響因子2.488

[9]Gaogang Xie, Yi Sun,Yujun Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Hongxia Zheng, Xiaokun Zheng, SOFIA: Service Oriented Future Internet Architecture, poster of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Shanghai, China, Apr. 11-14, 2011 (頂級國際會議,計算所網路技術研究中心最早的網路體系結構論文)

[10]Kai Zheng, Lin Wang, Baohua Yang, Yi Sun,Yue Zhang, Steve Uhlig, LazyCtrl: Scalable Network Control for Cloud Data Centers, poster session of IEEE ICDCS, Columbus, Ohio, Jun 29-Jul 3, 2015. (體系結構領域頂級國際會議)

[11] Yi Sun, Yucheng Zhang, Bin Feng, Gengfa Fang, Jinglin Shi, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Fast RSVP: A Resource Reservation Protocol for Mobile IPv6 Networks, Poster of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Santa Barbara, California, USA, Nov. 12-15, 2006. (頂級國際會議)

[12]Haibin Zhai, Albert K. Wong, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun, Jun Li, and Zhongcheng Li. “A Node-Link Based P2P Cache Deployment Algorithm in ISP Networks”. Proc. of the 2012 FTRA World Convergence Conference (WCC 2012), Jeju, Korea, 2012. (最佳論文)

[13] Yi Sun,Yang Guo, Yuming Ge, Shan Lu, Jihua Zhou and Eryk Dutkiewicz, Improving the Transmission Efficiency by Considering Non-Cooperation in Ad Hoc Networks, Computer Journal, Vol.56, No.8, 2013.

[14] Yi Sun,Hanwen Zhang, Haibin Zhai, Yang Guo, Gaogang Xie, Considerations on the Transmission of Multimedia Sessions for Future Internet, IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, Vol. 6, No. 12, December 2011.

[15] Yi Sun,Shan Lu, Yuming Ge, Eryk Dutkiewicz, A Power Control Mechanism for Non-Cooperative Packet Forwarding in Ad Hoc Networks,The 36th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Bonn, Germany, Oct. 4-7, 2011

[16] Yi Sun,Yucheng Zhang, Yilin Song, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Fast RSVP: Efficient RSVP Mobility Support for Mobile IPv6, Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 60, Issue 4 (2011), Page 769-807.

[17] 孫毅,葛雨明,Stephen Herborn, Eryk Dutkiewicz,異構網路中多模終端業務流分發技術研究,計算機學報,第33卷6期,2010. Yi Sun, Yuming Ge, Stephen Herborn, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Research on Flow Distribution Technology for Multimode Terminals in Heterogeneous Networks, Chinese Journal of Computer, vol.33, no.6, 2010.

[18] Yi Sun,Yuming Ge, Jue Yuan, Jihua Zhou, Dongdong Chen,Stephen Herborn,PAWES: A Flow Distribution Algorithm Based on Priority and Weight Self-Production, IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 5-8, 2009.

[19] Yi Sun,Yuming Ge, Shan Lu, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Jihua Zhou, Automatic Flow Distribution and Management in Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, 2009.

[20] Yi Sun,Jihua Zhou, Jinglin Shi, A Sender-Oriented Back-Track Enabled Resource Reservation Scheme, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 3619, pp. 921-930, 2005

[21] 孫毅,張玉成,馮斌,方更法,石晶林,Eryk Dutkiewicz,RSVP協定在移動IPv6網路中的擴展性研究,軟體學報,第19卷7期, 2008. Yi Sun, Yucheng Zhang, Bin Feng, Gengfa Fang, Jinlin Shi, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Research of Extensions to RSVP for Mobile IPv6 Networks, Chinese Journal of Software, vol. 19, no.7, 2008.

[22] Yi Sun, Bin Feng, Yucheng Zhang, Yilin Song, Jinglin Shi, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Extensions to Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) with Guard Channel for Mobile IPv6, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2007 Fall (VTC), Baltimore, MD, USA, Oct. 1-3, 2007

[23] Yi Sun, Yilin Song, Jinglin Shi, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Research on Bandwidth Reservation in IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) Networks, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Penang, Malaysia, May 14-17, 2007.

[24] Yi Sun, Bin Feng, Yucheng Zhang, Gengfa Fang, Jinglin Shi, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Fast RSVP: A Cross Layer Resource Reservation Scheme for Mobile IPv6 Networks, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Aveiro, Portugal, Jul. 1-4, 2007.

[25] Yi Sun, Gengfa Fang, Jinglin Shi, Research on the Implementation of VoIP Servie in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network, International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications, Sydney, Australia, Mar. 13-16, 2006.

[26]Qi WANG, Katia Jaffrès-Runser, Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Christian Fraboul, Yi Sun,Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li, A thorough analysis of the performance of delay distribution models for IEEE 802.11 DCF, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2014.07.027.

[27]Wei Wang, Yi Sun,Yang Guo, Mohamed-Ali Kaafar, Jiong Jin, Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li, CRCache: Exploiting the Correlation between Content Popularity and Network Topology Information for ICN Caching, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2014), Jun 10-14, Sydney, Australia, 2014.

[28]Qi Wang, Katia Jaffrès-Runser, Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Christian Fraboul, Yi Sun,Jun Li and Zhongcheng Li. Delay distribution of IEEE802.11 DCF: a Comparative Study under Saturated Conditions, in Proc. of ACM PE-WASUN 2013, Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 2013.

[29]Qi Wang,Katia Jaffrès-Runser, Claire Goursaud, Jun Li, Yi Sun, Jean-Marie Gorce, Deriving Pareto-optimal performance bounds for 1 and 2-relay wireless networks, International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE ICCCN 2013), Nassau, Bahamas, August 2013

[30]TANG Mingdong, ZHANG Guoqiang, SUN Yi,LIU Jianxun, YANG Jing, LIN Tao. Integrating Local and Spatial Network View for Routing on Scale-free Networks. Science China, Information Sciences, Vol.56, October, 2013.

[31]Yuming Ge, Yi Sun,Hai Jiang, Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li. “Research on Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Using Cognitive Radio Technologies”. Chinese Journal of Computers, Vol.35, No.3, Mar. 2012. (In Chinese)葛雨明, 孫毅,蔣海,李軍,李忠誠.“基於認知無線電技術的動態頻譜分配方案研究”.計算機學報,第35卷,第3期, Mar. 2012.

[32]Haibo Wu, Jing Liu, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun,Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li. A Bandwidth-Aware Peer Selection Method for P2P Live Streaming Systems Under Flash Crowds. Proc. of 31th Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2012), Austin, Texas, USA.

[33]翟海濱,蔣海, 孫毅,李軍,李忠誠.一種基於點路結合的骨幹網P2P快取部署方法.計算機研究與發展,已錄用. Haibin Zhai, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun,Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li, A Node-Link Based Cache Deployment Algorithm for P2P Traffic in ISP Networks, Journal of Computer Research and Development (in Chinese), Vol.1, No.1, 2013.

[34]吳海博,蔣海, 孫毅,李軍,李忠誠. P2P直播瞬間擁塞的用戶訪問控制方法.高技術通訊. Haibo Wu, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun, Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li. A User Access Control Method for P2PLive Streaming Systems Under Flash Crowds. High Technology Letters, Vol. 22, No.12,2012.

[35]Yang Guo, Tao Zhao, Jihua Zhou, Yuming Ge and Yi Sun.Research on Multi-Channel MAC Protocol in Cognitive Mesh Network. IEEE CIT 2012 workshop on Cognitive Radio and Networks (CRNs 2012). Chengdu, Sichuan, China, Oct. 27-29, 2012.

[36]Y. Ge, M. Chen, Y. Sun, Z. Li, Y. Wang, E. Dutkiewicz, “QoS provisioning wireless multimedia transmission over cognitive radio networks,” Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), 67:213-229, 2013.

[37]Haibo Wu, Hai Jiang, Jing Liu,Yi Sun, Jun Li, Zhongcheng Li, How P2P Live Streaming Systems Scale Quickly Under a Flash Crowd?,IPCCC, 2011.

[38]Haibin Zhai, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun,Jun Li, Jing Liu, Gengfa Fang, and Eryk Dutkiewicz. LHCDS: A Novel Deployment Strategy of Proxy Caches for P2P Traffic in ISP Networks. in Proc. of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2011), Pafos, Cyprus, 2011

[39]Haibin Zhai, Albert K. Wong, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun,and Jun Li. "Optimal P2P Cache Sizing: A Monetary Cost Perspective on Capacity Design of Caches to Reduce P2P Traffic". in Proc. of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS2011), Tainan, Taiwan, 2011

[40]Lin Tian, Yiqing Zhou, Yucheng Zhang, Gang Sun, Yi Sun,Jinglin Shi. Resource Allocation for Multicast Services in Distributed Antenna Systems with QoS Guarantees, IET Communications, Vol.6, No.3, 2012.

[41]謝高崗,張玉軍,李振宇, 孫毅,謝應科,李忠誠,劉韻潔,未來網際網路體系結構研究綜述,計算機學報,已錄用。Gaogang Xie, Yujun Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Yi Sun,Yingke Xie, Zhongcheng Li, Yunjie Liu, A Survey on Future Internet Architecture, Chinese Journal of Computer, Vol.35, No.6, 2012

[42]Yilin Song, Yi Sun,Zhongcheng Li, Probabilistically Loss Differentiation for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks, China Communications, Vol.1, pp. 156-163, 2011.

[43]Shan Lu, Yi Sun,Yuming Ge, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Jihua Zhou, Joint Power and Rate Control in Ad Hoc Networks Using a Supermodular Game Approach, IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), Sydney Australia, Apr. 18-22, 2010.

[44]Jun Zhang, Hai Jiang, Zhijun Xu, Xinming Ye, Jun Li and Yi Sun,Dynamic Differentiated Service Management for IP over Broadcasting Network, IEEE Wireless communications & Networking Conference 2010 (WCNC), Sydney Australia, Apr. 18-22, 2010.

[45]Yuming Ge, Yi Sun,Shan Lu, Eryk Dutkiewicz, A Distributed Decision Making Method in Cognitive Radio Networks for Spectrum Management, Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol 19,no.2,195-200.

[46]Guobiao Yang, Yi Sun,Haibo Wu, Jun Li, Ning Liu and Eryk Dutkiewicz, A Trust Model in P4P-Integrated P2P Network Based on Domain Management,IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Riccione, Italy, Jun. 22-25, 2010.

[47]Zhan Wang, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun,Jun Li, Chenguang Ma, Eryk Dutkiewicz, A K-coordinated Decentralized Replica Placement Algorithm for the Ring-Based CDN-P2P Architecture, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Riccione, Italy, Jun. 22-25, 2010.

[48]Pinggai Yang, Jun Li, Jun Zhang, Hai Jiang, Yi Sun, Eryk Dutkiewicz, SMBR: A Novel NAT Traversal Mechanism for Structured Peer-to-Peer Communications, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Riccione, Italy, Jun. 22-25, 2010.

[49]Hai Jiang, Haibin Zhai, Albert K. Wong, Jun Li, Yi Sun,Zhongcheng Li, Application-layer Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Service Differentiation in Hybrid Content Distribution Network. IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Riccione, Italy, Jun. 22-25, 2010.

[50]Jing Liu, Xinming Ye, Jun Zhang, Jun Li, Yi Sun,Integrating Functional Verification and Performance Analysis for Network Protocols using CP-nets, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Riccione, Italy, Jun. 22-25, 2010.

[51]Yuming Ge, Yi Sun,Shan Lu, Eryk Dutkiewicz, ADSD: An Automatic Distributed Spectrum Decision Method in Cognitive Radio Networks, First International Conference on Future Information Networks (ICFIN), 2009.

[52]Yubo Yang, Lin Tian, Jihua Zhou, Yi Sun, Jinglin Shi, Zhongcheng Li, An Efficient Transmission Scheme with Limited Feedback in Multiuser MIMO Systems, IEEE International Conference on Communications(ICC),Beijing, China, May 19-23, 2008.

[53]Lin Tian, S. Yang, Y. Yang, Y.Sun,J. Shi, E. Dutkiewicz, A Novel SFN Broadcast Services Selection Mechanism in Wireless Cellular Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), Las Vegas, USA, Mar. 31- Apr. 3, 2008.

[54]Hanwen Zhang, Yujun Zhang, Chao Ma, Yi Sunand Zhongcheng Li, Dynamic Load Balancing Among Multiple Home Agents to Enhance Service Availability for MIPv6, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications(ISCC), Marrakech, Morocco, Jul. 6-9, 2008.

[55]Jiao Zhang, Yujun Zhang, Hanwen Zhang, Yi Sun, Zhongcheng Li, Trust-Based Fast Authentication for Mobile IPv6 Networks, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) , Nov.30-Dec. 4, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2008.

[56]Yilin Song, Yi Sun,“Cross-Layer Analysis and Enhancement of Fast MIPv6 in the Real IEEE 802.11 based WLANs”, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Oct 14-17, 2008.

[57]Xin Jin, Jihua Zhou, Jinlong Hu, Jinglin Shi, Yi Sun,Eryk Dutkiewicz, An Efficient Downlink Data Mapping Algorithm for IEEE802.16e OFDMA Systems, IEEE Global Communications Conference(GLOBECOM), Nov.30-Dec. 4, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2008.

[58]Yilin Song, Yi Sun, Min Liu and Eryk Dutkiewicz,Resource Reservation Cost Analysis and Advices for Reservation Scheme in Mobile Environment,International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Sydney, Australia. Oct. 16-19, 2007.

[59]Gengfa Fang, Yi Sun, Jihua Zhou, Jinglin Shi, Zhongcheng Li, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Subcarrier Allocation for OFDMA Wireless Channels Using Lagrangian Relaxation Methods, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 27-Dec.1, 2006.

[60]Jinglin Shi, Gengfa Fang, Yi Sun, Jihua Zhou, Zhongcheng Li, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Improving Mobile Station Energy Efficiency in IEEE 802.16e WMAN by Burst Scheduling, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 27-Dec.1, 2006.

[61]Gengfa Fang, Yi Sun, Jihua Zhou, Jinglin Shi, Eryk Dutkiewicz, Generic Scheduling Framework and Algorithm for Time-Varying Wireless Networks, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2006 Fall (VTC), Montreal, Canada, Sep. 25-28, 2006.


2018年~今 中國計算機學會區塊鏈專委會 副主任

2014 ACM CoNEXT(頂級會議) 學生論壇主席(CoNEXT SC每年邀請歐美亞優秀青年學者各一名主持論壇)

2014 IEEE WoWMoM Publicity Chair

2010~2013 澳大利亞麥考瑞大學(澳洲著名大學) Adjunct Associate Professor

2013~2014 NICTA(世界知名通信技術研究機構) Honorary Research Fellow

2013~今 中國SDN聯盟 理事

2012 IEEE CRNs TPC Chair

2011-2013 北京市光電與通信協會 副秘書長



國際:IETF RFCP2P Overlay Diagnostics(經18個版本完善修改已定稿,進入發布佇列, 計算所第一個網際網路國際標準



多模移動終端及業務流自動分發方法申請號:PCT/CN2009/000720(已套用在某公司的 專網通信設備中)


用於運營商主動參與的對等網路的資源共享方法,專利號:ZL200910243768.0(已套用在國內龍頭視頻服務平台 PPTV 和愛奇藝上,用戶量超過2億,核心技術點已經寫入 國家通信行業標準

一種寬頻無線城域網中語音通信的服務質量保證方法,專利號:ZL200510086972.8(獲 中國專利優秀獎,已被業界公司購買實現技術轉移)

來電提醒裝置受理號:200820123311.7(獲 北京市發明創新大賽通信專項獎、中國科技創業大賽新苗獎)

一種具有回溯能力的面向傳送方的資源預留實現方法專利號:ZL200410098935.4(已套用在某公司的 專網通信設備中)











