奧盧大學(芬蘭語:Oulun yliopisto),是芬蘭北部城市奧盧的一所公立綜合性大學,是LAOTSE成員學校。1958年7月8日,時任芬蘭總統烏爾霍·凱科寧簽署了“奧盧大學法令”,標誌著奧盧大學的正式成立。最早設立的學科主要為理科、工科和師範類。奧盧大學設有10個學院及6個相對獨立的研究所,分別是人文學院、教育學院、理學院、商學院、醫學院、生化與分子醫學院,工學院、信息科學與電子工程學院、礦業學院以及建築學院。此外奧盧大學還有8個研究中心和兩個研究站。

Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (FBMM)
Faculty of Technology
•Department of Architecture
•Department of Mechanical Engineering
•Department of Process and Environmental Engineering
•Department of Electrical Engineering
•Department of Computer Science and Engineering
•Department of Telecommunications Engineering
•Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Faculty of Science
•Department of Biochemistry
•Department of Biology
•Department of Chemistry
•Department of Geography
•Department of Geology
•Department of Information Processing Science
•Department of Mathematical Sciences
•Department of Physics
Faculty of Humanities
Degree programmes:
•Cultural anthropology
•English philology
•Finnish language
•German philology
•History of ideas and science
•Information studies
•Nordic philology
•Saami culture
•Saami language
Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Biomedicine
•Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
•Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
•Department of Physiology
•Department of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
•Department of Medical Technology
Institute of Diagnostics
•Department of Clinical Chemistry
•Department of Medical Microbiology
•Department of Forensic Medicine
•Department of Pathology
•Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Institute of Dentistry
Institute of Clinical Medicine
•Department of Anaesthesiology
•Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
•Department of Dermatology and Venereology
•Department of Surgery
•Department of Otolaryngology
•Department of Pediatrics
•Department of Neurosurgery
•Department of Neurology
•Department of Clinical Genetics
•Department of Psychiatry
•Department of Ophthalmology
•Department of Internal Medicine
•Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
•Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy
Institute of Health Sciences
•Department of Nursing Science and Health Administration
•Department of Public Health Science and General Practice
Faculty of Education
Degree programmes:
•Primary Teacher Education
•Intercultural Teacher Education
•Technology Oriented Primary Teacher Education
•Arts and Crafts Oriented Primary Teacher Education
•Early Childhood Educ
全球高校網(4ICU)國家高校排名 4 Internationl Colleges & Universities 13
韋伯麥特里克斯網(Webometrics)世界大學排名webometrics 309
2013 QS世界大學排名QS TOP 253, 國家排名 4
芬蘭四季如春是世界上環境氣候最好的國家之一,其獨特的文化背景和自然風光對留學生散發著無盡的魅力。 |